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Send us your queries using the form below and we will get back to you with a solution. error - "authorizeNetSettledTransProcessor.processGetTransactions".

After the recurring payment run, we do a check for direct debits(eChecks) / cards that have settled. 

The processor has run and has found transactions that do not have a corresponding entry in Salesforce hence the error.

This could be as you are doing payments with in another system and not just Payments2us/Salesforce, then the transactions do not exist in Salesforce. When we do a check, we cannot locate those payments and mark them off.

  • The other product has created the transaction
  • Payments2us is checking for all transactions in That transaction does not exist, so is reporting it as an error.

The error message includes the Trans Id. You can use that to locate the transaction in

Updated at October 10th, 2024

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