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Payment Gateway

Topics on Payment Gateway

All Payment Gateways

What Payment Gateways are available to use with Payments2Us? Currently Payments2U ...

What Payment Gateways are available to use with Payments2Us?

Currently Payments2Us is available with:

Windcave (formally Payment Express) -

Stripe -

Authorize.Net -

NAB Transact -

EziDebit -

Global Payments Oceania -

DataTrans -

payFURL -

Blackbaud -

Please see the what are the differences between payment gateway article.

If you have any queries regarding other payment gateways, please email


How can I handle credit card and paypal on the same Payment Form. Do I need to have two webhooks on the same Payment Form?

Your question might also look like " I have Stripe and Paypal both option on Payment Form and I do need both to be configured both on single form but payment form only gives me the option of single webhook key. It seems that you either need to go with Stripe or with Paypal, but the solutions is to use a different payment form for each. Attached a picture of the form's section."

Whilst the webhooks are specified at the Payment Form level, they are NOT specific to that Payment Form. You can create two Payment Forms, one for Stripe, one for PayPal and enter the corresponding webhook in each respective Payment Form.
So you would specify Stripe and the Stripe Webhook Secret Key on Payment Form 1.

And specify PayPal and the PayPal Webhook Secret Key on Payment Form 2.

You can then use Stripe or PayPal as checkout options with with Payment Form.


How do we setup a test Merchant Facility?

The simplest way is to use the Create Samples from the About Payments2Us Tab. This will generate a DEMO FACILITY in the merchant facility tab and that will have a test account.

If you have created a Full or Partial Sandbox and that has included copies of your Merchant Facility, then you will first need go to the Merchant Facility Tab, then rename the DEMO FACILITY or delete it. Then use the Create Samples again from the Merchant Facility.

If you want to test using your payment gateway specific, vs. the Windcave generated one, or you wish to see the transactions in the Payment Gateways online portal, then you will need to contact the Payment Gateway directly and setup your own test account. Most Payment Gateway providers provide an online option for this, some require you to lodge a support request.

If in a newly generated sandbox, you may wish to review the Sandbox FAQ on Sandboxes.

TIP: If creating / generating a new new test/demo facility, you will most likely need to re-authorise Payments2Us.


A credit card is being declined and it should not happen

Payments2Us integrates with a Payment Gateway. The Payment Gateway is what validates and charges a card. The success/response is recorded back in Salesforce (1).

For some gateways, such as Windcave, you need to get card types as Amex or Diners setup as a separate Merchant Facility. Contact if using Windcave payment gateway only.

For all other Payment Gateways, you'll need to contact the payment gateway provider directly. Provide them the date/time, amount, card holder name and transaction references (2). They will be able to provide you with a reason of why the card was declined.


Windcave Specific

How can I set the message that appears on the bank statement of the customer? For ...

How can I set the message that appears on the bank statement of the customer?

For customers using the Windave payment gateway:

Apart from merchants using the First Data (FDRA) Australian network, the bank specifies what will appear on the customers statements. If you would like a different name to appear on them, then you are best to contact your local bank representative. If you are transacting on the FDRA network, then you will need to inform us what you would like to appear on your cardholder's statements and also inform your bank.


Some card types are not working and others are - E.g. Mastercard Credit, Visa Credit are working, but Visa Debit cards are not.

Option 1.

When you setup your Merchant Facilities, did you get this card type included? It is normal for Visa/Mastercard to be setup and included, but you will also need a separate Merchant Facility for American Express, Diners Card etc.

If you did get this setup, did you notify that you wish to use this facility and provide the Merchant Info?. If not, please contact with the details. Please note, additional Merchant Facilities do attract a once-off/one time setup fee.

Option 2.

Please contact your Merchant Facility provider (bank) and let them know which card types are not working.

AFTER checking with Merchant Facility provider, if have not been able to resolve then please contact

Option 3.

If the issuing bank is say an overseas bank, then it could be that particular bank that is causing the issue. The card holder will need to contact the bank and ask them to resolve.


Our Payment Gateway is Windcave, how do the different usernames and passwords work?

There are a series different sets of usernames:

  • Payline Account - This is the Windcave portal username that can be used to view all the transactions from within Windcave via
  • PxPost Account - This is the account used to enter into the Payment Gateway UserID field on your Merchant Facility. Enter the password for this account in the Payment Gateway Password field. This is the connection between Salesforce and Windcave. If these credentials are incorrect the transactions will be declined.

For customers who also use PxPay (Prepay), you will also have:

  • PxPay Account - This is the account used in the the PxPay/PxFusion UserID field. Enter the password for this account in the PxPay/PxFusion Password field.

Things to note:

  • Each username has it's own password. They are unrealated and if any change will not change the other accounts.
  • Changing of passwords for all accounts need to be manually done through Windcave. They cannot be reset within the Payline portal. If you need to reset any passwords contact Windcave via
  • If you reset any passwords, everywhere that uses those credentials will need to be updated
  • Payments2Us does not hold any of your passwords not has the authority to access or reset passwords.
  • When contacting Windcave you will need to quote your Customer Number. If you do not have this contact to retrieve

Why changes made to HPP (PxPay) in Payline is not reflecting in the Payment forms?

You can make changes to the HPP in Payline, but only the Windcave support can apply changes to live pages. So once you make your changes you will have to lodge a request to Windcave support ( to make those updates live.


Will resetting the Payline password cause any issue/break any setting with Payments2us?

Payline is used for you can access online to your account. You can log into this

Please note that this is not needed by Payments2Us . Resetting the Payline password will not have any impact on Payments2Us setup.


Why am I getting so many Payment Txn’s at a Status of “Confirmation” (Windcave PxPay)?

The way the process for the forms work is:

  1. Payments2Us Checkout form (users enters details)
  2. We create the Payment Txn - status of "Confirmation" - includes details entered
  3. We pass over to the Windcave PxPay form
  4. User enters payment details
    1. [THIS STEP SHOULD NOT HAPPEN, but is currently setup] User sees Windcave PxPay screen.
  5. Windcave returns to Payments2Us checkout screen.
  6. Payments2Us checks Windcave to confirm the payment details. Then updates the Payment Txn to a status of "Payment Complete"

If step 6 of this setup procedure has not been implemented, the transaction created will be in Confirmation status.

TIP: Do not close the screen/browser after step 4a: What usually happens is that the user completes steps 1, 4a and they see they have paid and all is okay, then they close the screen/browser and that stops steps 5 and 6. So, Salesforce does NOT get updated.

Solution will be to complete Step 6 in the setup link-

 The "Next" button confirms that the transaction was initiated from Payments2Us. 


Can we have a different currency other than AUD on the checkout form?

Multi currency only works with a Merchant Facility of NAB in Australia and BNZ in NZ.

This feature can be used with the above banks if an organization would like the customer/donor to select a different currency on the checkout form


Regular payments with expired dates are failing or how to I ignore expiry dates

You need to make sure your Merchant Facility (known as the Acquirer) has given permission and setup your account for ignoring recurring payment expiry dates AND they have applied those settings to your account. 

Should you not do this step, then you are likely to be in breach of your terms and conditions with the acquirer and the transactions are likely to fail.

Note, the ignoring of expiry dates is ONLY available for recurring billing. The initial sign up or card updates will always require and expiry date.

Once you have confirmed permission with the acquirer, then you can enable "Use Client Type - Recurring" on the Merchant Facility


Why do I get the error "Authorisation failed the transaction was declined.  Funds were not transferred (76)" when updating card details?

When the card is updated, an Auth transaction for $0.01 is attempted. This does NOT charge the card, but reserves 1 cent. This reserve disappears after 7 days.

The card holder most likely does not have any funds left/over their limit and the transaction has failed.

Try in a few days time, or contact the card holder.

If the card still fails, ask the card holder to contact their bank to see why the funds are not being approved.

The error message is returned from the payment gateway (Windcave) and is not something generated by Payments2Us. You can try contacting their support, but extremely likely to be asked to contact the Card holder and ask them to check with their bank.


Why do I get error "The transaction was Declined (JD)"?

This error means the Billing Token is invalid.

The billing token is located on the Recurring Payment Object and is used to charge the Credit Card for Recurring Billing/Donations.

What may have happened is Windcave Billing Tokens often have 4 or 5 leading zeros. If you have migrated the data and used Excel, then it is likely the leading zeros were removed.

Update the Billing Token on the Recurring Payment with the Correct Token.


How do I remove the Windcave logo and/or Privacy Statement from the form?

It is part of your contractual agreement in using Windcave to have both the logo and privacy terms shown. You therefore cannot remove these.


We are using/have recently move to Commonwealth Bank (CBA) for our Merchant Facility/Acquiring and now the Bank Deposit Date is wrong

For CBA, after you go live, please keep an eye on the Bank Deposit date. If the Bank Deposit Date does not change from day to day, then this means CBA have missed a setup step. The below is what we've been told in the past in relation to the issue/fix that CBA needs to do:

The merchant officer mentioned that they made a change to settlement options and timing to fix issue

  • (CHANGED TO) Bank Initiated, vs. Merchant Initiated.
  • Windcave advised "enabling Host Settlement"

PLEASE NOTE, this is something only CBA can fix. There is nothing that Payments2Us or Windcave can change.

NOTE: Windcave is retiring the connectivity to CBA as the acquirer in 17 April 2023. You will need to get Acquiring through Windcave Directly or switch Payment Gateways. 
With Windcave doing the acquiring, the funds can still settle into your bank account.
We advise acting on this early as application process can take some time. You can apply directly to Windcave at:

Should you have further questions, please contact Windcave Support or Sales directly


Why I am getting "Authorisation Failed" error and Payment Response Text says "Transmission Error"?

When the "Payment Response Text" field says "TRANSMISSION ERROR" this is an indicator that this is an issue with Windcave Please check the below link from Windcave website FAQ: and look for the below question.

What happens when I get a "Transmission Error" response for a transaction?

Your 1st step should be to check if your telecommunications lines are still active and your Keyset hasn't changed. You should then proceed to contact Windcave to help troubleshoot.


Why do I get a Payment Gateway error of "Payment Response Code" is "AF" and  Payment Response Text is "TRANSMISSION ERROR"

This indicates an issue with the Payment Gateway. It is normally temporary and should resolve relatively quickly.

For further information, please contact Windcave Support.

Note, Windcave does offer an alert service for interuptions - please check their website or contact Windcave Support for more info or signing up.


How can I check the status of Windcave? Is Windcave down? & Why am I getting timeout errors?

Should Windcave service be down, you will likely get a timeout error.

You can check the status of Windcave and subscribe to outage alerts at:

Should you get timeout errors, we do have a process that runs 4 times a day to check the Payment Txn in Salesforce with Windcave online. It is also a good idea for you to check Payment Txns in Salesforce status vs. the Status of the payment in Windcaves online portal (PayLine)


We are using Windcave PxPay and notice the Credit Card Number is not showing

For Windcave PxPay, the Card Numbers only show after the Captcha has been completed AND the "Next" button is pressed.

After the "Next" button is pressed, the Windcave hosted PxPay form will display and that will prompt for the card holder and card details.


Windcave IP Address Update email - June 2023

If you have received an email from Windcave advising on an IP Address update and to ask your Technical Teams to take action, then the following applies:

  • We do not believe this will impact our customers as the request come from the Salesforce servers and not your own IP address. We use specific URL (Endpoints) and these are not changing.
  • Should we have any news or updates, this FAQ will be updated. So, please check back before the proposed go live date of 15th August 2023


I have received an email from Windcave with "Changes to ANZ Worldline and Windcave Connectivity- Action Required Before 21 October 2023"

To take a payment you need 3 components:

  1. App to capture the payment. This is Payments2Us
  2. A Payment Gateway. This connects to the Banking System and transfers the funds to your Merchant Facility.
    For your organisation, this would be setup to use Windcave and that is sold through Payments2Us.
  3. A Merchant Facility. This is like a line of credit and holds your funds for a little while and normally on a daily basis then settles into your bank account. This is the component of credit card processing that normally charges a percentage fee.
    If you are getting this email, then this means you currently have a Merchant Facility with ANZ

What this email is saying is that Windcave are no longer supporting ANZ as a 3rd party Merchant Facility (3).

The choices you have are:

  1. Get the Merchant Facility through Windcave.
    This is the simplest option and least hassle to do. It also means no interruption to regular payments/donations.
    The email from Windcave would have some notes on how to apply for this. As noted above, this is like a line of credit, so not all organisations will be approved. For this reason, we recommend applying sooner than later.
  2. Switch to a different Payment Gateway.
    You can use any of our supported payment gateways.
    Note, for this option, if you have regular givers/payers then you'll need them to sign up again to get use the new gateway.

How do I adjust information shown on PxPay Checkout?

To adjust details shown on the Windcave PxPay form (1) as shown below, you will need to login into the online version of Windcave online portal

You can find details in the Windcave documentation under the Hosted Payment Page (HPP) section.

If you need more help, please contact WINDCAVE SUPPORT.


Why do I can an error "Authorisation Failed:The transaction was Declined (Q8)"

This is most likely due to using a non supported currency.

On the Merchant Facility, there is a Currency field.  Update this to be one that is supported by Windcave and your Merchant Facility (bank)


Does Windcave provide provide transactions audit logs?

You can see transactions and report on transactions in the Windcave online Payline Portal.

However, the online portal does not include detailed logs of the integrations payloads between Payments2Us and Windcave like some other Payment Gateways do. We are not aware of their support being able to provide this.

If you require future information, please contact Windcave support directly.


Why do I get an error message: "Payment Failed - Gateway error. IO Exception: Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable...."

If you get an error message similar to the one shown below, then it is possible that you are using a Windcave developer/test account that that this account has been setup on the incorrect Environment.

On the Merchant Facility, there is an Environment picklist field.  This is normally set to Sandbox for developer/test accounts.  You can try changing this to Production.
If you get an error when trying to save, then it is likely the validation rule "Merchant Facility Validation Rule (Managed)" needs to be de-activated.  This is on the Merchant Facility Object. Specific

How do I enable eCheck for once-off payments? On the Merchant Facility, select "e ...

How do I enable eCheck for once-off payments?

On the Merchant Facility, select "eCheck Once-off" in the "Payment Gateway Options" field


When do eCheck's settle?

eChecks can take up to 6 days to clear and settle into your bank account. The Payment Txn will have a status of "eCheck Pending" until it is settled.

When the daily Recurring Payment Processor finishes, a second process is started that checks for transactions over the last 7 days to see if the transaction have settled successfully or not. The Payment Txn status is updated to "Payment Complete" if the transaction was successful and "Error" if it was not. The transaction check processor also updates the Payment Txn field "Settlement Date/Time" and assigns the Batch Id to "Payer Id" field.

For more on eCheck settlements, see How does the eCheck.Net settlement process work?


eCheck Payment Txn's are stuck at the status of "eCheck Pending" and/or Banked Payment is not going to YES

Please see the FAQ Above "When do eChecks's settle".

The Recurring Payment Process MUST be started, even if you are not using Recurring Payments. The Recurring Payment Processor when finished then triggers another processor that checks for eChecks being settled and will then mark the transactions as Payment Complete or Error.

See FAQ on starting batch processors (but select the one for "Recurring Payment Processor")


I'm getting Error "Authorisation Failed: User authentication failed due to invalid authentication values"

This is an error message returned from It generally means you have the wrong username/password details entered in the Merchant Facility Tab in Salesforce. Or, you may have the Environment on the Merchant Facility incorrectly set (Production/Sandbox).

Please note, the "Sandbox" environment is used with accounts located at: If you are using a production account, but in "Test Mode", then this will most likely require the environment to still be set to Production. When "Test Mode" is enabled, will only allow test cards to be used.

If using and environment of Sandbox, please make sure "Test Mode" is also set in the portal. error “The FDC Merchant ID or Terminal ID is incorrect.  Call Merchant Service Provider”

To take a payment, you need 3 components.

  1. An Online form/App - This is Payments2Us (Payments2Us also includes receipting, deduplication, events, memberships etc).
  2. A Payment Gateway. This connects the form with the card holders bank - no matter where they are on the planet and transfers the funds to the Merchant Facility.
  3. A Merchant Facility. This is like a line of credit. If the card holder queries the transaction, the funds go back to the card holder form the merchant facility.

The Merchant Facility then puts the funds into your bank.

For item 2, your organisation has selected

For item 3, this can be with or any other provider of Merchant Services.

You will also see in the error message "The FDC Merchant ID or Terminal ID is incorrect. Call Merchant Service Provider" that says to contact the "Merchant Service Provider" - This is what is described in item 3 above.

You will see when signing up for that they have the option of item 2 only OR item 2+3 -

So, you need to contact and ask them to add/setup a Merchant Facility. Or, ask them for guidance on how you get this setup. error - "authorizeNetSettledTransProcessor.processGetTransactions".

After the recurring payment run, we do a check for direct debits(eChecks) / cards that have settled. 

The processor has run and has found transactions that do not have a corresponding entry in Salesforce hence the error.

This could be as you are doing payments with in another system and not just Payments2us/Salesforce, then the transactions do not exist in Salesforce. When we do a check, we cannot locate those payments and mark them off.

  • The other product has created the transaction
  • Payments2us is checking for all transactions in That transaction does not exist, so is reporting it as an error.

The error message includes the Trans Id. You can use that to locate the transaction in error - "Bill to first name is required" when doing a Refund.

This is an error message returned by not Payments2us. Please login to your account and check if you have First Name as required field.

Also if the payment is not settled please do a refund by checking the Void field in the refund screen.

What does ticking the "Void Transaction" checkbox do when processing a refund? 


I'm getting Error "The Global Payment System Identification numbers are incorrect. Call Merchant Service Provider."

To take a payment, you need 3 components.

  1. An Online form/App - This is Payments2Us (Payments2Us also includes receipting, deduplication, events, memberships etc).
  2. A Payment Gateway. This connects the form with the card holders bank - no matter where they are on the planet and transfers the funds to the Merchant Facility.
  3. A Merchant Facility. This is like a line of credit. If the card holder queries the transaction, the funds go back to the card holder form the merchant facility.

The Merchant Facility then puts the funds into your bank.

For item 2, your organisation has selected

For item 3, this can be with or any other provider of Merchant Services.

You will also see in the error message ""The Global Payment System Identification numbers are incorrect. Call Merchant Service Provider." that says to contact the "Merchant Service Provider" - This is what is described in item 3 above.

You will see when signing up for that they have the option of item 2 only OR item 2+3 -

So, you need to contact and ask them to add/setup a Merchant Facility. Or, ask them for guidance on how you get this setup.


EziDebit Specific

Do you use or update the Plan in EziDebit? Payments2Us does not use, create or up ...

Do you use or update the Plan in EziDebit?

Payments2Us does not use, create or update the plan in EziDebit.
Payments2Us uses the "plan" / schedule on the Recurring Payment. The Recurring Payment Processor that runs each morning will generate and charge Cards/Direct Debits that are due on that day.


Do you charge the Direct Debit account holder when they sign up?

No, the online setup form is used to tokenise the account details and to create the Recurring Payment Schedule.

For EziDebit, the Recurring Payment is automatically marked as Active. The Recurring Payment Processor will generate a charge on the Next Payment Date.


Why Payment TXN Errors with message “Invalid value provided for the 'DebitDate' parameter. The Date cannot be more than 30 days in the past and valid values are in the format of 'YYYY-MM-DD'”?

This error occurs if the attempted charge date is more than 30 days of the Transaction date on the Payment Txn.


How can we process Credit Card payments without CVV?

You can use Transact Payment to process cards without CVV. See Transact Payment for more information.


Why do I get the error "You must provide a value for either the ‘EziDebitCustomerID’ parameter or the ‘YourSystemReference’ "?

This error occurs when the "Payment Gateway Customer Profile Id" on the Recurring Record is blank.

The most common reason for this is the Recurring Record was created manually and the Account Details were updated manually rather than via the Update Account Details button.

To solve this,

  1. Update the field with Contract Id from Ezidebit for the payee, if payee exists in Ezidebit.
  2. If payee does not exist in Ezidebit then Update the Account details via Update Account Details button.

See link Section 5


Why am I getting the error "Error 102 Invalid Digital Key"?

(1) The Invalid digital key error is mostly associated with keys wrongly entered on the Merchant Facility.

Please make sure you have the values correctly entered as below.

  1. Enter the EziDebit Supplied "Public Key" into the "Payment Gateway User Id" field
  2. Enter the EziDebit Supplied "Digital Key" into the "Payment Gateway Password" field


(2) Organization Id on the Merchant Facility is incorrect. Please check if you have the correct Organization Id entered

How to locate your Salesforce Org ID 

If this does not solve the issue, you can contact Ezidebit to make sure the keys provided is for Ezidebit Production/ Ezidebit Sandbox.


(3) Your "Environment" field on the Merchant Facility is set incorrectly. For example, this should have "Production" when using live Credentials.


(4) You have entered the Username/Password for the EziDebit online portal. The digital key is different; please contact EziDebit for the Digital keys for integration.


Why am I getting the error "EziDebitUtil.TestPublicKey, try/catch : Unexpected character ('<' (code 60)): expected a valid value (number, String, array, object, 'true', 'false' or 'null') at input location [1,2]"?

This looks like EziDebit did not respond or came back with an error when we tried to generate a one time key for the integration.

Should this be once off or very sporadic then it can be ignored. If not, we'll need EziDebit to investigate as their servers are not responding in a timely manner or responding with incorrect information.


With EziDebit credit card transactions that are processed through the Batch Processor, are they considered "Online/real-time" Online payments for businesses  or "Direct Debit" Direct Debit Payment Solution

We maintain the Credit Card and Direct Debit schedule in Salesforce and do not use the EziDebit Inbuild recurring billing.

For Recurring Payments, we use the ProcessRealTimeTokenPayment EziDebit API for Credit Cards and the AddPaymentUnique EziDebit API for Direct Debits


Why is the Payment Txn stuck with a status of Direct Debit Processing?

Unlike Credit Cards, Direct Debits do NOT settle the same day. They may take between 3 and 7 days (or even up to 10 days in some rare instances) to settle.

After the Recurring Payment Processor is run in the early hours of the morning, a second processor is run that checks EziDebit to see if the transactions have settled. Once they do, the status is changed to Payment Complete and the normal receipting and updates processing occurs.


Why do I get an Error Message, with Program Area: EziDebitUtil.GetPayments and Subject: ED.GetPayments

The EziDebitUtil.GetPayments is a process that run every morning. It runs 10 times. This is once of every one of the 10 previous days.

This error log would be an unexpected response from EziDebit. We can assume that this is a temporary issue with their servers and that it would be rectified shortly.

As the routine goes back over the last 10 days each morning, anything missed today will be picked up and corrected tomorrow morning.

If this still causes you concern, please contact EziDebit Support and provide them with the approximate date/time. Perhaps also ask to sign up to their service interruption emails.


Why do I get Error Message "Ezidebit API Error (108): Invalid mobile phone number entered" when a card holder does a card update?

The card update screen generally only displays the card details.  Behind the scenes, we also copy information such as phone, mobile onto the Payment Txn record and use some of this as part of the card update/validation.  This is required as part of the card update process.  

The error means that the Recurring Payment, related Contact has an invalid Mobile Phone.  Update the value in this and then try again.


Why do I get Error Message "Unknown error found whilst processing Credit Card"

When you choose to pay via credit card, you are getting the following error “Unknown error found whilst processing credit card"

This is an error response from Ezidebit. Therefore to confirm the issue please try the following:

  1. Close browser and start from scratch
  2. Try testing with different card details
  3. Make sure the mobile entered is valid as EziDebit requires this

If it is still giving the same error then please reach out to EziDebit to get specific reason why error is thrown. Because this response if returned from them. It could potentially be a temporary issue at their end


Stripe Specific

From which field does the Statement Description on card holders account populate ...

From which field does the Statement Description on card holders account populate with?

The Statement Description on Card holders account comes from the Merchant Facility-> "Organisation Name"  field.


Why do I get the error "signed document does not match hash check"?

This generally means the Webhook Secret Key has not been setup correctly.


Stripe Support has asked for the Request Id, how/where do I find this?

Locate the Payment Txn that you are looking to have investigated, then locate:

  • Payment Confirmation No.
  • If the Payment Confirmation No. is blank, then use Payer Id

Login to Stripe Dashboard, then go to:

Paste the valued (Payment Confirmation No. OR Payer Id) from above into the search box and press enter (1)

Then copy the value of the id beginning with "req_". This is what you need to send to Stripe support.


I cannot see/edit the Expiry Date or CVV

For some themes, the Expiry date and CVV can be a little light and harder to see. User will see this when entering the card details.
Should this be a concern, you can:

  1. Select a different "Theme" option on the Merchant Facility
  2. Change the Payment Gateway on the Merchant Facility to "Stripe SCA". This is the preferred option for Stripe as it uses their newer APIs
  3. Get your web developer to setup custom theme.Note, custom themes do have an extra monthly cost and should your web developer have questions that cannot be answered from the help guide, then you may need a Premium Support Block to assist. The advantage to this option though is your form would better match the rest of your websites branding.


How can I separate out the card number, CVV and expiry date

For Stripe, the section highlighted below is controlled 100% by Stripe. It is hosted on their server. 

There is no way to split this out or separate these fields. The Payments2Us Payment Form builder has no influence on these fields.


We are getting a Stripe Webhook failure email

If you are getting an email from Stripe Saying you are getting a Webhook Failure, then check:

  1. Go through the Stripe setup process again. Make SURE you have used the Reveal for the secret key, vs. copying another reference shown on the page.
  2. Recheck all Sharing Rules have all been setup correctly. Suggested Sharing Rule setups do change from time to time.
  3. The Payment Txn is located by the "TxnRef" field AND Last Modified Date (Created date prior to version 9) is in the last 5 days. Probably it can occur when your admin has enabled Create Audit Fields - please get this turned off.

Why are Credit Card fields missing from Stripe SCA?

For Stripe SCA, the Credit Card details do not show until the "Next" button is pressed.  This is due to the way Stripe SCA works and its method of managing security features such as Secure 3D.


What is the difference between Payment Gateway "Stripe" and "Stripe SCA"

See payment gateway comparison for an up-to-date comparison between gateway options.

The "SCA" in "Stripe SCA" stands for Strong Customer Authentication. This means it includes Secure 3D anti fraud functionality to make transactions more secure.

Any new functionality of Payments2Us will only be added to "Stripe SCA". Currently a big difference is Apple Pay and Google Pay are only available with "Stripe SCA".

One key user experience difference is "Stripe SCA" requires users to press the "Next" button before the credit card/payment details section will show.


Can I take a payment without a CCV or setup a Recurring Payment without a CCV

For Stripe, all external facing forms require a CCV

When you are logged in as a Salesforce user, CCV is optional with:


Why do I see an error saying "Expiry Date Update is not available for Payment Gateway Stripe"

Stripe does NOT provide use with the ability to just update the expiry date. That is why the message on the Card Expiry Update shows.

Some gateways do provide this. You can see a comparison at: What are the differences between Payment Gateways? 

You'll need to do a full Card Update with Stripe but using the "Card Update" button/component on the Recurring Payment Object. Alternatively send the Card Update link to the Card Holder so they can update the details.

Follow up question we some times receive: Can we update the expiry date within the Stripe Dashboard.

Unfortunately this update within Stripe will not sync back to Salesforce. For the next charge, we will still be sending the old expiry date and this will cause the payment to fail. 
You'll need to use the Card Update and enter the full details from the Recurring Payment, or send the Card Update link to the Card Holder so they can update the Card Details.


We can’t seem to use the Credit Card Expiry field on our Recurring Payments

Stripe needs Expiry date in correct format and therefore the Card Expiry Date is editable by anyone. We have a different field "Expiry MMYYY" which can be edited and that in turn will update the "Card Expiry Date".

"Expiry MMYYY" field might not be available by default and you may need to add it from page layouts.


We are getting Card Error: Sending credit card numbers directly to the stripe API is generally unsafe. We suggest you use test tokens that map to the test card you are using. when using Batch Entries and Import Files functionality.

When you are processing a Batch Entries or Import Files you might get error message as below

This is because stripe has recently made some changes to their API wherein you have to enable the below setting when you send credit card numbers to their API.

Login to your Stripe account and go to Business settings | Integration | Advanced Settings. Enable Process payments unsafely.

Please note that the above changes are only required for Batch Entries or Import Files, normal checkout form uses the updated API and will not require any changes.

Stripe allowed users that registered before 2017 to continue using the API without throwing this security issue. Only newly registered users get this warning so they may be able conceive the payment differently using the new token mechanism released in April 2019


How do I turn off the Autofill Link button that appears over the Credit Card Entry?

If you are seeing the "Autofill Link" on your checkout entry of Stripe, you can disable this in your Stripe account.

Log into your Stripe Dashboard, then go to settings > payments > payment methods:

Expand the "Link" option and turn off. Make sure you complete the Stripe Survey and press SAVE.


Why do some Billing Tokens on the Recurring Payment Start with "card_" and others start with "pm_"?

"card_" is the older version of Stripe

"pm_" is the newer version. This will appear when you use Stripe SCA as the payment gateway on the Merchant Facility.

You may have a mixture of the two because you changed the Payment Gateway on the Merchant Facility from "Stripe" to "Stripe SCA" or perhaps the Billing Tokens were migrated from a previous system.

Generally, either can be used and both will work fine, but if you have ones beginning with "pm_" then we recommend using "Stripe SCA". This is nothing to be concerned about.


Why do I get the Payment Gateway Response "This Customer doesn't have any legacy saved payment details, but does have a Payment Method attached. Use a Payment Intent instead of creating a Charge:"?

This error can occur when you have migrated tokens from another solution to Payments2Us, or have switched from a Payment Gateway of "Stripe SCA" back to "Stripe".

To fix, navigate to the "Merchant Facility" Tab. Click into the Merchant Facility being used and change the Payment Gateway from "Stripe" to "Stripe SCA".


NAB Transact

Why are we getting "CRN does not exist" error on checkout form? Please check if t ...

Why are we getting "CRN does not exist" error on checkout form?

Please check if the sharing rules have been setup properly. Especially check for the Recurring Payments Sharing Settings.

Add Recurring Payments Sharing Settings

Note: this is applicable if the error is in the Payment Gateway Response Desc


Why can I not see details such as email in NAB Transact?

We pass as many details as we possibly can to NAB Transact. The integration options are very limited an email is not an item that is available to us.

We do pass in the "Billing Token" field form the Payment Txn to the Transaction Reference (aka Purchase Order No.) field in NAB Transact.

All reporting should be completed from within Salesforce. This will have all the details you need, including Email address.

The use of NAB Transact login should be in the very rare circumstance of an issue between NAB Transact and Salesforce reconciling.


NAB have asked us to review their Risk Management settings in NAB Transact

If NAB have asked you to review their Risk Management settings in NAB Transact and adjust them to meet the Payments2Us security and ensure the Payments2Us Risk software is compatible with the NAB Transact Risk settings, then please note:

  • These settings are in addition to ours. The most restrictive of either NAB Transact settings or our settings will be used. Our settings are applied first before submitting the transactions to NAB Transact.
  • We do have a number of settings that are configurable, such as the Risk and IP Management.
  • Salesforce as a platform also provides a number of inbuilt security controls that we leverage.

To answer this question, the you can use the NAB Transact settings in conjunction with ours. If the NAB settings are less restrictive than PaymentsUs settings then the Payments2Us settings will apply.

Sample below of NAB Transact Risk Settings that you may be asked to confirm.


I received an email from Nab Transact "Changes are coming to your NAB Transact Service"

If you have received an email from NAB Transact advising on ciphers decommissioned update and to ask your Technical Teams to take action, then the following applies:

  • We do not believe this will impact our customers as all the request goes from the Salesforce servers and not from Payments2Us. Also, Salesforce requires that Cipher Suites used for outbound calls meet security standards. Currently, TLS version v1.2 is supported as Cipher Suites for Marketing Cloud and Salesforce Services outbound calls.For more information refer to Salesforce article
  • Should we have any news or updates, this FAQ will be updated. So, please check back before the proposed go live date of 12th Oct 2023