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7.13/7.14 August 2020

7.13/7.14 Release notes

Datatrans Payment Gateway added

  • Includes Credit Cards and Post Finance Cards processing
  • Online Checkout Charge Card
  • Online Checkout Sign up for regular donation today
  • Online Checkout sign up for a regular donation future date
  • Donor self update card
  • Online Checkout Authorise Card
  • Authorised Card Complete
  • Recurring Payment Processor
  • Get Status/Check processor
  • Refunds
  • Token charge
  • Card Update - internal Salesforce user


  • Peer-to-peer Search page updated so it can be iframed in (if needed)
  • Uploading of images no longer reports an error due to Salesforce Sites Guest user security changes.

General Updates

  • Annual Receipt letter template maintenance area updated to not show an error message
  • Suggested donations - updated to support more currency Symbols - for currencies: CHF, INR, THB ,IDR, NOK, SEK, ZAR, TRY
  • Permission Sets updated to provide required access to Batch Entry Line
  • Correct BPAY Text repeating if only option on checkout

7.13/7.14 Post upgrade steps

Merchant Facility Object

  • Field: Payment Gateway add value “Datatrans” to all record types
  • Field Dependency: “Payment Gateway” to “Payment Gateway Options”- for Datatrans enable “Enforce New Public Sites Security”
  • If your instance does not have a field dependency relationship previously setup, then you can skip this step
  • Field Dependency: “Payment Gateway” to “Payment Gateway Methods”- for Datatrans enable: Credit Card, Invoice Me, Send by Post, Check, Cheque, Pledge, Bank Transfer, PayPal, Manual 
    If your instance does not have a field dependency relationship previously setup, then you can skip this step
  • Field: AAkPay__PayPal_Environment__c (Environment) add “Custom” value. Make sure this is add to ALL record type

Payment Form Object

  • Field: “Active Card Types” Add picklist value “PostFinance Card”

Remote Sites (under setup)

  • Enable DatatransProduction, DatatransSandbox remote sites

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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