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Release Updates

Topics on Release Updates

Scheduled upgrade dates

  About scheduled upgrades Payments2Us updates are automatically pushed out organ ...


About scheduled upgrades

Payments2Us updates are automatically pushed out organisations on the scheduled dates listed in this guide.

If your organisation does NOT want to be included in the automatic upgrades, please contact support @ let them know.

If you'd like to know more about push upgrades, see the Salesforce ISV article Push Upgrades to Subscribers.


Please note, the post install updates MUST be completed by your own Salesforce System Administrator. It is not technically possible for us to perform these steps.

If you would like us to perform the post install steps, then we can do so as part of one of our Premium Support packages.


If you would like to install prior to the scheduled dates, you can install the latest release yourself from the AppExchange. See the procedure How to perform an upgrade.

Upcoming upgrades

10.5 Sandbox - 31st March 2025

10.5 Production - TBA - Likely late April

Previous upgrades

10.2 Production/Sandbox by request from our support 

10.1 Production - 6th January 2025

10.1 Sandbox - 28th October 2024

10.0 Production - 14th October 2024

9.11 Production - 2nd September 2024

10.0 Sandbox - 9th September 2024

9.11 Sandbox - 12th August 2024

9.10 Production - 5th August 2024 and 7th August 2024

9.10 Sandbox - 13th May 2024

9.9.1 Production - 6th of May 2024

9.9.1 Only for those already on 9.9 - 1st April 2024

9.9.1 Sandbox - 8th April 2024

9.9 replaced with 9.9.1

9.8 Production - 4th March 2024

9.8 Sandbox 11th December 2023

9.6/9.7 Sandbox 4th December 2023

9.6/9.7 Production (replaced with 9.8 schedule)

9.5 Production - 7th & 9th November 2023

9.5 Sandbox - 24th July 2023

9.4 Production - Cancelled

9.4 Sandbox - 8th May 2023

9.3.1 Production - 1st May 2023

9.3.1 Sandbox 6th March 2023

9.2 Sandbox 9th Jan 2023

9.2 Production 30th Jan 2023

9.1 Production 21st November 2022

9.1 Sandbox 12th Sept 2022

9.0 Production 1st Aug 2022

9.0 Sandbox 11th July 2022

8.13 Production and Sandbox 6th March 2022

8.12 Production 17th Feb 2022

8.12 Sandbox 16th Feb 2022

8.10 & 8.11 Sandbox - 7th February 2022

8.9 Production - 29th November 2021

8.8 Sandbox - 4th October 2021

8.8 Production - 25th October 2021

8.9 Sandbox - 1st of November

8.6 Sandbox - 26th July 20201

8.6 Production - 9th August 2021

8.4 Sandbox - 12th April 2021

8.5 Sandbox - 26th April 2021

8.4 Production - 3rd May 2021 (EziDebit customers upgraded to 8.5)

8.5 Production - 17th May 2021

8.3 Production - 25th January 2021

8.0.1 Production - 11th January 2021

8.3 Sandbox - 11th January 2021

8.0.1 Sandbox - 4th January 2021

7.11 Production - 10th August 2020

7.11 Sandbox - 20th July 2020

7.10 Production -6th July 2020

7.10 Sandbox - 8th June 2020

7.9 Production - 16th March 2020

7.9 Sandbox - 16th March 2020

Prior versions to 7.9 not automatically pushed out

How to perform an upgrade

eviousl It is a best practice to install and test your key business processes in ...


It is a best practice to install and test your key business processes in a Sandbox before upgrading your Production instance.


1. Stop any running Recurring Payments Processor and/or Batch Processor

The Merchant Facility tab can be found within the Payments2Us menu (Top right picklist in Salesforce – Select Payments2Us), or it can be found under the “+” at the end of the tabs.

Once you have clicked on the Merchant Facility Tab, click the [GO] button and click into Merchant Facility you wish to update.

1.2. Scroll down to Batch Payments Processors heading and Stop any processors running

Install the latest version from the AppExchange. This can be found at:

Press the "Get It Now" button and follow the installation wizard. For more details on the wizard, please see How to download Payments2Us from the AppExchange

2. Restart any previously running Recurring Payments Processor and/or Batch Processor

The Merchant Facility tab can be found within the Payments2Us menu (Top right picklist in Salesforce – Select Payments2Us), or it can be found under the “+” at the end of the tabs.

Once you have clicked on the Merchant Facility Tab, click the [GO] button and click into Merchant Facility you wish to update.

2.2. Scroll down to Batch Payments Processors heading and start both processors

3. Perform any post upgrade steps

In the Release Updates section of the manual, there are release notes for each release. In each release note specific section, it contains details on the post upgrade notes. Salesforce platform constraints mean that we cannot automatically apply these for you. Please follow these for every release between your previous version and the current one.

4. Errors during upgrades

On some rare occasions, you may receive errors during upgrades. In most cases, this is due to Salesforce limits being exceeded by customisation that your organization has made. This section describes errors that may occur and what to do about them.

4.1. The formula references fields across 11 relationships while only 10 are allowed.

If your install has failed and you receive an error message similar to the one below, this most likely means that your organisation has added some custom formula fields that are of type Cross Object. You can see the Salesforce online Help for details on Cross Object Formula's

The best solution is to log a case with Salesforce Support. Tell them you are trying to implement a package upgrade and are now exceeding the number of cross object formula fields. Perhaps ask for the limit to be increased from 10 to 15.

Sample Error Message:

Your request to install package "AAkPayments 4.5 150609" was unsuccessful. None of the data or setup information in your organization was affected. 
If your install continues to fail, contact Salesforce CRM Support through your normal channels and provide the following information.

Organization: XXXXXXXXX (00DN0000000XXXX) 
User: Administrator (0059000000XXXXX) 
Package: AAkPayments (04tA0000000XXXX)

1. (Payment_Txn__c.Pay_Now__c) The formula references fields across 11 relationships while only 10 are allowed. Please contact support at for more assistance.

4.2. Confirm that you are running the version of the release that you installed

How to I find out what Release my organisation is on?

Installation Trouble Shooting

1. This Package Cannot be installed - Campaigns Missing Organization Features: Re ...

1. This Package Cannot be installed - Campaigns Missing Organization Features: Record Type

This may impact some organisations that have installed versions prior to version 5.

If you receive this message, please follow the following steps first, then try installing again.

  1. Navigate to setup (Top right) > Customize > Campaigns> Record Types
  2. Press New Button

1.2. Enter Record Type Details

  1. Assign a Generic Name
  2. Select the profiles this Generic Campaign is going to be available for
  3. Press Next

1.3. Assign a Page Layout

  1. Assign the Page Layout to be associated with this Campaign
  2. Press SAVE button

You are now ready to try installing again.

2. Account Object does not support actions of type workflow

If you receive the email message of an upgrade not being successful along the lines of "(Account_Subscription__c.Account_Membership_Confirmation_Sent) The Account Subscription object doesn't support actions of type WorkflowTask.", then please do the following before trying again.

This may occur with some customers upgrading on versions prior to version 4.7

2.1. Locate custom object Account Subscription

  1. Navigate to setup > App Setup > Create > Objects
  2. Click 'Edit' next to Account Subscription

2.2. Select Enable Allow Activities and Save

After press Save - retry the installation from the AppExchange

10.5 March 2025

10.5 Release Updates Salesforce Security Review Changes Many backend enhancements ...

10.5 Release Updates

Salesforce Security Review Changes

  • Many backend enhancements have been implemented to further strengthen the app’s security and improve overall performance.

10.2 Release Items

  • Review version 10.2 release items as well because it was not generally available for installation.

Stripe SCA Direct Debit Import

  • Direct debit import was not previously catered for with Stripe SCA Direct Debit. Tokens were not getting set properly in payment txn and recurring payments
  • Now, import file feature can be used for Stripe SCA Direct debit.
  • Review Payments2Us help article listing Stripe Compliance's before using Direct Debit Import File feature for Stripe SCA.

Shopify Custom Fields

  • As part of this release we have integrated the ability of storing custom metadata/fields/properties from shopify to payment item record in salesforce.
  • Review Payments2Us help article for required configurations.

Windcave Reconcilliation Processor

Xero Integration

  • Refresh of Xero Meta Data performs updates, vs. delete and re-insert.  This ensures existing lookups to Meta Data on Invoices etc. remain in place and are not removed.
  • For Xero connection, now only selected organisation/tenant is shown on the success page and also only the selected tenant/organisation is synced against the Xero settings as well.
  • For Xero connection, refresh token is now stored more securely inside protected custom metadata record.

Address Finder

  • Phone Validation Added to Checkout Form Mobile Phone, for Mass Update/Validation to Phone and Mobile 
  • Email Validation Added to Checkout Form  and Mass Update/Validation
  • Data Validated on Contact updated to have data elements that have been validated

General Updates

  • A new license “Production Allowed” was introduced in version 10.2, this license is needed to connect to a production payment gateway environment on a sandbox or DE org.
  • Some fixes and enhancements are done for the advance styling in the payment forms.
    • Amount can be displayed in decimal format as well in the button.
    • Expiry date alignment issue is resolved now.
    • Resolved issue of payment frequency picklist values getting double if labels are changed (i.e. “05” to "5th of Month")
  • Amount tokenisation was not working for Stripe if the currency is JPY. Issue is resolved and new configurations are introduced for storing minimum charge amounts.
  • Stripe FPOS integration, now sets more fields like Production Id and SKU on the payment item record.
  • Previously, Stripe FPOS integration only used to work if the Stripe's merchant facility is set to Primary. Now it will work correctly even if the merchant facility not a primary one. 
  • Ezidebit payment gateway statuc check processor is now correctly setting the Payment Status to “0” or “1” as well along with the other payment related fields.
  • Windcave PxPay return process timing increased to address potential issue of transactions not being marked of correctly as complete.  
  • Windcave PxPay cross domain mismatch errors logged in Payments2Us Error Log file to help administrators with setting up CORS correctly.


10.5 Post Upgrade Steps

Merchant Facility Object (Under setup - Object Manager)

  • Add picklist value WindcavePxPayWrite to field Payment Gateway Options in ALL Record Types.
  • Field Dependencies (Fields & reationships Tab, then button “Field Dependencies”) : Payment Gateway (controlling field) to Payment Gateway Options (dependent field) - For Payment Gateways “Windcave Webservice” and “Windcave PxPay”, include: WindcavePxPayWrite 
  • Field Dependencies: (Fields & reationships Tab, then button “Field Dependencies”) Data Validation Tool (controlling field) to Validate  (dependent field) - For Data Validation Tool “AddressFinder”, include: Phone, Email, DPID
  • Add new picklist field “Shopify Custom Fields” on ALL merchant facility page layouts.
  • Review version 10.2 post upgrade steps as well because it was not generally available for installation.


10.3/10.4 February 2025

These releases had minor updates that were not generally made available and were ...

These releases had minor updates that were not generally made available and were for our internal use only.

10.2 November 2024

10.2 Release update This release is available, but is not yet uploaded to the App ...

10.2 Release update

This release is available, but is not yet uploaded to the AppExchange.  If you would like to manually upgrade, you can contact for the install URL and “Production Allowed” licence option.


Payment Form Changes

  • CCV field is now shown parallel to the Expiry date field on the payment form.
  • Regular Payment Day field can be shown in the Payments section instead of Transaction details section.
  • A new field Field Label Options is introduced on the payment form. Select the option to display either field labels or placeholders or both.
  • Amount and Frequency can be shown on the payment form's submit button. Also custom text can also be added to show donation message.
  • A new checkbox field “Recurring Confirmation” is introduced on the Payment Txn object. It can be used as a confirmation field before submitting the form.
  • Now icons can be added in the payment method options using external stylesheets.
  • Detailed steps are mentioned in the How do I apply more advance CSS styling to form components help article.

Non Profit Cloud Updates

  •    Previously, a new gift transaction or gift commitment was getting created if the we send the payment transaction that has been matched already to the matching process again i.e. setting the status to Receipting Complete. This is addressed as part of this release.
  • Create Opportunity checkbox will be true for the DEMO merchant facility created after installation.
  • Non profit cloud processing i.e. creating gift commitment and gift transaction will only be done if the Donation amount is Not 0$ on the payment transaction.
    • No Opportunity is created if ONLY donation amount is present on the opportunity.
  • Otherwise if both Donation Amount and Payment Amount is present e.g if you had a $100 Membership plus $220 donation, then:
    • Opportunity will be created for the $100 plus tex, freight etc.
    • Gift Commitment or Gift transaction will be created for $20.
  • In case of a Refund transaction, Non profit cloud processing is not done.
  • Gift Default Designation lookup field can be introduced on Payment txn and Payment Item. It will be populated as part of non profit cloud API processing. Make sure the field's API name is Gift_Designation_Id__c.

General Updates

  • Account Id URL parameter (AAkPay__CheckoutM?aid=001QE00000Gi7MMYAZ) was not working for person accounts without including the isPersonAccount = true sharing rule for site users. This is addressed in this new release.
  • Invisible reCAPTCHA version 3 is introduced in the version 10.2.
  • Blackbaud Merchant Services integration updated for non CVC transactions on internal charges of Import Files, Transact Payment, Batch Entry
  • License Option required now to run "Production" mode in Sandboxes or Developer orgs.
  • Transact Payment Updated to save Check/Bank Transfer Details onto Payment Txn.
  • Stripe, corrected issue with currencies such as JPY that do not have decimal points to not transact 100 times the amount entered.
  • Payment Complete Webhook now correctly sets Donation By fields.  Previously only set when Account Id also passed in.

Stripe ETFPOS terminal

  • New Stripe EFTPOS terminal integration added
  • Provides ability for amounts, or product to be selected and transacted on EFTPOS terminal and details to be received in Salesforce
  • Ideal for organisations that accept donations or have a small product and want to have an EFTPOS terminal at reception.
    Alternatively, could be used for charity auction days for recording Sales of auction items.

AddressFinder Updates

  • Phone number and Email now validated as part of Mass address update

Windcave Reconciliation Processor

10. 2 Post Upgrade Steps

Setup > Object Manager - Merchant Facility

  • Add “reCAPTCHA V3” picklist value in the Captcha Type field of Merchant facility object.  Ensure this is added to ALL record types.
  • Deactivate all other picklist values of Captcha Type field f Merchant facility object, excluding Im Not a Robot - Strict and reCAPTCHA V3.
  • Add “PricebookEntry” picklist value in the Excluded from Sites Sharing Settings field of Merchant facility object. Ensure this is added to ALL record types.
  • Add “Production Allowed” picklist value in the License Options of Merchant facility object. Ensure this is added to ALL record types.
  • Add new field “Stripe POS Application Id” on required Payment form page layouts.

10.1 October 2024

10.1 Release updates Blackbaud New Payment Gateway Blackbaud added for Credit Car ...

10.1 Release updates


  • New Payment Gateway Blackbaud added for Credit Card Processing.
  • Processing options include:
    • Checkout Single Payment
    • Checkout Recurring Payment, plus Recurring Payment with future start date
    • Checkout Authorisation, plus Authorisation Complete
    • Recurring Payments Processor
    • Refunds
    • Batch Entry
    • Import File
    • Transact Payment
    • Token Charge
    • Card Update, Card holder card update


  • New Payment Gateway payFURL added to enable access to more than 50 different Payment Gateways
  • Processing options include:
    • Checkout Single Payment
    • Checkout Recurring Payment, plus Recurring Payment with future start date
    • Checkout Authorisation, plus Authorisation Complete
    • Recurring Payments Processor
    • Refunds
    • Void an authorised transaction
    • Batch Entry
    • Import File
    • Transact Payment
    • Token Charge
    • Card Update, Card holder card update

Non Profit Cloud Updates

  • Applied fix for “Business Account may not user Person Account field” exception on the transact payment component.
  •  Gift Transaction and Gift Commitment will not be created for Refund Transaction.
  • Integrated Gift Designation Codes for split payments. Details are in the last section of How does Payments2Us works with Non-Profit Cloud
  • Salesforce Winter 24 Business Processing Fundraising API had issue with blank Campaign Id.  This has now been catered for as part of this release.

Membership Plus Experience Cloud Component Updates

  •  A new picklist value  “Bypass Confirmation page - go to Success URL - Card Update” is introduced in the “Confirmation Page Action” picklist field on Payment form object. If this option is selected then the user will be redirect to provided Success URL in case of card update. This works for experience cloud membership component and on site forms as well. 
  • For group memberships, non primary subscriber group members can also view and update membership details, membership alerts, renew membership and perform card update as well. This can be configured using newly introduced LWC parameter. For details, refer to Experience Cloud Membership Updates and Experience Cloud Membership Alerts article.
  • If the logged in community user doesn't have any membership then they can still update their details using Experience Cloud Profile Updates component. On the other hand, the membership updates component will show error message. Error message wording can be changed from custom labels.


  • In checkout form, if aid parameter is passed with a person account Id then first name,lastname,mobile, address etc. will be defaulted.
  • Ezidebit Last Day double payment issue is resolved in this release. 
  • Ezidebit amount update without updating card details was not working. It is resolved this release.
  • NAB transact import file issue is resolved in this release.
  • Token Charge apex invocable method was not working for Donation Amount. It is resolved in this release.
  • Token Charge apex invocable method error log will be more detailed as compared to earlier logs.
  • Token Charge was missing Amount field in FieldSet.   This has now been restored.
  • Batch Entry custom field(added via fieldset) value was not changing on contact lookup change. It is resolved in this release.
  • Event checkout form was not working for internal users. It is resolved in this release - Including fixing of internal user issue where extra Payment Items were created.
  • Merchant Facility Clone where a Payment Form has Surcharges, but Surcharge is not enabled used to come up with an error.  This release has fixed the error showing and will NOT clone the related Surcharges.
  • Events had permissions issues when running as internal user.  Now corrected.
  • Journal Summarisation Processor had permissions issue with some objects not being reparentable.   The following objects updated to be reparentable Batch Entry Line
    • Import File Translation Code
    • Voucher
    • Direct Debit Payment Txn
    • Xero Account
    • Xero Branding Theme
    • Xero Invoice/Credit Note Line Item
    • Xero Item Code
    • Xero Journal
    • Xero Journal Line
    • Xero Journal Line Transaction
    • Xero Journal Settings Lines
    • Xero Tax Component
    • Xero Tenants 

10.1 Post Upgrade Steps

Merchant Facility Object (Under setup - Object Manager)

  • Add picklist value payFURL to field Payment Gateway in ALL Record Types.
  • Add picklist value Blackbaud to field Payment Gateway in ALL Record Types.
  • Add picklist values Windcave and BPoint to field Payment Gateway Options in ALLRecord Types.
  • Field Dependency Payment Gateway to Payment Gateway Options:
    • For Blackbaud, don't add any options.
    • For payFURL, add Windcave and BPoint.

Payment Form Object (Under setup - Object Manager)

  • Add picklist value Bypass Confirmation page - go to Success URL -  Except Card Update to field Confirmation Page Action in ALL Record Types.

Enable Remote sites for the following:  (Note remote sites is under setup - search "Remote Sites")

  • Blackbaud_Auth
  • Blackbaud_APIs
  • payFURLSandbox
  • payFURLProduction

10.0 August 2024

10.0 Release Updates Memberships New offering of Memberships Plus .  New Experien ...

10.0 Release Updates


  • New offering of Memberships Plus.  New Experience Cloud Components available that enable:
    • Contact/User Information to be updated
    • View membership details, with option to switching from/to Automatic renewal and allows for membership renewal
    • Alert component that shows alerts for:
      • Expiring cards
      • Expiring memberships
      • Card Failed
  • Account Subscriptions.  Corrected issue when Account Subscriptions used with Automatic renewals and the possibility of the Next Payment Date not correctly being set resulting in multiple unplanned charges.

Xero Integration

  • Fetch of Metadata now retrieves and creates/updates Item Codes
  • Payments Sync now Sync from Salesforce to Xero.  This is in addition to the existing Sync of Payments from Salesforce

Nonprofit Cloud

  • Cater for person account fields such as Mobile, Phone, Name, Email.  With previous release, these specific fields would show blank values for these fields.  Updates for Person Accounts have been applied to:
  • Person Accounts will select “Individual” for Donation By and Contacts will default to “Company” Donation By for Transact Payment, Batch Entry.

Token Charge

  • New Invocable Apex “payments2Us Token Charge” component added.  This enables Flows to be able to charge a card on file using Tokens.
  • Correct Issue when adding “Donation Amount” and removing “Amount” field which would cause the total amount calculation to not be calculated correctly.

Transact Payment

  • If entering Account, correctly saves account entered.  Previously, the Contacts Account was saved.
  • Corrected issue when LWC property "Payment Form Record Id" was specified, the correct Payment Form was not being used.


  • Corrected Error being reported where field was too large for Payment Txn
  • Increased IP address field size to 128 characters


  • Corrected multiple Frequencies being shown as selected when Frequencies specified at the Payment Option Level (membership options)
  • Increased Suggested Donation field size from 5 digits to 8 digits
  • Updates to Address Finder to cater for NZ Addresses that had RD1 type formats
  • Card Holder Update where card and/or Amount is updated.  Adjusted amount “authorised” to be a minimum amount, vs. the full amount of the regular payment/donation.  Update applied to all payment gateways.


Payment Gateway Specific updates

  • Stripe SCA - Update to BECS Direct Debit to fix issues for production accounts where Payment Txn status would go to Error instead of Direct Debit Processing
  • Global Payments Oceania  - Now using Sandbox Endpoint URL vs. Mock Endpoint URL
  • Windcave - Update Sandbox Endpoint  URL from Payment Express UAT URL To Windcave UAT URL
  • EziDebit  Added more checks and management of Timeout Issues.  If EziDebit gateway does not respond, then transactions are marked for checking.


10.0 Post Upgrade Steps

Merchant Facility Object

  • Navigate: Setup > Object Manager.  Search "Merchant Facility".  Select Tab Fields and Relationships
  • Field: "License Options".  Add new Picklist Value "Membership Plus".  MAKE SURE you select to add this value to ALL records Types.

Remote Sites

  • Navigate: Setup > Search "Remote Site Settings"
  • Locate  "GlobalPaymentsOceaniaSandbox" and mark as active.

9.11 June 2024

9.11 Release Updates Nonprofit Cloud integration Integrated using Fundraising Bus ...

9.11 Release Updates

Nonprofit Cloud integration

  • Integrated using Fundraising Business Process API
  • Gift Commitments created for Recurring Payments
  • Gift Transactions created to match Payment Txns
  • Nonprofit Cloud logic used for matching / creation of Person Accounts
  • Custom Fields supported for Gift Commitments and Gift Transactions
  • Outreached Source Codes supported for Gift Transactions


  • URL Parameters customField[1..10]Name/Value now support Date, Date/time fields
  • Correct issue where space was not shown between “OrganisationName”
  • Pay Later Instructions now set for payment methods of “Cheque” or “Check”
  • Surcharge/Cover Transaction fee on Checkout. When hideTransDetails URL Parameters is used and set to True, the option to opt in/out of covering transaction fees now appears in the Credit Card section so that it is selectable.
  • Windcave PxPay Payment Gateway with Checkout Form. When using surcharges, correctly rounds amount passed to PxPay form.

Stripe Payment Gateway

  • Stripe payment gateway with Checkout form. When entering Union Pay Card number, now highlights correct card type radio button of “Union Pay”.
  • When entering a Stripe Card Number and pressing Enter key, fixed issue where form processing became read only

Splits Entry

  • Now correctly initialises the Payment Txn record, including setting of Create Opportunity checkbox field
  • Corrected issue where rounding of amounts entered did not match 100% exactly and stopped progression of user entry.


  • Create Samples button from About Payments2Us.
    • For NPC, Create Opportunity is NOT set.
    • Payment Form “2. Donation with option of regular giving” is now set as the Primary Payment Form
    • Receipts Letter Samples, Address block no longer indented
  • nextURL URL parameters removed from Address Update buttons for Contact/Lead/Accounts
  • When creating a new Direct Debit Batch header and entering Processing Date, this no longer gets blanked out on save.
  • Batch Entry Line field set has more standard fields enabled so they can be selected for entry during Batch Entry processing.

Security Compliance updates

  • JQuery libraries updated to latest release
  • Finer level of checks on Field Level Security throughout the App

9.11 Post Upgrade Steps

No post upgrade steps have currently been identified as yet

9.10 April 2024

9.10 Release Updates Stripe Payment Gateway China UnionPay added to Stripe SCA St ...

9.10 Release Updates

Stripe Payment Gateway

  • China UnionPay added to Stripe SCA
  • Stripe, Stripe SCA updates to minimum tokenisation/auth amounts for various currencies, including HKD
  • Stripe SCA, update for Contact and Payment Info update option where card holder only selects to update contact. Fixed issue of also asking for Credit Card
  • Stripe, Stripe SCA. Fixed issue on Recurring Payment - Card Update button where the related contact has a apostrophe in their name, or the address line 1 goes over multiple lines.

Windcave Payment Gateway

Batch Entry

  • Custom field checkbox now supported. Previously was only working as required entry.
  • Correct issue where credit card would stay on entry page after couple of line items were entered
  • Correct issue where default campaign was being cleared on second and subsequent entry


Definition: An Installment Type Membership is where a membership has something like an annual term, but has something like Monthly payments (installments)

  • Installment type membership no longer sets Recurring Payment Date to End of Month, but actual day of Month
  • Sign up date on recurring payment not being reset if membership renewed
  • For installment type membership that are not on automatic renewal and the membership has expired, correction to renewing membership when member renews online or with renewal URL Token link
  • For installment type memberships, correctly renewing and moving dates on for memberships that are not on automatic renewal. In some cases, a monthly payment type installment was previously skipping a month.

Splits Entry

  • Related Payment Items have Product Id and SKU set to enable opportunity product line items to be correctly created
  • Corrected issue, where in some cases, the Save for Line Items was not correctly working.


  • Recurring Payments - fixed issue when Workflow "Last Payment Date Check for Monthly" is active and the Next Payment Date was prior to the triggering date causing the Next Payment Date to be blanked out and to remain blank.
  • If a potential fraudulent transactions is detected and Minfraud is not enabled, it will now be automatically enabled.
  • Added ability to hide CCV entry on Checkout form, Batch Entry and Transact Payment Entry.
  • Journal creation - added new option to prompt for date of journal.
  • Journal creation - fixed issue where extra day was being generated in file.

9.10 Post Upgrade Steps

Setup > Object Manager > Payment Txn

  • Field: Status. Add picklist Values to all record types
    • NPC Processing Start
    • NPC Processing Complete

Setup > Object Manager > Payment Form

  • Field: Active Card Types. Add picklist Value: China UnionPay
  • make sure the new picklist value is selected for all record types

Setup > Object Manager > Surcharge

  • Field: Payment Method. EDIT picklist Label AND API value:
    • ApplePay --> Apple Pay
    • GooglePay --> Google Pay

Setup > Object Manager > Xero Journal Setting

  • Page Layout: Edit
    • Mobile & Lightning Actions, Drag the following onto the "Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions" section (may require override to be selected) - "Run Journal Processor (Previous Date)". Also, if not yet on this section, add "Run Journal Now", "Start Processor", "Stop Processor"

9.10 Automatic Membership Renewals checks and updates

The following is only applicable is your organisation has Memberships that have Automatic Renewal or Installment type renewals enabled. For these Subscriptions/Memberships, the membership has a related Recurring Payment.

We recommend creating a custom report type that has Recurring Payment and related Contact/Account Membership details on it.

Your end dates should now match the charge day of the month too. Previously, End Dates were the last day of the month. For example, if your Recurring Payment - Payment Day field is set to 09 and the end date was say 31/03/2024, then the end date should be updated to now be 09/03/2024.

Then, running a report that shows the End Date on the Recurring Payment and the End Date on the related Contact/Account Membership.

If they are for a different period (e.g. year), then you will need to update either manually or using bulk tools such as Dataloader. 
There have been various issues where the related Contact/Account Subscription end dates were not update, or where they were double renewed.

If you'd like a hand with this, then we can do so with one of our premium support packages.

9.9.1 March 2024

9.9.1 Release Updates Checkout Form Update for reCAPTCHA position when form embed ...

9.9.1 Release Updates

Checkout Form

  • Update for reCAPTCHA position when form embedded in an iframe and accessed on a mobile device. Previously the Capture Challenge was being displayed at the top of the page and users needed to scroll up in order to complete the challenge.

Stripe and Stripe SCA Payment Gateway

  • When using the new Stripe API AND using Stripe SCA AND on a recent release of Stripe API (approx since October 2023), the expiry date was NOT being saved. This has been corrected in this release.
  • When using Stripe SCA AND on a recent release of Stripe API (approx since October 2023), the Recurring Payment was not having the Billing Token saved correctly. The Payment Gateway Customer Profile Id was also being saved into the Billing Token field.

9.9.1 Post Upgrade Steps

These steps ONLY apply if you are using Stripe and if you on version 9.9 (manually installed) and you are using Recurring Payments and you were using a new version of the Stripe API (approx new customers since October 2023).

If you need our assistance with these steps, we can do this as part of a Premium Support.


Check for any Recurring Payments that might be impacted. You can run a report against the Recurring Payment Object where the Record Type is Credit Card and the Billing Token starts with "cus_". In this report, we would recommend including the fields "Payment Gateway Customer Profile Id" and "Billing Token" as a minimum.

If there are no records, then you do not need to continue.

For each record, you will need to copy the "Payment Gateway Customer Profile Id", then in Stripe Dashboard, paste the value into the search box (1) and click into the result.

  1. Locate the related Payment Method and expand the detail
  2. Copy the ID included “pm_....”

Locate the Recurring Payment in Salesforce and then update the Billing Token with the copied Payment Method Id

9.9 February 2024

Version 9.9 Release updates General Transact Payment sets record type to Manual f ...

Version 9.9 Release updates


  • Transact Payment sets record type to Manual for non credit card type payments
  • Letter Template builder allows for update column headings for line items and totals sections
  • Addressfinder data validation correction for City/State fields for New Zealand addresses
  • Increased Donation By Name field size from 80 to 255
  • Events fixed issue of next button not being enabled when only one ticket type specified
  • Make Payment button from Opportunity. Truncated Payment For to 255 characters if the Opportunity description was longer than this.
  • Added Payment Form Name formula field to Payment Txn Object
  • Added accessibility check in Recurring Payment Processor for field No of Splits to avoid potential field level security errors during processing.

Global Payments Oceania

  • New Payment Gateway added - Global Payments Oceania (currently in beta)
  • Added in following modules
    • Checkout Single Payment, Recurring Payment, Recurring Payment with future start date, Credit Card and Direct Debit
    • Authorisation and Authorisation Complete Transactions
    • Recurring Payments
    • Batch Entry
    • Refunds
    • Card Update, Card holder card update
    • Transact Payment
    • Token Charge
    • Reconciliation processor
  • Coming soon
    • Import Files
    • Card Expiry Date update
    • Void a previously authorised transaction


  • Updates to cater for newer versions of the API. This corrects error of “Unknown Error found whilst processing: Credit Card” from occurring
  • For Stripe SCA, Update to retrieve/update Bank Deposit Date field on the Payment Txn

Batch Entry


  • Added new integration for Credit Notes
  • Added ability to create a Credit Note against an Invoice
  • Xero Invoice Object renamed to “Xero Invoice/Credit Note” and record types added to differentiate between Invoice and Credit Note
  • Added new option to "Sync All Payments" or "Sync Payments with Matching Invoice". Steps are list in Sync Xero Payments to Salesforce help article.

Import Files

  • Added new option “Charging Card Options”. This new option is primary used by organisations the use face-to-face fundraising and want to upload the fundraising details. For some 3rd party face-to-face fundraising platforms may have already charged the first transaction and this new Import File option provide ways of handling the different scenarios for how the imports should be treated.
    • Charge when Start Date before todays date. This option will behave the same as Import Files did previously. Cards are NOT charged when the start date is greater than todays date, but are charged if prior to todays date.
    • Tokenise when Start Date before todays date. This will always tokenise cards if a start date is specified.
    • Tokenise when State Date before todays date and record transaction as paid. . This will always tokenise cards if a start date is specified. In addition, this option will marked the Payment Txn as paid/banked. This indicates the payment was charged by the 3rd party prior to Importing.

Version 9.9 Post upgrade steps

  • Under Setup, Object Manager, locate Object: Xero Settings 
    Add fields: "Sync Credit Notes", "Xero Last Credit Notes Sync", "Xero Payment Syncing Option" to page layout 
    Add button: “Sync Credit Notes” to page layout
  • Under setup. Search Remote Sites Settings 
    Enable Remote sites for "GlobalPaymentsOceaniaMock" and "GlobalPaymentsOceaniaProd".
  • Under Setup, Object Manager, locate Object: Object: Import Files 
    FieldSets Tab: For Fieldsets “importFileDetails” and “importFileProcess” add field: “Charging Card Options”
  • Under Setup, Object Manager, locate Object: Object: Payment Txn 
    Fields & Relationships Tab: For Field “Transaction Source” add picklist value: “Recurring Load”
  • Under Setup, Object Manager, locate Object: Merchant Facility 
    Fields tab: Field: “Payment Gateway”, add new picklist value “Global Payments Oceania” to ALL record types. (Make sure the checkbox for all record types is selected when adding) 
    Field Dependency: “Payment Gateway” to “payment Method”. For “Global Payments Oceania”, Enable same options as EziDebit Payment Gateway. NOTE, if there is not an existing Field dependency between these two fields then this step can be skipped. 
    Field Dependency: “Payment Gateway” to “Payment Gateway Options”. For “Global Payments Oceania”, Enable “IsBECS”. NOTE, if there is not an existing Field dependency between these two fields then this step can be skipped.

9.8 November 2023

9.8 Release Updates Recurring Payments Fix when Enable Recurring is to be “Yes To ...

9.8 Release Updates

Recurring Payments

  • Fix when Enable Recurring is to be “Yes Tokenise on Signup, Charge on Selected Date”. Issues the occurred:
    • For EziDebit, the error “Unknown error found whilst processing Credit Card” was shown
    • For all other gateways, the selected day of month was reset to todays day of Month.

Xero Integration

  • Added ability to run Journal Creation for a specific date

9.8 Post upgrade steps

9.6/9.7 November 2023

9.6 Release Updates Recurring Payments Card Holder Update links now have the opti ...

9.6 Release Updates

Recurring Payments

  • Card Holder Update links now have the option to update Amount And/Or Card Updates
  • To enabled this, set the Payment Form, field “Form Processing Actions” to “Amount and Payment Info Update”
  • Checkout Page, updated text when regular payment frequency selected:
  • When “Annually” frequency selected, the text now shows the Month name instead of “Annually”.
  • Day of month shows st/nd/rd/th after the day of the month number. E.g. 1st for First of the month


  • Captcha enabled for Free Events

Batch Entry

  • Allow option to sign up for Recurring Payments
  • If the Batch Header Payment Form field “Enable Recurring Payment” is set, then the Frequency options are now enabled for entry at the line item level
  • Donation By picklist now uses options that are enabled on the Payment Form Donation By Options multi-picklist field
  • Corrected issue where manual payment details were copied from previous lines onto subsequent lines
  • Credit Card Capture and processing improved to cater for field level history tracking.

Xero Integration

  • Fixed Issue with Batch Processor and SOQL Error when automatically syncing Contacts
  • Added AccountNumber integration for Account level Syncs
  • Added new Object for Xero Item Code and Syncing with Xero Item Code at Invoice Line Level
  • Xero Last Sync Date added to Account


  • Permission Sets include “Splits”
  • Membership Automatic renewal, fix to ensure Payment Day remains correct. Especially for Annual Renewals with a Grace Period of zero days.
  • Stripe Card Update for HKD set to $4.00 as auth amount as this is the minimum allowed by Stripe
  • When using Nonprofit Cloud, matching rules automatically select “Nonprofit Cloud” when Create Samples from About Payments2Us Tab.
  • When using Addressfinder, license options correctly works without requiring DataTools license as well.
  • Stripe Card Update for HKD set to $4.00 as Auth amount as this is the minimum allowed by Stripe
  • Opportunity Field “Drawer” increased from 60 to 128 characters

9.6 Post upgrade steps

Xero Invoice Items

  • Object Manager, Locate Xero Invoice Line Item.
  • Add Xero Item Code to Xero Invoice Line Item “Page Layout”

9.5 July 2023

9.5 Release Updates Stripe SCA Added automatic BECS Direct Debit (AU) option. Thi ...

9.5 Release Updates

Stripe SCA

  • Added automatic BECS Direct Debit (AU) option. This includes
    • Initial Signup
    • Refunds
    • Recurring Processing
    • Updates are payment has settled
    • Account Update (from within Salesforce on the Recurring Payment or link sent to Account holder).
  • Stripe and DataTrans Payment Gateway, decimal amounts cleaned up more to remove possible comma’s that may have caused issues for some country locale sections.

Annual Statements

  • New option to save PDFs against the Campaign. PDFs can be saved for all members, or those that do not have email addresses.
  • New Lightning Component to download multiple PDFs at once.

Account/Contact Subscription/Memberships

  • Corrected issue where Automatic Renewals were not updating fields such as End Date, Last Renewed etc.
  • Corrected issue where subscriber/member was NOT on automatic renewal and their current membership had expired, but was still with in the Grace Period. Then the subscriber renewed and selected automatic renewal an incorrect extra charge would occur.
  • For Automatic Renewals that had issues with payments and their membership had expired and they then corrected their payments outside the Grace Period, the Payment Day on the Recurring Payment is now being reset to align with the new anniversary.
  • Addressed potential issue where duplicate Recurring Payments could potentially be created for a single subscription.
  • Corrected issue for membership renewals where the renewal link is pressed and the options of renewing include different frequencies and recurring payments on the Payment Form is set to Yes and the member selects a different frequency, the new frequency was not being correctly allocated. This has now been corrected.


  • Autocomplete updated for NZ addresses on checkout form.
  • Now returns DPID value.

Card Update link

  • Corrected issue when Card and Contact enabled and user did not select either option for update and pressed Submit
  • Corrected issue when Card and Contact enabled user changed a contact detail, but later unticked contact updates, the data would still flow on and update the Contact

Letter Builder

  • Fixed issue Letter Builder where adding extra columns would not work for Annual Statement Table
  • Letter Form Builder copy/paste fixed where previously copied yellow background
  • Letter Form Builder correction to only show Cart Lines if the Print Line Details checkbox is selected


  • Added new Account Matching Option for “Nonprofit Cloud”
  • Payment Complete webhook allow for four digit expiry year
  • Removed “outputText value=” from displaying by Next button on second step of entry
  • Corrected Token Charge Error where SOQL error would occur if Account field was blank.
  • Corrected invalid session id for Windcave PxPay and ApplePay/GooglePay enabled
  • Import File Max Batch Check, updated to exclude scheduled jobs.
  • Sign up for 28th of Month is no longer considered Last day of month from then on for Recurring Payments. Will say as 28th day.
  • Correction to Batch Processor Start that would cause Payments2Us App to need re-authenticating.

9.5 Post upgrade steps

  • Object Manager: Payment Txn, Field: "Regular Pymt Day ", add picklist value "28".  
    Make sure you select ALL Record Types in the related checkboxes below. (all record types). 
    Reorder the Picklist values, so "28" is after "27".
  • Object Manager: Recurring Payment, Field: "Payment Day", add picklist value "28".  
    Make sure you select ALL Record Types in the related checkboxes below. (all record types). 
    Reorder the Picklist values, so "28" is after "27".
  • Object Manager: Merchant Facility, Field: "Account Matching Method ", add picklist value "Nonprofit Cloud".  
    Make sure you select ALL Record Types in the related checkboxes below. (all record types).
  • Object Manager: Letter, Field: "Primary Payment Type" , add picklist value "Statement".  
    Make sure this is added to Record Type "Statement" 
    For Record Type "Statement", edit field "Primary Payment Type" and default to "Statement"
  • Object Manager: Campaign, Lightning Record Pages: select org default.  
    Edit and Add "Download PDF Attachments" component to page layout 
    NOTE: If you do not see any lightning record pages, or have multiple, please go to the Campaign Tab and click into an existing Annual Statement Campaign. Then make sure you are using the Lightning User Interface, and press cog (Top right), select "Edit Page".
  • If Using Stripe, More webhook events need to be setup. See point 9 for all events in Stripe Webhook Setup.

9.5 Automatic Membership Renewals checks and updates

The following is only applicable is your organisation has Memberships that have Automatic Renewals enabled.

We recommend creating a custom report type that has Recurring Payment and related Contact/Account Membership details on it.

Your end dates should now match the charge day of the month too. Previously, End Dates were the last day of the month. For example, if your Recurring Payment - Payment Day field is set to 09 and the end date was say 31/03/2024, then the end date should be updated to now be 09/03/2024.

Then, running a report that shows the End Date on the Recurring Payment and the End Date on the related Contact/Account Membership.

If they are for a different period (e.g. year), then you will need to update either manually or using bulk tools such as Dataloader. 
There have been various issues where the related Contact/Account Subscription end dates were not update, or where they were double renewed.

If you'd like a hand with this, then we can do so with one of our premium support packages.

9.4 April 2023

9.4 Release Updates Addressfinder Data Validation New integration added for Addre ...

9.4 Release Updates

Addressfinder Data Validation

  • New integration added for Addressfinder for Data Validation. Includes:
    • Checkout Form Address Auto Suggest/Complete
    • Account/Contact/Leads - override pages with Address Auto Suggest/Complete
    • Account/Contact/Leads buttons to update addresses with Address Auto Suggest/Complete
    • Mass Contact Address Update validates/corrects Contact Mailing and/or Other address updates

Splits Entry

  • New entry screen for Split Payments. This can be used for a donation where the donor wishes to allocate the funds to multiple programs/campaigns/GL Codes. Features include:
    • Entry/Allocate by Percentage or Amounts
    • Field Sets to enable easy customisation of updating header and line item fields captured
    • Single gift or Recurring
    • Recurring Payment Process will automatically create Split Line Items
    • Payment by Manual (Cash/Cheque/Money Order etc) or Credit Card

Journal Summarisation

  • New Summarisation of Payment Txns. Most organisations do not want to have every payment/donation recorded in their finance system. They require a summary by something like Date/Campaign/Gl Code, Method of Payment. Features include:
    • Fully configurable criteria and filters screen
    • Ability to lock or regenerate journal summaries
    • Designed to have the information stored in a manner that allows for integration to Finance system (integration to Finance Packages for Journals is not available though)

Letter Builder

  • New from the ground up Letter Builder maintenance screen. Provides simpler and more intuitive method for maintaining receipt, statements, renewal notices and confirmation notices

Windcave Payment Gateway

Direct Debits

  • Add new Import File for Direct Debit Returns of type “New Zealand BNZ IB4B - Direct Entry Returns”


  • For Direct Debits linked to Subscription/Membership Automatic Renewals, updates for status “Awaiting Account Verification” to not add 2 periods of memberships when active.
  • For Subscription/Membership with Automatic Renewal. If previously on Credit Card and the Recurring Payment goes to Suspend Max Retries exceeded and the member then signs up again as a new member (vs. using Card Update) and selected a different payment method (e.g. Direct Debit vs. Credit Card), a correction is made so the Recurring Payment Record type is now updated with correct Record Type (e.g Direct Debit).
  • Updated Checkout Form to cater for a mix of single/recurring to set display of Frequency correctly and options such as Direct Debit to show/hide correctly. Previously only worked if Enabled Recurring selected.
  • Automatic Renewal Memberships with Recurring Payment - Card Update now does not "Auth" for full Amount, but uses smallest amount Payment Gateway will allow (e.g. $0.01).
  • Fixed issue with double renewal that would occur on rare occasions
  • For Automatic Renewals, if grace period falls into next month and member renews in the next month, now aligns the next Recurring Charge to correct month/date

General Updates

  • Stripe Webhook - Fix issue with Charge.Fail incorrectly returning error for metadata updates
  • Transact Payment now has a method for processing Manual Payments. This is in addition to the current Credit Card processing.
  • More error checking added for Windcave payment processing
  • Custom Labels used for Donation By fields to enable Language Translation
  • Matching Rules - minor update to custom field matching
  • Billing Settings - Transaction history now shows Date Charge went through, vs. Attempted charge date.
  • BPAY uses Pre-Summarisation URL when Environment on Merchant Facility is set to Sandbox
  • Westpac Quickstream - For Supplier Business Code, to use User Identification Number if available. If not available, to use the characters before the "_" in the Payment Gateway UserId.

9.4 Post upgrade steps

Object Updates

Merchant Facility - Setup > Object Manager, search “Merchant Facility”

  • Fields & Relationships (tab), Click into field: “Data Validation Tool”, add new picklist value “Address Finder” to ALL record types (by selecting the checkbox for all Record Type Name)
  • Fields & Relationships (tab), click button “Field Dependencies”. Click Edit next to “Data Validation Tool”. Enabled all “Address….” Options only for “Address Finder”. 
    NOTE: If this field dependency relationship between “Data Validation” and “Validate” does not exist, then you can skip this step.
  • Fields & Relationships (tab), Click into field: “License Option”, add new picklist values “Split Payments”, “Address Finder” to ALL record types (by selecting the checkbox for all Record Type Name)
  • Fields & Relationships (tab), Click into field: “Payment Gateway Options”, add new picklist values “Recurring Validate” to ALL record types (by selecting the checkbox for all Record Type Name)
  • Fields & Relationships (tab), click button “Field Dependencies”. Click Edit next to "Payment Gateway" and Payment Gateway Options. For All Windcave or Payment Express (if it exists in your instance), add “Recurring Validate”. 
    NOTE: If the field dependency was not previously setup in your instance, then this can be skipped

Payment Txn - Setup > Object Manager, search “Payment Txn”

  • Page Layouts (recommend all). Add fields “”Split Items By”

Payment Item - Setup > Object Manager, search “Payment Item ”

  • Page Layouts (layouts: Split Payment). Add fields “Product GL Code”, “Product Name”, “Split %”

Recurring Payment - Setup > Object Manager, search “Recurring Payment”

  • Page Layouts (recommend all).
    • Add fields “No. of Split Payments”, “”Split Items By”, “Total % of Split Payments”, “Total Amount of Split Payments”
    • Add Related list “Recurring Payment Item”

Import File - Setup > Object Manager, search “Import File”

  • Fields & Relationships (tab), Click into field: Import Type, add new picklist value “New Zealand BNZ IB4B - Direct Entry Returns”

Remote Site Updates

Remote Sites - Setup search “Remote Site Settings”

  • Edit and make active “AddressFinder”
  • Edit and make active “BPAYPreProduction”

9.3.1 February 2023

9.3.1 Release Updates General Fixes Stripe Webhook Custom Meta Data were returnin ...

9.3.1 Release Updates

General Fixes

  1. Stripe Webhook Custom Meta Data were returning a "General Error"
  2. Stripe with Direct Debits would hang on submit. Note, Stripe SCA was working correctly.
  3. Person Accounts - Null pointer error in record matching
  4. Tidy up to Recurring Payment Message if some data not available.

9.3 January 2023

9.3 Release Updates General URL Token, increased Membership ID field size to 40 c ...

9.3 Release Updates


  • URL Token, increased Membership ID field size to 40 characters
  • Payments2Us Support is no longer notified on exception if Error Logs are not able to be created, only customers internal system administrators will be notified.
  • Direct Debit for New Zealand - IB4B format correction to reference number being truncated.
  • Experience Cloud Checkout component corrected where parameters starting with an upper case were not working correctly
  • Payments2Us Settings - Fixed issue with Create Remote Site component not hiding after being pressed.
  • Import File and Card or Card Token processing and Authorisation option enabled. Fixed issue with Batch Sizes greater than 100 records.
  • Recurring Payment catch up check now caters for all frequencies, including Fortnightly
  • Windcave PxPay Fail proof notification updates now correctly set country to name, vs. country code
  • Token Charge only selects fields that it needs so as to not break Salesforce limits for number of cross object or fields in query limits.


  • 100% Voucher codes for membership now work when the membership has Tax applied
  • Correction of error when using Voucher, Tax is Applied and Firefox browser used.

Data Validation

  • Now validates phone/email for Event Attendee registrations.

9.3 Post upgrade steps

Please be informed that, for now this step is not required. We will update if required.

9.2 November 2022

9.2 Release Updates Stripe Added Payment Methods Apple Pay and Google Pay (Stripe ...

9.2 Release Updates


  • Added Payment Methods Apple Pay and Google Pay (Stripe SCA only)
  • Stripe metadata update improvements and webhook fail counts updated
  • Stripe Webhook to look for Payment Txn by TxnRef and Reference. Improves scenario where multiple checkout charge attempts on Payment Txn can cause updates to be missed.
  • Changed Credit Card Watermark colours to match text input colours. Makes contrast easier to visually see
  • Correction to incorrectly charging on sign up. When Recurring set Yes - Tokenise on Signup, Charge on Selected Date and last day of month selected, but not actual last of month then a charge was incorrectly happening should have been tokenise only.

Experience Cloud 

  • Payments2Us Checkout LWC - The Property "Checkout Site URL" is now correctly acknowledging with site parameters
  • Improved error handling of Payments2Us Checkout LWC

 Mass Address Update

  • Will no longer error if just one contact is being processed in a batch
  • Better error logging and error checking when sending email errors report
  • There is no longer a need to have Merchant Facility address validation options pre-selected in order to work
  • CSV error file generated now caters for commas in names

Import Files

Matching Rules


  • All recurring payments to have an “I agree message” for frequency and amounts
  • Recurring Name generated says Credit Card instead of Recurring for Credit Card transaction types
  • On the Merchant Facility, field “User Identification No.” is now 10 char (from 6)
  • Payments2Us Billing Check to no longer require a Active AND Primary Merchant Facility
  • Create Samples Assigns Base Site URL for Enhanced Domains
  • Default text in email templates updated for: Credit Card failed - card holder to update, Credit Card is about to expire, Account Membership Confirmation, Membership Confirmation, Payment Receipt, Mass Annual Statement w/ PDF, Single Annual Statement w/ PDF
  • Token charge LWC now caters for Donation Amount to replace Amount (set in fieldset on Payment Txn - tokenChargeTransaction)
  • Import File - Recurring Payment Day zero padded if need. For example "7" imported becomes "07" to be a correct value.
  • Import File - Added new "Total Donation Amount" Roll Up Summary field.

Xero Integration

  • Added Validation for Xero Contact IDs
  • Improved error handling of invalid contact IDs
  • Modified Xero processors to better handle lack of Merchant Facility / License Options issues
  • Xero Validation Error fields trimmed to 1,000 characters to stop potential issues with package install/upgrades and error of "Custom long text area field limit exceeded".

9.2 Post upgrade steps

Merchant Facility Object Updates (Maintain in setup > Object Manager)

  • Field Payment Method: Change Label and API Name: GooglePay --> Google Pay, ApplePay --> Apple Pay
  • Field dependency between Payment Gateway and Payment Method. For Stripe SCA, Make the following Active: Google Pay,Apple Pay. 
    NOTE: If you do not currently have a field dependency between these two fields, you can skip this step

9.1 August 2022

9.1 Release Updates Westpac Quickstream New Payment Gateway "Westpac Quickstream" ...

9.1 Release Updates

Westpac Quickstream

  • New Payment Gateway "Westpac Quickstream" added for Credit Card Processing
  • Processing options enabled include:
    • Checkout Single payment
    • Checkout Recurring Payment, plus Recurring Payment Future start
    • Checkout Authorisation, plus Authorisation Complete
    • Refund
    • Recurring Payment Processor
    • Batch Entry
    • Import Files
    • Card Update from link sent to card holder
    • Card Update from button on Recurring Payment
    • Card Update Expiry date only
    • Token Charge
    • Transact Payment
    • Check/reconciliation processor

Data Validation

Experience Cloud

  • New Component Payments2Us Checkout.
  • Enables simple drag/drop of Payments2Us Checkout onto page with admin configurable settings.
  • Payments2Us Checkout form sizes automatically for device/size

Xero updates

  • Contact Sync can now be linked to Contact or Accounts
  • If contact / account previously Synchronised with Xero and a field is subsequently updated on the Account or Contact then it is automatically marked for Re-Sync
  • Added ability to scheduled Synchronisations with Xero for Contacts / Invoices / Payments
  • Added ability to send Xero Invoice
  • Added the ability to download and attach a Xero Invoice PDF from Payments2Us to the invoice record
  • Added Flow helper code to allow copying Opportunities/Quotes or any custom object you choose (with line items) to Xero Invoices to be synced to Xero

Letter Builder Updates

General Updates

  • Country code for Taiwan label updated
  • Removed false positive error in sandboxes for Billing Check
  • Like for Like copy ignores LastModifiedDate. This is required when Set Audit Fields on create be enabled
  • Import File Line Item filed Payer Name increased to 100
  • New PermissionSet "Payments2Us Data Validation"
  • New URL Parameters added
    • HideBackgroundImage
    • PaymentDay

9.1 Post upgrade steps

Merchant Facility Object (Under setup - Object Manager)

  • Add picklist value “Westpac Quickstream” to field “Payment Gateway” to ALL Record Types
  • Field Dependency “Payment Gateway” to “Payment Method”, set the same options for “Westpac Quickstream” as Stripe

Payment Txn Object (Under setup - Object Manager)

  • Add picklist value “Xero" to field “Transaction Source” (AAkPay__Transaction_Source__c) to ALL Record Types
  • Add picklist value “Xero Payment“ to field “Payment Source” (AAkPay__Payment_Source__c) to ALL Record Types

Xero Settings Object (Under setup - Object Manager)

  • Edit Page Layout
    • Mobile & Lightning Actions - add "Start Processor", "Stop Processor"
    • Create a new Section on the Page Layout "Batch Processor"
    • Add fields "Scheduled Sync Frequency", "Automatic Schedule"
    • Add fields "Batch Processor Status", "Last Batch Processor Run", "Batch Processor Consecutive Fails" to Page. Then make these read only at the Page Layout level.

Enable Remote sites for the following: (Note remote sites is under setup - search "Remote Sites"

  • WestpacQuickstreamSandbox
  • WestpacQuickstreamProduction

9.0 May 2022

9.0 Release Updates Xero integration New module added to connect Payments2Us/Sale ...

9.0 Release Updates

Xero integration

  • New module added to connect Payments2Us/Salesforce to Xero
  • Retrieves Tax Components, Tax Rates, Tenants, Tracking Categories, Tracking Options from Xero
  • Send Contact details to Xero
  • Send Invoice and Invoice Line items to Xero
  • Retrieves Payments from Xero

General Updates

  • Checkout better capture and logging of unexpected errors, including permissions errors
  • Checkout Fixed error caused by recurring payments on Last Day of month where Import File permission missing on sites profile
  • Updated App Logo and all Icons to reflect new branding
  • All payment gateways, changed reference generation. In particular to stop duplicate with EziDebit regular payments
  • EziDebit cater for timeout issues, especially with nightly recurring payment processor that would cause some Payment Txns to not be created.
  • Stripe Changed Webhook to get back last 5 days on Payment Txns based of LastModifiedDate, vs. CreatedDate
  • Stripe Now updates description to provide more details in Stripe and enables easier reconciliation.
  • Fraud Security Error Log alerts now include Merchant Facility Record Id in subject enabling workflows to be created to alert relevant department
  • ASB Bank Direct Debit Files. Updated reference to use Receipt Number to avoid field truncation. Updated Account Numbers to include Account Suffix for Receiver and Donor account numbers in extract file generation.
  • Automated Bank feeds - fixed error with missing field in SOQL Query on Bank Transaction Matching
  • Lead Convert. Fixed Issue in NPSP when workflow to create URL Token on Contact was enabled
  • Events Correction to Add to Calendar where an event end time at midday would advance by a day.
  • Recurring Card Update fixed issue when Recurring Payment is linked to a Subscription a card update would also change the next payment due date.
  • Correction to error when multiple recurring payments updated at the same time and they are linked to the Same URL Token.
  • Correction to error that may occur when URL Tokens used and sites access to Opportunity object is not set
  • Payment Check Processor, for PayPal Checks, now sets the Banking Complete value correctly if the transaction was successful. More updates/checks cater for PayPal not being successful.
  • Like for Like field copies updated to excluded CreatedDate. This caters for the scenario when audit field have been set as creatable.
  • Recurring Payment Processor more checking for errors and logging of more error details
  • Payments2Us Account warning message if billing details/data not up to date
  • Added error capture and logging of issues for Queueable routines for better management of unexpected errors
  • Receipts now truncate total section text if too big to avoid pages going onto second page.
  • Receipts updated to preview in lighting to not go onto 2 pages.
  • Receipts fixed issue where images did not show for some organisations
  • Windcave PxPay - Updated to work with Transact Payment and Batch Entry
  • Stripe and Stripe SCA - Updates to Import Files of Credit Cards to mark Banked Payments correctly
  • Shopify - Updated to work with organisations using Properties

9.0 Post upgrade steps

Object Manager - Custom Object Updates

  • Merchant Facility
    • Field: License Option, add new picklist values "Xero 01", "Xero 02","Xero 03" to ALL record types.
  • Xero Settings
    • Page Layout: Add Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Actions - Connect to Xero, Download Xero Metadata, Sync Contact, Sync Invoices, Sync Payments
    • Page Layout: Add Fields - all fields not on the Page Layout
  • Xero Invoices
    • Page Layout: Add Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Actions - Mark for Xero Sync
    • Page Layout: Add Fields - all fields not on the Page Layout
    • Page Layout: Remove Fields - Sync with Xero Status
  • Xero Invoice Lines
    • Page Layout: Add all fields not currently on the Page Layout
  • Xero Payments
    • Page Layout: Add all fields not currently on the Page Layout

If using Xero, then:

Object Manager - Standard Object Updates

  • Account
    • Page Layout: Add Quick Action: Mark for Xero Synch
    • Page Layout: Add fields: Xero Company Number, Xero Tax Number, Xero Bank Account Number, Xero Contact Id, Xero Send Contact
  • Contact
    • Page Layout: Add Fields: Primary Xero Contact

Remote Sites (setup - search "Remote Site Setting". Mark the following as Active

  • XeroAPI
  • XeroIdentity

8.13 February 2022

8.13 Release Updates Fix regression issue when Campaign Filter was specified, it ...

8.13 Release Updates

  • Fix regression issue when Campaign Filter was specified, it would stop Appeals showing on checkout form.
  • More checks in contract trigger for field accessibility errors for non Payments2Us users
  • NAB Transact Card update, Card holder card update Cater for blanked out Billing Token/Customer No.
  • Path for Bank Feed tab added to package.
  • Transact Payment Fields enabled on “TransactPayment01” Fieldsets are now editable
  • Update to internal logging description for error [021] with checkout submission checks
  • Fix issue with Refunds that are linked to Contact/Account Subscription that had were associated with a Recurring Payment would error with SOQL missing AAkPay__Last_No_of_Days_Lapsed__c
  • Fixed Import File issue when loading Credit Card as a Payment Method, but no expiry date causing the import to not load any line items.
  • Increased number of concurrent batch file checks from 25 to 50. This is needed for EziDebit with BPAY check processor also running.

8.13 Post upgrade steps

No post upgrade steps are required.

8.12 January 2022

8.12 Release Updates Receipts/statements/membership confirmation/membership renew ...

8.12 Release Updates

Receipts/statements/membership confirmation/membership renewal PDFs

  • Added ability to add footer graphic
  • For membership Renewal/Confirmation, added ability to apply graphic to replace “Thank You” text. Was previously only available for receipts
  • New options of Letter object
    • Page Size (A4/Letterhead)
    • Address Indent can now put left align or enter a number to indent for windowed envelopes
    • Font Family (has all available fonts that are supported by Salesforce PDF generation)
    • Body Type (formerly Layout Type) has new option of “Hide”. “Hide” will remove the letter text body completely enabling a format that only has line items.
  • Headers and footers now work for multiple pages

Security Enhancements

  • Minfraud by Maxmind integration added. For public facing forms, Minfraud checks entry details rates the transaction and IP address with a risk score. If the risk score exceeds the maximum allowed on the Merchant Facility then the transaction is denied.
  • Added ability to block users by Country.
  • Blocked IP addresses now with their own record type. Also added automatic update to naming convention to cater for blocked/allowed name update.
  • Moved Payments2Us Connected App credentials from admin accessible location
  • New lockdown processor runs 4 times/day and sets field Payment Txn field “Allow External Sharing”. This enables new options for public sharing rules to vastly reduce the number of records available through public sharing
  • [Beta] New option on Merchant Facility called “Excluded from Sites Sharing Settings”. Currently this allows for Accounts/Contacts to no longer require a public sharing rule.
  • Update to fix submitting of details with blank Merchant Facility and Payment Form


  • EziDebit daily check payments/BPAY processors now goes back 10 days instead of 7
  • EziDebit added more checks for unexpected errors
  • daily check payments processor now goes back 10 days instead of 7
  • Import Files with custom field match on line item will now map to payment txn with managed package field of same api name.
  • Events - "Payment For" description truncated to 255 if length exceeded.
  • Stripe webhook – upate metadata for stand items like created date, create time, city,postal code, country
  • More details captured in error logs for unexpected processor issues

8.12 Post upgrade steps

Letter Object

  • Field “Body Text” (aka Layout Type), add picklist value “Hide” to ALL record Types
  • Page Layout, add fields: "Address Indent", "Font Family", "Page Size"

Merchant Facility Object

  • add fields “Excluded from Sites Sharing Settings", "Max Fraud Risk Score" "Max Fraud IP Score".
  • Edit all merchant facilities and put a value into fields: "Max Fraud Risk Score" "Max Fraud IP Score". We are suggesting "20" is a good value to start with.

Remote Site Setting Enable

  • Click on setup cog (top right corner), Search "Remote Site Settings". Edit and enable "MaxMindGeoLite" and "MaxMindMinFraud"

You can see a video of how to enable MinFraud here.

8.11 December 2021

8.11 Release updates Card Holder Recurring Payment Update Added new feature where ...

8.11 Release updates

Card Holder Recurring Payment Update

  • Added new feature where a customer/donor can select a new amount as part of the card update process. Great option for Fundraisers to increasing their regular giving amounts.

Windcave PxPay

  • Saved more information into Payline portal to help with reconciliation
  • Added Fail Proof Notification
  • Updated payment status check processor to work with PxPay

Windcave Webservice

  • Correction for Get Status to correctly update Payment Txn status for Recurring Payments

Import Files

  • New option for card import and charge to use Authorization/Authorisation Complete
  • If contact Id specified as part of the import then first name, last name, email populated if these fields are blank. This removes error of last name missing.

Experience Cloud

  • Updates to enable Transact Payment, Token Charge to work in Experience Cloud [beta]


  • Fraud Attempt logs now include IP Address
  • Trigger Handlers using new custom metadata retrieve methods to reduce number of SOQL queries
  • Payments2Us Webhook Payment Complete updated Receipt Email to be contacts email if passed in as part of the Payload, otherwise uses Merchant Facility default.
  • Authorise of Payments2Us App has highlighted text to make it clearer the Completed button needs to be pressed. In addition, the Complete page now goes to Payments2Us settings
  • Remove need to Payment Gateway option of “Enforce New Public Sites Security” as this is now always required.
  • Better logging and error messages for incorrectly authorised/expired auth of Payments2Us App
  • Corrected Visualforce issues with lead/contact/account address updates an edit override pages
  • Updates to Visualforce pages with Lightning Design to remove styling that Salesforce is about to archive
  • Corrected unhandled error on manual payment if field on Payment Txn of type formula and api name of “account__c” existed.

8.11 Post upgrade steps

  • Merchant Facility Object, field “Payment Gateway Options” ALL RECORD Types, add “Use Fail Proof Notifications”
  • Merchant Facility Object, Field Dependency between “Payment Gateway” and “Payment Gateway Options” enabled “Use Fail Proof Notifications” for “Windcave PxPay”
    • Note, if you do not have this field dependency already setup, you can skip this step.
  • Field “Form Processing Actions” on Objects “URL Token”,”Payment Form”, add picklist values:
    • Amount and Payment Info Update
    • Amount, Contact and Payment Info Update
  • Import File Line Item Object, edit Page Layout and add Payment Response Code/Desc/Text, Payer Id, Transaction Source, Payment Gateway Customer Profile Id to Credit Card Processing section

For Windcave customers using PxPay 
Windcave have a number of products. To check if you are using the "PxPay" one, in Salesforce navigate to the Merchant Facility Tab and click into the active ones you are using. If you have "Payment Express PxPay" or "Windcave PxPay" then you are using the PxPay product and should follow the below. If you are using other Windcave products, there is NO need to do the below.

8.10 November 2021

8.10 Release updates New Surcharges Ability to make Surcharges Opt in/Opt out or ...

8.10 Release updates

New Surcharges

  • Ability to make Surcharges Opt in/Opt out or Mandatory. Especially useful for Non-profits that wish to recover their transaction fees.
  • Charges can be set for all payment methods
  • Charges calculated with a Fixed Amount and/or Percentage

Record Matching

  • Added new option that allows for using Salesforce Duplicate rules instead of Payments2Us Matching Criteria
  • Added ability to use custom fields are part of matching criteria

Events Updates

  • When a membership number is entered, the Members Account or Contact is located based off the membership number and assigned to the Payment Item on Save
  • Membership No. required message/valid moved from code to Validation Rules to provide more flexibility/customisation
  • Account level Membership validation now allows for new contacts at the organisation to use that membership number when registering for Events.


  • Correct error message “Sorry, no tickets are currently available” displaying for non Event Campaigns
  • PayPal Recurring correct issue with Salesforce Hyperforce/AUS servers
  • Data Validation of addresses outside Australia/New Zealand now correctly fill in individual address fields [COMPLETE]
  • Data Validation phone validation now works for all countries, including those outside Australia/New Zealand now
  • When “Confirmation Page Action” is set to “Bypass Confirmation page - go to Success URL TOP”, the URL now includes selected URL Parameters
  • NAB Transact timeout changed from 60 seconds to 80 seconds

Windcave PxPay updates

  • Firefox improvement to remove flashed error message before PxPay Form shown, plus better management on closing dialog box
  • Coding updates to cater for response of “ACCEPTED (00)” that was previously being treated as an error
  • Update to Payment Gateway Response code/text/desc
  • Using returned bank deposit settlement date


  • All Apex Classes, Apex Triggers, Visualforce pages, Visualforce changed to version 52 or higher. This is to accommodate Salesforce roadmap of retiring older versions.
  • All Error messages updated to include more detail for diagnostics if needed.
  • Membership Renewal workflows - Set Renewal reminders updated to have Re-evaluate select to ensure subsequent time based workflows triggered
  • Dynamic button on Payment Txn to better match business processes. Including Authorisation Complete to stop accidentally approving a card update only, Approve Refund to only show when not approved etc.
  • Create Samples now include option for adding surcharges for “2. Donation with option of regular giving” form.
  • Clone of Merchant Facility or Payment Form also copies related Surcharges

Lightning Web Components (LWC) /Community (Beta)

  • Transaction Payment has updated styling
  • Transaction Payment CCV required in Community Portal
  • Transaction Payment Defaults Campaign and Contact when on Campaign Member Page Layout
  • New Refund LWC component created (Beta). Refund will now also work from most objects/pages and allows for selection of Payment Txn related to the Contact.
  • Transact Payment, Token Charge, Card Expiry updated to work with Community Portal (BETA)

8.10 Post upgrade steps

  • Payment Form Object
    • Add “Surcharges” related list
    • Add “Enable Surcharge”
    • Remove: Surcharge Card Fee% 1 (OLD), Surcharge Card Fee% 2 (OLD), Surcharge Card Type 1 (OLD), Surcharge Card Type 2 (OLD)
  • Recurring Payment
    • Page Layouts: Recurring, eCheck, Direct Debit. Add Field: Cover Transaction Fees
    • Custom Field: “Cancellation Reason”. Add Picklist value “PayPal User Cancelled” to PayPal Record Type.
    • Field Dependency: “Recurring Payment Status” to “Cancellation Reason”, link “Inactive” status with “PayPal User Cancelled”. Should the dependency not already exist, then you can skip this step
  • Payment Txn
    • Page Layouts: Events, Payment
    • Add fields: Surcharge Reference, Cover Transaction Fees
  • Merchant Facility

Custom Field: "Matching Rules". Add Picklist value "Use Duplicate Rules" to All Record Types

8.9 September 20201

8.9 Release Notes Transact Payment New Lightning Web Component "Transact Payment" ...

8.9 Release Notes

Transact Payment

  • New Lightning Web Component "Transact Payment" for Home page and any Object Page
  • Quick and simple method of processing a card payment
  • Can work with/without CCV
  • Works with Windcave Webservice,, Stripe, Stripe SCA, NAB Transact, EziDebit
  • Defaults details from Contact record

Batch Entry

  • Now works with Stripe, Stripe SCA
  • Pre-authorisation on save option. This enables a card to be check/validated on entry in an Auth stage, then to be charged when Batch is processed. 
    NOTE: Stripe, Stripe SCA will only work with Tokenise on Save option
  • Updated edit line items to work in more standard way
  • Payment Txn Receipt Email will email of payer, vs. always having default email
  • Bank Transfer, Money order options now prompt for Reference
  • Improved error logging when changing Batch Status to Processing or Closed
  • Correction to Batch Stage Validation Rule check
  • Update Expiry Date/Year to correct issue on rare occasions where month would not default/assign correctly


  • Checkout - Increased number of campaigns to 100 in Appeals picklist.
  • Checkout Updates to reduce chances of issue for some AUS Salesforce servers that may stay in processing… status.
  • Checkout Validation Rule added to capture entry of negative amount into Donation With field
  • Checkout update for combination of no suggested donations and sequence of steps that may cause transaction to be treated as a manual payment with voucher applied
  • Import Files Now works with uploading and charging/tokenising card details for Stripe, Stripe SCA
  • Import Files When error transactions and regular payment, then make the Recurring Payment Transaction created with $0
  • Stripe update metadata updated to perform retries when needed
  • EziDebit Card Update for new Customer Id’s to cater for Mobile Phones in invalid format
  • EziDebit One Time Key processing adjustments
  • Refund transaction hide approved checkbox if user does not have access.
  • Card Update correction for when updating Contact details only. Removed error of invalid transaction type.
  • Finance Permission Set updated to have access to Payments2Us Billings tab and details
  • Lighting Web Component (LWC) for Expiry Date update.
  • Lighting Web Component (LWC) for Token Charge.

8.9 Post upgrade steps

To take advantage of the new features, please follow the links in the guides for that. For example, "Transact Payment" needs to be added to a lightning page.

An Apex class was missed from being added to a permission set. It will be included from 8.11. For now, all users that will be using the new Lightning Web Components, including Transact Payment you will need to do the following:

  • Locate the users profile. Click into the profile and edit "Apex Class Access". Include "AAkPay.Payments2UsLWCUtil" and Save

Failure to add this apex class to the profile will result in the users seeing an error along the lines of "you don't have access to the apex class Payments2UsLWCUtil"


8.8 August 2021

8.8 Release Notes Updates Provided option to allow once off eChecks ...

8.8 Release Notes Updates

  • Provided option to allow once off eChecks. (Merchant Facility - add "eCheck Once-off" to Payment Gateway Options to enable)
  • eCheck compliance message for payer/donor to accept as part of processing. Compliance message saved to Payment Instructions should future audits require
  • New reconciliation processor. Runs after daily Recurring Payment Processor to check for successful/failed eCheck settlement. Changes Payment Txn status from "eCheck Pending" to "Payment Complete" or "Error" (depending on settled successfully or not).
  • Routing and Account Number cleaned before submitting to to allow for entry on "-" or spaces in numbers on checkout, but to still process successfully
  • Currency now passed in with most integration points

Letter Builder

  • Line items for Annual Statements corrected to show Payment Txn fields, vs. Payment Item Fields

8.8 Post upgrade steps

Merchant Facility Custom Object

  • Field Payment Gateway Options. Add below picklist values to all record types
    • eCheck Once-off
  • Field dependency between “Payment Gateway” and “Payment Gateway Options”. Enable:
    • “eCheck Once-off” for “” 
      NOTE: If the field dependency does not currently exist, then you can skip this step

Payment Txn Custom Object

  • Add value “eCheck Pending” to picklist field "Status"
  • Field dependency between "Status" and "Path Status"
    • For "eCheck Pending" and "Error", "Awaiting Payment" 
      NOTE: If the field dependency does not currently exist, then you can skip this step

8.7 July 2021

8.7 Release Notes Integration Headers update This to address a technical issue wh ...

8.7 Release Notes

  • Integration Headers update 
    This to address a technical issue where one instance of Salesforce AUS1 had all callout headers go to lower case. This caused integration errors. 
    This release updated integration's to be case insensitive.

8.7 Post upgrade steps

  • No post install steps required

8.6 June 2021

8.6 Release Notes Events New Ticket Grouping option  allows for ticket types to b ...

8.6 Release Notes


  • New Ticket Grouping option allows for ticket types to be grouped under sub headings. For example, you may wish to have a group of ticket types for “Corporate” and a second group of ticket types for “Individuals”. The field “Ticket Grouping” on Payment Option is used to set which tickets are group under the same heading.
  • Correct Issue when “Max No. Per Ticket Type” specified would incorrectly mark ticket types as sold out

Data Validation (Datatools Kleber)

  • Mass Address Updates of address verification, regeneration of DPID, Bar Code and Sort Sequence. To use, add contacts to Campaign and have all related contacts updated press "Mass Update Addresses" button. This option is useful when doing direct mailouts of 2000 addresses or less.
  • Changed phone validation to more cost effective method
  • Changed Email validation use validation rule. This provides more flexibility for end customers to control what is valid/not valid.
  • Added “Bar Code Sort Plan”, “Other Bar Code Sort Plan”, “Other Barcode Number” to Contact
  • Checkout and P2P Registration uses Temp Key for enhanced security
  • Retrieve method used after selecting address to comply with datatools usage of search to retrieve ratios

Batch Entry

  • Processor start updates status to “Processing Submitted” to avoid accidentally submitted twice.
  • When defaulting from contacts for Credit Card type transaction, an is corrected where if the Card Expiry Dates was not updated, the process reported blank/invalid expiry date.
  • Added check for expiry dates being entered in the past


  • Success URL
    • Added ability to select which fields are passed to Success URL. This allows for Success URL to work better with SEO. A new field “Success URL Parameters” has been added to the Payment Form object to allow selection of parameters to pass in.
    • New success parameters added
      • City
      • State
      • PostalCode
      • Country
  • Background Image on checkout form now works with sites sub domain
  • Windcave PxPay gateway, correction for error message Invalid Session that would occur if Credit Card payment method was the only option available.
  • When URL Parameter Salutation used, corrected issue where this was updating Job Title instead of Salutation on Contact


Matching Process

  • Added new field to Payment Form “Existing Opportunity ”. This provide options for linking to existing Open Opportunities for the Contact and to optionally update the Sales Stage.

2FundraisePro (new add-on App for NPSP and Payments2Us - contact support @ for details/access)

  • Copies field Recurring Donation from Recurring payment.
  • If Opportunity is linked to a Recurring Donation, then only payments also link to Recurring Donations will be linked.
  • For a new recurring payment, does NOT create the first Opportunity. NPSP will do this automatically.

Import Files - BPAY

  • If BPAY CRN supplied, but first name, last name are not then the contact details are populated from a contact that has the same BPAY CRN. This will overcome the Last Name missing error.
  • If the Import File selected Payment Form has field Payment Type set to “Donation” or “BPAY” and the amount imported is less than the matching Payment Txn with a status of “Awaiting Payment”, the processor will NO longer create a second transaction for the shortfall amount.


  • Home page moved App Authorisation to Payments2Us Settings
  • Payment Txn record Type “Payment”, removed “Ezi Debit” as default BPAY rule. Was causing license exception error to be generated.
  • For Manual Payment entry, corrected issue with membership find with just one membership number located in lookup.
  • PaymentsUs Settings - Billing Tab, added “refresh” option to retrieve latest Receipts
  • Refunds where the original Payment Txn had a Voucher discount would show incorrect amount due to discount amount. Updated refund process to clear out discount amount.
  • Possible fraud error messages updated to include a messag to check Error log
  • Update license exception to say contact support, vs. info email address
  • URL Rewriter defaults to Modern form, vs. no longer supported Classic
  • Increased Max Batch check from 5 to 25
  • Billing Check Processor now caters for potential null error related to permission issue
  • Subscription Issue Buttons linked to reports updated to work better in Lightning.

Make Payment

  • Renewal corrected to use Checkout Modern form
  • Token charge corrected to use lightning styled form

8.6 Post upgrade steps

Payment Option Custom Object

  • Add field “Ticket Grouping” field to page layout “Event Payment Option Layout”

Campaign Object

  • Add button ( Mobile & Lightning Actions ) “Mass Address Update” to all page layouts that might get used for Mass Address Updates. Recommend Page Layouts of Payments2Us such as “Event”, “Peer-to-Peer”, “Annual Statement” be included.

Payment Form Custom Object

  • Page Layout Updates
    • Add field “Existing Opportunity”. Suggest under field “Opportunity Sales Stage”
    • Add field “Success URL Parameters” to “Confirm & Success Actions" Section

8.5 March 2021

8.5 Release Notes Direct Debit HSBC file format. Various updates/corrections to e ...

8.5 Release Notes

Direct Debit

  • HSBC file format. Various updates/corrections to extracted data.

Opportunity Payment

  • Added workflows that set related URL Token Amount/Default Amount. This allows for a URL for a payment to be created an populated with the amount/default amount.
  • Please check the Workflow section for more information.


  • Added Cancelled Status to Membership Status, Membership Renewal
  • Added workflow to setup end date to today, plus change renewal status to Cancelled when the Membership Status is set to Cancelled. Please check the Membership FAQ: 7 for more information.
  • Fixed blank Subscription Group from being created when a new Shopify Transaction AND Membership group is created within the 10 minute Batch Processor run.


  • Added GooglePay, ApplePay when using Windcave Payment Gateway
  • Corrected issue with Checkout where an unhandled error message (You do not have permissions) would occur if no primary and active merchant facilities existed.
  • For EziDebit customers, fixed “Invalid token” when “EziDebitJSONProduction” was not enabled.
  • Success URL now allows option to navigate to top window. This is useful when Checkout form is inside an iframe and the success page is a full page on your website, vs. a page that also inside the iframe.
  • Windcave Privacy Link goes changed from Payment Express to Windcave site.
  • Corrected Issue where PayPal was not showing for Memberships with Recurring Frequency and had valid PayPal Recurring License. Not all Payment Options for Membership must be of recurring frequency type.


  • For Windcave customers, we had previously upgraded Merchant Facility Payment Gateway field from Payment Express to Windcave. This has been reversed as part of the upgrade script. This is now a manual step after the new Windcave Remote Site settings are enabled.
  • About Payments2Us - Automatic creation of Remote Sites, now made more unique so functionality will work better when running from Sandbox.
  • Corrected issue with Payment Form Builder coming up with Invalid form on occasions.
  • Corrected issue with Payment Form Builder producing false positive warnings on duplicate fields on the form.
  • Corrected Security Error on contact updates if BPAY CRN Generation value set, but user does not have permission to update CRN field.
  • EziDebit OneTimeKey updated to make more secure
  • Data Validation, removed all options for Geocoding as Salesforce now provides option as standard
  • About Payments2Us shows Authorize App if DEMO facility is created, or the Remote Sites is created

Recurring Payment

  • Fixed error that would occur if Contact was removed from Recurring Payment
  • Payment Txn generated will use the Recurring Payment “Account” field. If this is blank, then the Contacts Account is used. Previously was just using Contacts Account.

Webhook Apex code


  • Added effective from/to effective dates. This will enable early bird tickets to be setup. These date ranges are set on the Payment Option
  • Added “Max No. Tickets” available at the ticket type level (Payment Option). This allows for maximum number of tickets to be purchased by Ticket Type to be set/enforced. 
    First phase of setting maximum time to enter tickets. The Batch Processor will free up any tickets that are partially entered. The maximum time to enter tickets is NOT yet enforced for the online entry. 
    Warning when a particular ticket type (Payment Option) is getting close to sold out. 
    Sold Out Message when a particular ticket type (Payment Option) is has sold out.
  • Address auto complete/validation now working on checkout page when used with Events.
  • Corrected issue where Event Attendees were not being deleted.
  • Corrected issue with Free events not updating No. ticket sold correctly
  • Corrected issue when a single person was registering and they indicated they were attending. This was causing a duplicate contact to be created.
  • Corrected warning about ticket type/no. attending being incorrect. Issue could appear when backtracking from final checkout page back to selecting number of tickets page.
  • Corrected No. Of tickets sold on Payment Item Group not being updated if number of tickets updated.

PaymentsUs Settings

  • New Tab added to enable management of your Payments2Us charges and billing contacts. You can:
    • See previous Payments2Us Charges/ Receipts
    • Request copy of Receipt
    • Update Card details
    • Update Billing Contact


  • Now allows for 100% discounts to be given (i.e. to make the purchase free)


  • Cater for read only fields. Fields can be set to Read Only in the Payment Form builder.
  • Corrected issue where Enforce URL Token was checked from Primary Payment Form, instead of the Payment Form linked to the Peer-to-Peer Campaign
  • Corrected issue if all fields removed from completion page. Would cause form to not load and show page unavailable/unaccessible.


  • BPay email template to payer

8.5 Post upgrade steps

Custom Object Merchant Facility ( find under setup search “Object Manager”)

  • Field: “Payment Method”. Add values “ApplePay”, “GooglePay” to ALL record types.
  • Field Dependency: Between “Payment Gateway” and “Payment Method”. 
    Enable (Include) “ApplePay”, “GooglePay” for “Windcave Webservice” and “Windcave PxPay” 
    NOTE, if you are upgrading from a release install quite a while ago and there is not existing dependency setup, then you may skip this step.

Custom Object URL Token ( find under setup search “Object Manager”)

  • Field: “Payment Method”. Add values “ApplePay”, “GooglePay”

Custom Object Payment Txn ( find under setup search “Object Manager”)

  • Field: “Method of Payment”. Add values “ApplePay”, “GooglePay” to record types “Auth”, “Refund”, “Payment”,”Peer-to-Peer”, “eCheck”

Custom Object Payment Form ( find under setup search “Object Manager”)

  • Field: “Confirmation Page Action”, add value “Bypass Confirmation page - go to Success URL TOP”
  • Field “Fail URL”, add to Page Layout (Suggest under Success URL) sites

Windcave/Payment Express customers

  • Setup > remote sites. Make Active: “WindcaveProd”, “WindcaveUAT”
  • For all Merchant Facilities. Change field "Payment Gateway" picklist values: 
    “Payment Express” to “Windcave Webservice” 
    “Payment Express PxPay” to “Windcave PxPay” 

    If you are selecting to ADD these picklist values or make existing picklist values Active, then you ALSO NEED to check for field dependencies between "Payment Gateway" to "Payment Method" AND "Payment Gateway" to "Payment Gateway Options". Set the same options that are currently active in the “Payment Express” to “Windcave Webservice”, “Payment Express PxPay” to “Windcave PxPay”. 
    If the field dependencies did not previously exist, then you can ignore this step.


  • Custom Object “Payment Option”, page layout “Event Payment Option Layout” add fields: 
    “Available From”, “Available To”, “Max No. of Tickets Available”


  • Custom Objects “Subscription” and “Account Subscription”.
  • Field “Renewal Reminder”. Add picklist value “Cancelled”
  • Field “Membership Status”. Add picklist value “Cancelled”

8.4 January 2021

8.4 Release notes Stripe - Secure Customer Authentication Support now for card up ...

8.4 Release notes

Stripe - Secure Customer Authentication

  • Support now for card update and for regular payers/donors to sign up on a day of the month that is not todays date.
  • Stripe SCA is now listed in the “Payment Gateway” picklist, vs. the old method of adding “Secure Customer Authentication” as a Payment Gateway Option”

Webhook API

New feature introduced that provides the ability for external systems to submit payment transactions into Payments2Us/Salesforce.

The payment information can be submitted either programmatically with REST service, or through integration software such as Zapier using the Webhook options.

See user guide Webhook for more information.


  • New field added to Merchant Facility called “BPAY CRN Prefix”. This allows for adding a value to prefix Customer Reference Numbers when they are being generated.


  • Merchant Facility Payment Gateway picklist values for “Payment Express” and “Payment Express PxPay” have had “Payment Express” updated to “Windcave”
  • Stripe now supports latest version of the Stripe API. The latest version of the API was impacting Card Update feature from the Recurring Payment object.
  • Better error trapping/reporting for updates on Refunds, Recurring Payment Card update, Token Charge, Expiry Date update.

8.4 Post upgrade steps

Merchant Facility Custom Object

  • Payment Gateway Options. Add picklist value “BECS” to ALL record types
  • Payment Gateway Add picklist values “Windcave Webservice”, “Windcave PxPay”, “Stripe SCA” to ALL record types
  • Field Dependency “Payment Gateway” to “ Payment Gateway Options”.
    • Set “Enforce New Public Sites Security” for gateways Windcave Webservice”, “Windcave PxPay”, “Stripe SCA”
    • Set “BECS” for gateway “Stripe SCA”
  • Field Dependency “Payment Gateway” to “ Payment Method”.
    • Set Options for “Windcave Webservice” to be the same as “Payment Express”
    • Set Options for “Windcave PxPay” to be the same as “Payment Express PxPay”
    • Set Options for “Stripe SCA” to be the same as “Stripe”
  • Payment Gateway Deactivate picklist values “Payment Express”, “Payment Express PxPay”
  • License Options, add “Webhook API” to ALL record types
  • Page Layout, add “BPAY CRN Prefix”. Suggest Near BPAY Biller Code

8.3 January 2021

8.3 Release Notes Direct Debits Added new file format for HSBC BPAY Added new rul ...

8.3 Release Notes

Direct Debits

  • Added new file format for HSBC


  • Added new rules that will prefix Biller Code
  • Added new rules that will truncate length

Voucher Codes

  • Corrected max time used not enforcing correctly
  • Corrected filter by Merchant Facility/Payment Form/ Payment Option not working correctly

8.3 Post upgrade steps

  1. Merchant Facility Object
    1. Add Picklist value “Asia Pacific (HSBCnet)” to field “Direct Debit File Format” (ALL record types)
    2. Add picklist value “HSBC - Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation” to “Bank Code” (for ALL record types)
    3. Update Field Dependency between “Direct Debit File Format” and “Bank Code” to enable “HSBC - Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation” for “Asia Pacific (HSBCnet)”
    4. Edit page layout add “Account Suffix” (suggest near Account No.)
    5. BPAY CRN Rule. Add picklist values (To ALL record Types)
      • MOD10V05
      • Biller Code + MOD10V01
      • Biller Code + MOD10V05
      • Biller Code + MOD10V01 (10)
      • Biller Code + MOD10V05 (10)
  2. Contact Object
    1. Field BPAY CRN Rule. Add picklist values: (To all record types IF your organisations has Contact Record Types)
      • MOD10V05
      • Generate MOD10V05
      • Biller Code + MOD10V01
      • Generate Biller Code + MOD10V01
      • Biller Code + MOD10V05
      • Generate Biller Code + MOD10V05
      • Biller Code + MOD10V01 (10)
      • Generate Biller Code + MOD10V01 (10)
      • Biller Code + MOD10V05 (10)
      • Generate Biller Code + MOD10V05 (10)
  3. Direct Debit Batch Object
    1. Edit Page Layout - add Account Suffix (suggest near Account No.)
  4. Payment Txn Object
    1. Edit Page Layout “Direct Debit” add Account Suffix (suggest near Account No.)
  5. Recurring Payment Object
    1. Edit Page Layout “Direct Debit” add Account Suffix (suggest near Account No.)

8.2 December 2020

8.1/8.2 Release Notes Vouchers New module for Vouchers Codes added. Vouchers can ...

8.1/8.2 Release Notes


New module for Vouchers Codes added.

Vouchers can now be generated to apply a discount percentage or amount at time of checkout.

If a voucher code is entered on the checkout form, it is validated and the discount is then applied.

Vouchers can have various validity options associated with them. This includes options such as expiry date, number of times they can be used, restricted to a specific forms/contact/account/payment option (e.g. membership) etc.


  • Checkout allows for voucher code to be entered, applies discounts based on voucher code
  • Applied updates to cater for Sites removing Edit access to Custom Objects from Spring 21.
  • Datatools Kleber updated on checkout updates for more countries.
  • Datatools Kleber update to correct issue where “/” in address was not working. I.e. for unit/street number format of address entry.
  • Correct issue that caused error message “The expiry date is invalid. Must be in mm/yy format”. This would ONLY occur for memberships that had Recurring Payments linked to them or when performing a card update AND the first attempt to process a card had an invalid card/transaction.
  • Allow for browser details that have more than 255 characters. Now truncates to first 225 characters.

Payment Schedule

  • Correct pay now not showing payment options on checkout
  • Correct issue if changing from credit card where card token used on checkout


  • Correct setting record type for Payment Items on team members
  • Correct linking Payment Item to Team Member

Batch Entry

  • Added more details to Batch Processing/updates errors

Bank Reconciliation

  • Minor updates to errors occurring.

8.2 is essentially the same as version 8.1, but fixes and issue in the upgrade process were some organisations were receiving and error stating The ActionId specified was invalid for ActionType QuickAction for objects Voucher_Type__c-Voucher Type Layout and Voucher__c-Voucher Layout.


8.1 Post upgrade steps

8.0 November 2020

8.0 Release Notes Bank Feeds and Reconciliation (beta) Introducing Automatic Bank ...

8.0 Release Notes

Bank Feeds and Reconciliation (beta)

Introducing Automatic Bank Statement Feeds into Salesforce and Automatic matching of Bank Statement lines with Payment Txn. 
We have built integration into Yodlee data aggregation services to provide secure access from over 17,000 global data sources to provide bank, credit card, investment, loans, rewards and financial account data information 
Let Payments2Us manage your reconciliation and free up your time.

The Bank Feed reconciliation is going to be a paid add-on, but will be a small group will be free until the end of February 2021. If you’d like to have access, please contact info @

Automatic Matching Caters for:

  • Where many credit card Payment Txns in Salesforce exists for a single day are settled into your bank account with one lump sum payment. These transactions will be automatically matched/link with the bank statement feed
  • When a payer/donor makes a bank transfer and enters the reference number exactly as provided when submitting a payment. The Payment Txn will be matched and status changed from Awaiting Payment to Payment Received
  • When a payer/donor of for an account makes a payment/donation directly to your bank account. If this is an expected payment and there is a Payment Txn of Awaiting Payment status then the status will be updated to Payment Complete.

New Permission Set “Payments2Us Finance” added so banking details are separately secured.

EziDebit Enhancements

  • Added OneTimeKey for enhanced security and protection of digital keys
  • Cater for Amex with different response code of ‘000’. Corrected for single payments, plus recurring, card holder self update of card details
  • Masked credit card number now appear on field in Recurring Payment
  • Card holder self updating card. Now re-activates suspended payments
  • Card Type now appears on Recurring Payment after Card Update process
  • Mobile numbers cleaned before processing to remove invalid mobile phone number error
  • Added more error capture checks to cater for unexpected responses from EziDebit
  • Correct Conflict when running PayPal and EziDebit
  • Recurring payment processing now passing in both first name and last name
  • EziDebit signup for Direct Debits - if the option to charge first on selected day, then sets Next Payment Date on signup to correct date
  • Correction to EziDebit Nightly check processor where it was incorrectly updating payment status’s with failed attempt status that occurred prior to successful attempts


  • Added Default BPAY CRN rule on Merchant Facility
  • Added new BPAY CRN Generation method of “EziDebit”

Card Update from within Salesforce

  • Required field for Card Type now being enforced
  • Automatically assigning card type based of card number
  • After entering credit card, removes all spaces and tidies up card details

Checkout Form

  • Supports Language Translation workbench for Radio Buttons. For example, you can now override the Method of Payment Labels if required.
  • After entering credit card, removes all spaces and tidies up card details
  • Default Language setting corrected I.e. correction of phone number format. See FAQ 27 of

About Payments2Us - Create Samples

  • Sample data includes logo and background image
  • sample data does not relink P2P campaign if it already exists
  • sample data uses existing tokens if previous authorised

P2P Search

  • Change to amount for individual fundraiser amount raised.


  • Batch processor start/stop now starts and stops more related batch processors to cater for change of system admin users/permissions.
  • Checkout and Card Update forms.
  • Changing of demo password now automatically resets to correct one to remove invalid username/password error
  • Campaign, Add to event button linked to Modern form and no longer to classic version

8.0 Post upgrade steps

  • Enabled Remote Sites (setup > Remote Sites)
    • EziDebitJSONProduction
    • EziDebitJSONSandbox
    • YodleeProductionEnvironment
    • YodleeDevEnvironment
  • EziDebit customers
    • All Merchant Facilities. Remove “No OneTimeKey“ from Payment Gateway Options. 
      This option is set by default during the upgrade process so issues wont occur with the remote sites being deactivated.
  • Add “EziDebit” and “Generate EziDebit” to picklist values for all record types to field “BPAY CRN Rule” on objects
    • Payment Txn
    • Contact
  • Add “Default BPAY CRN Rule” to Merchant Facility Page Layout
  • Add picklist value License Options on object Merchant Facility for all record types
    • Bank Feed 01
    • Bank Feed 02
    • Bank Feed 03

7.13/7.14 August 2020

7.13/7.14 Release notes Datatrans Payment Gateway added Includes Credit Cards and ...

7.13/7.14 Release notes

Datatrans Payment Gateway added

  • Includes Credit Cards and Post Finance Cards processing
  • Online Checkout Charge Card
  • Online Checkout Sign up for regular donation today
  • Online Checkout sign up for a regular donation future date
  • Donor self update card
  • Online Checkout Authorise Card
  • Authorised Card Complete
  • Recurring Payment Processor
  • Get Status/Check processor
  • Refunds
  • Token charge
  • Card Update - internal Salesforce user


  • Peer-to-peer Search page updated so it can be iframed in (if needed)
  • Uploading of images no longer reports an error due to Salesforce Sites Guest user security changes.

General Updates

  • Annual Receipt letter template maintenance area updated to not show an error message
  • Suggested donations - updated to support more currency Symbols - for currencies: CHF, INR, THB ,IDR, NOK, SEK, ZAR, TRY
  • Permission Sets updated to provide required access to Batch Entry Line
  • Correct BPAY Text repeating if only option on checkout

7.13/7.14 Post upgrade steps

Merchant Facility Object

  • Field: Payment Gateway add value “Datatrans” to all record types
  • Field Dependency: “Payment Gateway” to “Payment Gateway Options”- for Datatrans enable “Enforce New Public Sites Security”
  • If your instance does not have a field dependency relationship previously setup, then you can skip this step
  • Field Dependency: “Payment Gateway” to “Payment Gateway Methods”- for Datatrans enable: Credit Card, Invoice Me, Send by Post, Check, Cheque, Pledge, Bank Transfer, PayPal, Manual 
    If your instance does not have a field dependency relationship previously setup, then you can skip this step
  • Field: AAkPay__PayPal_Environment__c (Environment) add “Custom” value. Make sure this is add to ALL record type

Payment Form Object

  • Field: “Active Card Types” Add picklist value “PostFinance Card”

Remote Sites (under setup)

  • Enable DatatransProduction, DatatransSandbox remote sites

7.11 July 2020

7.11 Release Note BPAY Added new Payment Option to checkout for BPAY. If selected ...

7.11 Release Note


  • Added new Payment Option to checkout for BPAY. If selected, then a new BPAY CRN No. is generated and payment instructions sent to payer.
  • Added generation of BPAY Customer Reference No. (CRN) to Contact.
  • Added ability to generate a BPAY CRN No and assign to any object via process builder
  • EziDebit enhanced to automatically reconcile payments by BPAY.

Encrypted URL Parameters

  • New feature added to encrypt URL Parameters so they are not human or machine readable providing more security.
  • Added ability for Process Builder to generate and Save Encrypted parameters. This enables users to generate and save links against any object in Salesforce.


  • Added new URL Parameter “TaxAmount”, this enables the passing in of the tax amount and is ideal for organisations that may have a mixture of items that include/exclude tax (example - where part of a transaction is taxed, but other parts are not). 
    To cater for this scenario, new Tax Calculations methods added to the Merchant Facility “Tax Amount Specified Inclusive”, “Tax Amount Specified Exclusive”
  • Added new Dynamic URL Parameters SuggestedDonationAmt[1...5]
  • Correction to donationAmount not processing correctly when passed in as a URL Parameter and amount was greater than $1000
  • Corrected issue with Windcave and EziDebit payment gateways when payments made after the 27th of the month and when Recurring Payments set to “Yes - Tokenise on Signup, Charge on Selected Date” then the transaction was only being authorised and not charged.
  • Stripe webhook update to use merchant facility related to payment txn to update Metadata back into Stripe. This enables different Stripe Metadata updates on different merchant facilities.
  • If payer made an unsuccessful Credit Card payment, then switched to PayPal, the Payment Response Text was previously not being cleared out on the Payment Txn. This has now been corrected.
  • Invoice Me now shows to correct page on the complete/success page
  • URL Parameter MailingCountry now sets the country correctly

EziDebit Updates

  • When card or account holder update their card/account details, a new customer number is no longer generated
  • Correct issue where transactions would not submit when hideContactDetails URL Parameter used.
  • Added BPAY nightly automatic reconciliation.


  • Merchant Facility compact panel now correctly shows recently added Payment Gateways. The formula field “AAkPay__Payment_Method_Text__c” has been updated.
  • Sites Permission Sets no longer have delete permission for Payments2Us custom objects.
  • Import Files has a checkbox that if set will run the “Process” procedure. This enabled automation by adding a custom workflow to automatically set this field to start processing.
  • Address ID field increased to 64 to cater for longer Ids in some countries.
  • “Biller code” field renamed on Contact, Import File and Payment Txn Objects to “Customer Reference No.”

7.11 Post upgrade steps

Due to Salesforce platform constraints, we cannot make these changes automatically.

An administrator from your organisation needs to apply these changes manually.

  • Payment Form Object
    • Page Layout: Add field “URL Encrypted Parameters Key”
  • URL Token Object
    • Page Layout: Add field “URL Encrypted Parameters” suggest to make read only on page layout.
    • Page Layout: Add fields “Tax Amount”, “Create URL Encrypted Parameters”, “Job Title”, “Shopping Cart Details JSON”, “Tax Calculation”
  • Merchant Facility Object
    • Field “Tax Calculation” add values to ALL record types:
      • Tax Amount Specified Inclusive
      • Tax Amount Specified Exclusive
    • Field “Payment Method” Add “BPAY” to All record types.
    • Field dependencies Payment Gateway to Payment Method
      • Make BPAY available for ALL payment gateways

[NOTE: If this field dependency does not exist in your instance, you can skip this part]

  • Field “License Options” Add “BPAY CRN” to all record types
  • Page Layout: Add Field “BPAY Biller Code” - suggest in Payment Instructions section
  • Payment Txn Object
    • Field “Tax Calculation” add values to ALL record types:
      • Tax Amount Specified Inclusive
      • Tax Amount Specified Exclusive
    • Field “Payment Method” Add “BPAY” All record types.
    • Page Layout: Add field “Settlement Date/time”
  • Import File Line Item Object
    • Page Layout: Add fields “Tax Calculation”, “settlement date/time”, “Mobile Phone”
  • Import File Object
    • Field “Import Type”, add picklist value “EziDebit BPAY”
  • Contact Object
    • Page Layout: Add field “BPAY CRN Rule” suggest near “Customer Reference No. field.
  • Remote Sites Settings
    • Make “BPAYProduction” active.

7.10 May 2020

7.10 Release Note New Payment Gateway added - EziDebit Online checkout Credit Car ...

7.10 Release Note

New Payment Gateway added - EziDebit

  • Online checkout Credit Card charge
  • Online checkout Charge Credit Card and Sign up for Recurring Payment
  • Online checkout Sign up for Recurring Credit Card Payment at future date
  • Online checkout Sign up for Direct Debit Payment at future date
  • Recurring Payment Processor for both Credit Cards and Direct Debits
  • Nightly Reconciliation processor to get updates on Direct Debit and Credit Card Payments
  • Refunds for both Credit Cards and Direct Debits
  • Card Holder to self serve/update their Credit Card Details
  • Account Holder to self serve/update their Direct Debit Details
  • Internal Salesforce Users to update card details
  • Token Charge
  • Import Files Upload and Tokenise or Charge cards
  • Import Files Upload and setup Direct Debits
  • Batch Entry Charge Cards 
    See procedure: Direct Debits Process Automatically


  • Payment Express logo replaced by Windcave Logo
  • Terms and Conditions checkout Modal window is now scrollable
  • Credit card type icon shows as card number is being entered
  • Create Samples Paypal demo credentials removed. Captcha defaulted to “Im Not a Robot Strict”
  • Recurring Payment Processor no longer copies previous payment status code/desc/text fields onto Payment Txn.
  • No of custom fields on checkout increased from 3 to 10
  • Workflows for recurring payments max retry attempts exceeded entry criteria to update for Credit Cards or Direct Debit when using EziDebit.
  • Workflows for setting create URL Token on recurring payments entry criteria to update for Credit Cards or Direct Debit when using EziDebit.
  • False positive error message “System.abortJob(;” removed
  • Batch Entry updated to correct issue of “Batch Process” button not working in Lightning.
  • Form processing actions changed from “Credit Card Update” to “Payment Info Update” and “Contact and Credit Update” to “Contact and Payment Info Update”
  • Removed error when there were no Opportunity Stages with Closed Won set when Create Opportunity was NOT set/needed.
  • Various updates to fix quirks with Payment Form Builder
  • Subscription and Account Subscriptions have their “Print Email Receipt” field updated automatically if the email on the related contact is updated.
  • Upcoming Events Widget - Corrected issue where an incorrect link would navigate to Classic Events form.

7.10 Post upgrade steps

Merchant Facility Object

  • Add new picklist value “EziDebit” Payment Gateway. Make SURE to add to ALL record types
  • Field dependency update “Payment Gateway” to “Payment Gateway Options”. Link “EziDebit” to “Enforce New Public Sites Security”
  • Object Field dependency update “Payment Gateway” to “Payment Method”. For “EziDebit” enabled all methods, except: account2account, wechat, China UnionPay. 
    If your organisation does not already have this setup as a field dependency, then you can skip this step.

Payment Form AND URL Token Objects

  • Update picklist values for field “Form Processing Actions”:
    • Change Label and API name from “Credit Card Update” to “Payment Info Update”
    • Change Label and API name from “Contact and Credit Card Update” to “Contact and Payment Info Update”

Account Subscription and Subscriptions Objects

  • Use data loader or similar to update “Print Email Receipt” from the related Contact email or print email receipt field.

Remote Sites Settings

  • Make "EziDebitProduction" active.

7.9 March 2020

7.9 Release Notes Peer-to-Peer Fundraising New Peer-to-Peer Search providing a la ...

7.9 Release Notes

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

  • New Peer-to-Peer Search
    • providing a landing page to enable donors to search for individuals or teams
    • Links to registration page
    • Shows top individuals/donors and provides navigation of lists (first/previous/next/last)
  • Registrations can now be paid or free.
  • New Payment Options of record type “Peer-to-Peer” pricing enables setting up prices for individuals or teams. Also includes effective from / to dates to enable early bird pricing.

All online forms

  • Add ability to add background image. Upload an image containing the word “background” in it against the Merchant Facility, Payment Form or Letter objects.

Batch Processor

  • Adjusted the sensitivity of Batch Processor duplicate running error. Now reports once per hour.
  • Added ability to change frequency of batch processor
  • Automatic tidy up attempt of duplicate batch processor runs


  • Contact updates for non Payments2Us users checks field level permissions to ensure no permission errors on updates of Payments2Us fields.
  • Shopify correct issue with fields too large, preventing errors from occurring.
  • PxPay checkouts now handle regular payment day of Month field being removed completed from Form Builder.
  • Improved locked down when too many attempts from same IP address.
  • Improved App Authentication/Remote sites setting when session setting lock from IP Address set.
  • Corrected error on update of Recurring Payment Custom fields with like for like API names if they were read only or formula fields.
  • Correct typo in “Recurring Payment” Name.

7.9 Post upgrade steps

Campaign Object

  • Page Layout: “AAkonsult Peer-to-Peer” Layout, add fields: Peer-to-Peer Search URL, Fundraising Page Note

Merchant Facility Object

  • Page Layout: add fields: Peer_to_Peer_Search_URL, add batch processor frequency

Payment Txn

  • Page Layout: Peer-to-Peer Layout: Add field: Registration Fee

Payment Item

  • Page Layout: Peer-to-Peer Team Member Layout: Add field: Registration Fee

Sharing Settings

  • We have recently changed our recommendations for some sharing settings. Please review Payments2Us sharing settings - in particular Recurring Payments and status criteria.

7.7 February 2020

7.7 Release Notes Payment Form Builder BETA: Text fields added. You can now add t ...

7.7 Release Notes

Payment Form Builder

  • BETA: Text fields added. You can now add text to the forms in most sections. Feature allows for a Label and Text, or just Text to be added.
  • BETA: Custom fields can be added without adding to FieldSets first.
  • REFRESH, vs. FULL RESET. Refresh will now pick up new fields/sections added and wont restore to the default FieldSets. FULL RESET works as previously and returns the forms to the default state based of FieldSets.
  • RESTORE button added to return to previously saved state. 
    For more information on the above see procedure: What that the components of the Payment Form Builder


  • Calendar added new URL parameters to make filtering of displayed events possible. Includes filtering by Campaign Type, By Payment Form or Merchant Facility. See procedure: “How to publish and Event Calendar

Make Payment

  • Added field “Enable On Make Payment” on Merchant Facility and Payment Form. Make Payment will now only show Merchant Facilities or Payment forms where this field is blank or set to Yes

Batch Processor

  • Added warning error log if duplicate processor found to be running.
  • Correction to way Transaction Generated on Recurring Payment Set


  • Corrected issue where Renew button on membership/subscription was not showing internal options such as “Manual” payments.


  • Error messages now log more details for diagnostics if required.
  • Banked Payment was not correctly set form some Status’s.


  • Added Campaign Member Refunded Status so Refunds don’t mark Campaign Member status as “Paid”
  • Added Opportunity Sales Stage field to Payment Form. This allows for the Sales Stage to be set. If not specified, default to first closed won status.
  • Import Files Tab now shows correct title, vs. Object API Name.
  • For Windcave/Payment Express, if the payment gateway response code is greater than 255 characters then it is trimmed to 255.
  • Letters corrected error when launching Letter Builder

7.7 Post upgrade steps

If you are installing this version to get the new Salesforce Security Enhancements, please make sure you do the following procedures prior:


Object: Payment Form

  • Page Layout, Add fields: Campaign Member Refunded Status, Enable On Make Payment, Opportunity Sales Stage

Object: Merchant Facility

  • Page Layout, Add fields: Enable On Make Payment

7.6 Security Improvements Testing

7.6 Security Improvements and Testing Overview Salesforce is making a number of s ...

7.6 Security Improvements and Testing Overview

Salesforce is making a number of security updates for online forms. These have been optionally available since Winter '20 release and will be enforce in early March of 2020.

These updates require a number of minor setup changes and should take an Admin about 30 minutes to apply. Without these configuration changes, the following publicly accessible forms will be impacted:

  • Checkout
  • Peer-to-Peer fundraising registration
  • Events

Before applying the updates to production, we recommend testing in a sandbox. This procedure takes you through setting up your Sandbox for a valid test.

Please note, you should also test any other application installed that you might have that has publicly accessible forms.

For more information on the Salesforce security improvements, see:


These updates are ONLY available with our Modern form. We will not be supporting our Classic checkout form from 1st of March 2020. To enable Modern form select "Modern" from the picklist field "Default Payment Form" that is on the Merchant Facility.


1. Create a new Salesforce Sandbox

If you have the ability to create a Full or Partial Sandbox, then that would be ideal, but not fully necessary.

If creating a partial sandbox, then it would pay to include sample data from Accounts, Contacts, Merchant Facility, Payment Form, Payment Options and if using memberships then Account Subscriptions, and Subscriptions.

If creating a full or partial sandbox, please review FAQ - Sandbox - in particular bullet point 3 regarding the Salesforce Org Id.

For more information on creating Sandboxes, please consult Salesforce online help, or contact Salesforce Support.

2. Apply all Critical Updates

In setup, perform a quick find for "Critical Updates" and click on the "Critical Updates" result.

Review and Activate all Critical Updates. This includes any that may not be shown in the screenshot below.

After reviewing, we suggest enabling all Critical Updates if you do not see any particular issue (advise on which ones to install is not covered by our support - contact Salesforce support for more information if needed).

Our reason for applying these now is if there is an impact, then you can disable, correct and then at a later date re-apply. If you wait for the auto activation date, there might not be a chance to undo and retry later. As always, testing in a Sandbox is recommended.


2. Apply Security Updates/Alerts

In setup, perform a quick find for "Security Updates" and click on the "Security Updates" result. NOTE: Some instances might show this as "Security Alerts" instead of "Security Updates"

For all sections, click on the "Get Started" button and work your way though the checklists. Make sure you complete the final checklist.

3. Enable Secure guest user record access on Sharing Settings

In setup, perform a quick find for "Sharing Settings" and click on the "Sharing Settings" result.

Then click the Edit Button.

Scroll down the page to "Other Settings" section and select "Secure guest user record access".

The other checkboxes have no impact on this particular update and do not matter from this updates perspective if they are ticked or not ticked. Please work with Salesforce or your Salesforce consultant should you require further info on those details.

4. Install Payments2Us version 7.6 or higher

Install the latest version of Payments2Us from the AppExchange.

Follow the post upgrade steps as included in the release notes from your current version install to the latest version available. See specific release notes for version 7.6

Please ensure you follow the Post Install Steps for the 7.6 release.

Payments2Us regularly brings out the latest release, therefore updating to the latest release available is recommended. For the Salesforce security update, you will need to have version 7.6 or later. If you are unsure which release you are currently on, then go to setup - Search "Installed Packages" and click into "Installed Package" search results. You can see the version number there for your install of Payments2Us.

5. Configure Payments2Us to work with the new Security Improvements

On ALL Merchant Facilities, ensure the "Payment Gateway Options" has "Enforce New Public Sites Security" option selected.

6. Configure Sharing Settings

See procedure: How to setup Sites Sharing Settings

7. Authorise user for external forms

See procedure: How to authorise Payments2Us for public websites

8. Enable Modern Form

The upgraded security enhancements ONLY work with the modern form.


Set the Default Payment Form on the Merchant Facility to "Modern".

If this field does not exist on the page, then edit the page layout and add the field to the page.

If this field does not have any values in it, the go to setup > Objects and fields > Merchant Facility. Click on Record Types, click into the Payment one. Click edit next to "Default Payment Form" and add all picklist values.

9. Update URLs being used

You may need to update the URLs used on your website or wherever else you have Payments2Us forms.

You need to ensure these are using the modern version. I.e. if the URL contains Then make sure the word checkout has "M" at the end of the word checkout, e.g.

10. Suggested Testing

We would recommend that you test all your normal business processes.

As a minimum, perform an online test of your checkout form. If you are using any of the following modules then we recommend testing those online forms too:

  • Checkout Form
  • Events
  • Peer-to-Peer Registration
  • PayPal or PayPal Recurring

If you are using other Apps from Salesforce that have external forms, then we recommend also testing these. For example the NFP Volunteers for Salesforce Apps. Should you have any issues with those Apps, please contact them for assistance.

11. Deploying to Production

Repeat all of the steps above that were performed in Sandbox in your production instance.

12. Trouble shooting/FAQ

  • On the Merchant Facility (Primary / Active one). Stop/Start the Batch Processor
  • Make sure the 7.6 Release upgrade post install steps were completed.
  • Review Checkout Form FAQ
  • The "Secure guest user record access" checkbox is not visible on the "Sharing Settings" screen. If you have applied all of the Security Alerts/Updates and this still does not appear, then log a case with Salesforce Support. They can enable a permission from the backend "Grant read-only access to guest users, using sharing rules". Apparently, it can only be done from the backend and by their higher support.
  • When I go to authenticate the App, it is showing the domain from a different Salesforce instance. 
    If you are a consultant and logging in/out of multiple Salesforce instances, then this may occur. The session has been cached from a prior login. First, try closing down your browser, or using a different browser. Should that not work, then drag the field "Instance URL" onto the Merchant Facility Page Layout. Then edit/remove any values in here and try again.

If the above does not work, or if this is causing issues with other packages installed, then please see the procedure: How do I remove the March 2020 security updates procedure as an interim solution until you are able to resolve the issues.

7.6 January 2020

7.6 Release Notes Please note, we will not be supporting our Classic checkout for ...

7.6 Release Notes

Please note, we will not be supporting our Classic checkout form from 1st of March 2020. To enable Modern form select "Modern" from the picklist field "Default Payment Form" that is on the Merchant Facility.


Salesforce Security Improvements

  • Available since Winter ’20 and enforced in March 2020, Salesforce has made a number of changes and enhancements for security for public facing forms. 
    This release includes a number of updates to work with the Security Setting changes. You will need to make a number of configuration changes to work with these updates after installing this release.
  • For more information about this security update and the recommended steps for enabling and testing in Sandbox, please see procedure: 7.6 Security Improvements Testing

Recurring Payments

  • Like for like API field copy of values from Payment Txn to Recurring Payment is now available. This is only available for custom fields added to the Recurring Payment Object in your instance and does not include Payments2Us Managed Package fields
  • “Card Type” now copied from Recurring Payment to Payment Txn when generating Payment Txn.
  • “dpsBillingId” field renamed to “Billing Token” on the Payment Txn and Recurring Payment objects
  • “Last Payment Date” field renamed to Last Processed Date to better reflect this date.
  • New field added Sign Up date.
  • New filed added Start date. If set, the next payment date cannot be prior to this date. This field can be uploaded from Import Files.
  • New Section “Declines Management”
    • New Field “Last Declined Date”
    • New fields “Payment Response Code”, “Payment Response Desc” and “Payment Response Text”. These are populated from the last Payment Txn record processed for recurring payments. Note excludes Token Charges and Card Updates
    • New Field “Consecutive Months with Failed Payments”. Each time the Recurring Payment is changed to “Suspended - Max retries exceeded”, then this field is incremented by one. This field is reset when a successful recurring payment charge occurs

Payment Forms

  • New Field "Direct Debit Retry Attempts". If specified, the direct debits will retry the number of times entered. This would often be set to “1” for Direct Debits and would differ from Credit Card retry attempts. If this field is not set, then the value of “Recurring Retry Attempts” is used.
  • New Field "Retry Response Codes". This is a comma separated list of values to retry for credit card processing. If a value is entered and the Recurring Payment Txn payment gateway response code does not match that value then the Recurring Payment Status is immediately changed to “Suspended - Max retries exceeded”. This option is useful so cards are not attempted again if there is no chance of success and will save organisations on transactions fees.

Direct Debits

  • New object added to link Direct Debit Batches with Payment Txn’s. This object is called “Direct Debit Batch Payment Txn”. 
    The new object should reduce the likelihood of record lock errors occurring and also provides the capability for custom Roll Up Summary fields to be added to the Direct Debit Batch.
  • When adding or updating Payment Txn’s to a batch, the entry screen tab now shows the Direct Debit Batch number and not the Direct Debit Batch object name.
  • “Financial Institution” field is now copied from Payment Txn to Recurring Payment.

Import Files

  • If charging or tokenising a card and that card fails, then a Recurring Payment Record is still created.
  • Added ability to change imported field values using “Import File Translation Codes”. See Procedure: How to change values on import using Import File Translation Codes
  • Added ability to change imported field values using “Regular Expressions”. See Procedure: How to change values on import using Regular Expressions.
  • Moved Saved Field mappings from Custom Setting object to Custom Objects “Import File Mapping” and “Import File Mapping Field”.
  • This addresses a Critical Update (Require Customize Application permission for direct read access to custom settings ) that is planned that may impact some users. 
    This change also allows for these options to be reported on, plus to be updated using data loader.
  • When using previously saved field mappings, if a field was not mapped previously then it is no longer defaulted when an exact matching name is found. 
    For example, if your spreadsheet had a column “email”. In your saved mapping you did not map and save, then when using in the future the import process used to automatically assign as the name in the spreadsheet column matched the field name.


  • Password field increased to 175 characters in length to cater for Stripe Payment Gateway API passwords increasing in length.
  • Unexpected errors in batch processors are now logged in the “Payments2Us Error Log”
  • Campaign Field “Organiser Organisation” is increased in size from 40 to 80 characters.
  • Renew button on Subscription and Account Subscription will bring up the Modern Checkout Form if Modern is active.
  • Banked Payment correctly shows “YES” when the Payment Txn is at a status of “Payment Complete”
  • Payment Form Builder now correctly allows last field from a section to be removed. In particular “Message”
  • Payment Form Builder now correctly works with custom fields on Event Attendees. Previously this would show the fields API name and not label.
  • For users that don’t have access to Payments2Us fields on the Contact record, an error is no longer being generated.
  • PxPay now allows for with Recurring Payment option of “Yes - Tokenise on Signup, Charge on Selected Date”

7.6 Post upgrade steps

 Object Merchant Facility

  • For field: “Payment Gateway Options”, add new Picklist Value “Enforce New Public Sites Security”. 
    Ensure this is added to ALL record types 
    For field dependencies - “Payment Gateway - Payment Gateway Options”, make sure “Enforce New Public Sites Security” is enabled for ALL payment gateway types

Object URL Token

  • For field: “Where Used”, add new Picklist value “Internal Only”

Object Payment Form

  • Page Layout: Add fields "Direct Debit Retry Attempts", "Retry Response Codes"

Object Recurring Payment

  • Page Layouts “Direct Debit” and “Recurring Payment”. Add fields “Consecutive Months with Failed Payments”, “Last Declined Date”, “Payment Response Code”, “Payment Response Desc”, “Payment Response Text”, “Sign Up Date”, “Start Date”

Object Payment Txn

  • Page Layout:
    • Add field “Submitted by User Type” to all layouts
    • Add fields “Sign Up Dates”, “Start Date” to layouts “Payment” and “Direct Debit”

Object Direct Debit Batch

  • Page Layout: Remove Fields: "No. Completed (OLD)", "No. in Batch (OLD)", "No. In Error (OLD)","Total Batch Amount (OLD)"
  • Page Layout: Add fields: "No. Completed", "No. in Batch", "No. In Error","Total Batch Amount"

REQUIRED: On the Merchant Facility Tab. Delete or Rename "DEMO FACILITY" to something new.  
Then, click on the "About Payments2Us" Tab and press create Samples. This step is required to setup items for Payments2Us Authorisation. See screenshot below for "DEMO FACILITY" example.

7.5 October 2019

7.5 Release Notes Recurring Payments Resend Card Failure Email button Resend Card ...

7.5 Release Notes

Recurring Payments

  • Resend Card Failure Email button
  • Resend Card Expiring Email Button
  • Added calculated button to show monthly recurring payment equivalent amount. Enables organisation's to run forecasting reports off a common amount regardless of the frequency.


  • Batch Processor - Correct issue of leaving Payment Txn in Receipting Complete status

7.5 Post upgrade steps

  • Add Resend "Resend Card Failure" Quick action to Recurring Payment Page Layout (For Credit Card Record Type).
  • Add Resend "Resend Card Expiring" Quick action to Recurring Payment Page Layout (For Credit Card Record Type).
  • Add "Monthly Amount" to all Recurring Payments Page Layouts

7.4 September 2019

7.4 Release Notes Checkout Form If payment methods shown are only shown if the th ...

7.4 Release Notes

Checkout Form

  • If payment methods shown are only shown if the they are applicable for the frequency selected (e.g. Once-off, Monthly). For example, Direct Debit option is only shown then the frequency is NOT once-off and Account2Account is only shown when the frequency is Once-off
  • New Payment methods added (some are dependent on payment gateway)
    • Pay Using PayID
    • Account2Account *
    • China UnionPay **
    • WeChat **

* Only available with Payment Express 
** Requires merchant facility to be with Payment Express

  • When tokenising upfront, the amount tokenised is now $0.01 for most payment gateways. For Stripe this remains at $1.
  • Buttons on mobile styling are updated to look better and be more functional
  • PayPal logo display is no longer cropped on one side
  • Payment Methods such as Direct Debit can be used by themselves now, vs. requiring at Credit Card option
  • PxPay with alternative payment method options such as Direct Debits does not come up with a session id error when the alternative payment method is used.

General Updates

  • Manual Payments shows error if required field missing, vs. just not submitting.
  • Refunds now show a warning message that the funds are not actually refunded and that the refund process is to only record the details in Salesforce. This occurs for manual, shopify or Account2Account payment types. Refunds ability added for Shopify (recording in Salesforce only)
  • Batch Entry removes default from previous entries. Defaults Transaction Date from header. Reset button also removes all defaults.
  • If users do not have access to payments2Us, the logging of access not available error to Fundraiser ID’s object is no longer logged in the Error Log.
  • More checks in place to ensure Batch Processor not duplicating when under heavy loads

7.4 Post upgrade steps

Add the following picklist values to the "Payment Method" field on Merchant Facility (all record types) and "URL Tokens" Objects

  • Pay Using PayID
  • Account2Account
  • China UnionPay
  • WeChat

7.3 July 2019

7.3 Release Notes Import Files Fundraiser Id and Last Name Matching has been impr ...

7.3 Release Notes

Import Files

  • Fundraiser Id and Last Name Matching has been improved/fixed.
  • When multiple currencies are enabled for the organisation, the ISO Currency is now set from the imported currency (if specified), otherwise the related Merchant Facility Default Currency.


  • Calendar files corrected when a sub-domain is being used for the Sites
  • When a specific URL is entered for an event , the calendar works with http:// and now https:// prefixed URLs


  • Modern Form now displays an error message if there are NO active and valid Merchant Facilities
  • Corrected an error when the company name included an apostrophe


  • Validation rule added to Merchant Facility to ensure 18 digit Organisation Id assigned. This saves confusion for customers setting up sandbox environments.

7.3 Upgrade Notes

7.2 June 2019

7.2 Release Notes Peer-to-Peer Module has been rewritten to use Modern Forms. Thi ...

7.2 Release Notes


  • Module has been rewritten to use Modern Forms. This enables the use of the Payment Form Builder for designing the form, plus allows for unlimited layout options for field/page layouts.
  • Now uses jquery mobile themes as part of the Modern Form styling.

Checkout Updates

  • Display of currency fields corrected for locales such as Great Britain, Euro etc.
  • New Frequency of “4 Weekly” added
  • On Modern form, the number of Appeals that can shown in the drop down list is increased from 20 to 50
  • If the checkout form is linked to a campaign and the campaign end date has passed and the Payment Form Payment Type is NOT Event or Program, then the message saying the campaign has past is now removed.
  • For Modern form, the success URL now includes first name, last name, email and opportunity id (if opportunity is passed in from URL Token or URL parameter)
  • Bank Transfer Details now added to field sets so these can be shown on the checkout success page for Pay Later, Bank Transfer methods of payments

Membership Updates

  • Annual and bi-annual frequencies updated to not update days of month greater than 28 days to Last, but to leave as actual day of month.
  • Fixes to reduce very rare occurrence of renewals doubling up and extending by 2 years, instead of 1.

Resend buttons for PDF Documents Emails

  • Add button to resend Receipt on Payment Txn
  • Added buttons to send/resent membership renewal letter, membership confirmation letters for both Contact level Subscription and Account Level Subscriptions.

Direct Debits

  • For Direct Debit Returns, fixed issue where & and other special characters in names were being removed and causing issues with field alignments.


  • Fix to free events where on occasions, the screen would continually show “in progress message”

General updates

  • Jquery version and related libraries upgraded across all forms to latest version.

7.2 Upgrade Notes

  • Add “4 Weeks” as picklist option to frequency on the Objects: Payment Form, Payment Option, Recurring Payment, URL Token and Payment Txn. Make sure the value is added to ALL record types.

7.1 March 2019

7.1 Release Notes Payment Gateways PxPay added to Modern Forms All Payment Expres ...

7.1 Release Notes

Payment Gateways

  • PxPay added to Modern Forms
  • All Payment Express Gateways now use “Environment” setting on Merchant Facility to point to production or UAT instances of Payment Express

Payment Express gateways.

  • Now work with UAT sandboxes

Updates and Fixes

  • Merchant Facility “Site URL” changed to “Base Site URL”
  • Merchant Facility “Site URL CheckoutM changed to “URL for your website”
  • Correction of double receipts being sent for recurring payments when receipts require every time enabled.
  • Correction of Token Charge resetting Next Payment Date on Recurring Payments.
  • Custom links on recurring payments for User Manual pages now pointing to correct page.
  • For Recurring Payments that were manually uploaded by customers and when the expiry YYMMMM field had invalid data, an error message would occur. This has now been correctly handled and catered for.
  • AAkPay__Voucher_Code__c field added to a range of Payment Txn fieldsets so that this field can now be added/used on the checkout forms.
  • Demo data in the create samples was referring to “Payment Type”. This has been corrected to reference “Payment Form”
  • Error message for refunds that are not at the correct status has been updated to refer to the current payment gateway being used and not always saying “Payment Express”. The error is now: Refunds can only be for transactions of Type Payment or Events that were process through {gateway}


  • Better management of Maximum number of tickets for Events on Modern Forms.
  • Correction of “Free Event” page occurring on confirmation page at times.
  • Correction of error in Payment Form Builder when Payment Form’s with a Payment Type of “Program” or “Training”.

7.1 Upgrade Notes

7.0 January 2019

7.0 Release Notes Batch Entry New option to allow for the quick entry of both man ...

7.0 Release Notes

Batch Entry

  • New option to allow for the quick entry of both manual and credit card payments.
  • Batch Entry stores the payers payment methods and will default when next used to speed up entry.
  • Designed to work with bar code. Scan the membership/support number with a “-“ and Campaign Code field to locate the contact and campaign quickly. A new “Campaign Code” field has been added to the Campaigns Object.
  • Batch totals can be entered for both dollar amounts and number of transactions. Validation rules are in place to check the line items add up to these amounts before processing the batch.
  • Batch Entry is only tested for Lightning. Requires “My Domain” to be setup
  • See the User Guide for Batch Entry


  • Receipts can now have the record id for the letter object passed in. This is using a new component parameter called “letterRecordId”. This is useful when using custom workflows and wanting to use different receipt letters for different stages of the payment process stage. An example is repurposing the receipt as a invoice/request for payment. Then once the payer has paid the then use the standard process for generating a receipt.


  • For organisations that have had the always tokenise option enabled with their Payment Gateway, then should a card fail on signup/upload and the transaction is a regular payment then the token is stored on the Payment Txn record.
  • Amex card checking was returning wrong card type in a very limited number of cases. Card check algorithms have been updated accordingly

Direct Debits

  • Direct Debit Returns had wrong BSB/Account number
  • Direct Debits Token generated now ignores leading zeros to improve on returns matching process.


  • Payment Form Builder (Beta) button renamed to "Payment Form Builder"
  • Fund Raiser to Fundraiser in the Contact Role field for Payment items
  • When creating Demo examples, should an error occur with updating the Merchant Facility, then error messages are shown to the user.
  • Manual Payments correction to show database type errors. For example if a validation rule is triggered, then the error is shown to the user.
  • Upgrades now process more than 10,000 records for setting up of Fundraiser Ids
  • Internal user security updates, in particular tighter checking of FLS. Removes issue where FLS not correctly set on field name API for like to like copies; including custom fields on Payment Txn with matching fields from URL Tokens or Contacts.

7.0 Upgrade Notes

  1. On the Merchant Facility Object. Setup > Search "Object Manager". Click into Merchant Facility 
    Field: "License Options" Add "Batch Entry" - Make sure you add this to all record types if you are using record types
  2. On the Payment Txn Object. Setup > Search "Object Manager". Click into Payment Txn. 
    Field: "Status" Add "Batch Entry Start" - Make sure you add this to record types: "Manual" and "Payment". Save. Then reorder and add new status just after "Payment Start" 
    Fields Dependency: Link Status "Batch Entry Start" to Path Status "Awaiting Payment" 
    Field "Transaction Source" Add "Batch Entry"- Make sure you add this to record types: "Manual" and "Payment".
  3. All user profiles that are using Payments2Us. Make sure the Payment Txn object has "Manual" and "Payment" record types enabled.
  4. To use Batch Entry, please contact for new license key (note, module requires extra monthly subscription)

6.16 December 2018

6.16 Release Notes Direct Debits For import file returns, now allows for matching ...

6.16 Release Notes

Direct Debits

  • For import file returns, now allows for matching on BSB/Account number combination.
  • Statement Text can now be entered.
  • If the Next Payment Date on a Recurring Payment is updated whilst a Direct Debit Batch is open and the Next Payment Date is future dated, then it is not updated when the transactions are completed
  • Recurring Payments on Save generate a token (dpsBillingId)

Import Files

  • Shows Payment Txns as a related list list


  • Fixed issue on Events Checkout form where credit card entry was not shown


  • Add new automatic calculation for Service Fee.
  • Service fee percentage is maintained on the Payment Form being used.

Service fee is useful for countries that charge a fixed Service Fee on top of the service provided.

6.16 Upgrade Notes

6.15 November 2018

6.15 Release Notes Lightning and user interface updates All page layouts reviewed ...

6.15 Release Notes

Lightning and user interface updates

  • All page layouts reviewed and updated to make better use of Lightning UI
  • Paths added where relevant
  • New field “Regular Payment Frequency” added to Payment Txn and added to contact layout view and direct debit views. This means the actual recurring frequency is shown, vs. Önce-off.
  • Added new field “Email Payment Link” on contact. This is to make it easier to generate an email with a link to ask for a payment.
  • Updated Custom Link on Payment form to cater for classic/modern Checkout Form


  • Donation By Name (Company/Organisation) increased to 80 characters
  • Fixed issue when using URL Tokens and Frequency set, but default frequency was not set. Issued caused Frequency to be setup as One-off
  • When using donation with option (e.g. asking for a donation with memberships) and using suggested donations on the modern form, the selected option now defaults to “Not at this stage”
  • When using the Credit Card Payment from a Contact, should the contact have an active subscription then this was selected. The behaviour has been changed to only use the default payment form. Should the default form have a membership linked to it, then that will be used to default details in.
  • For All fields checked to make sure they do not exceed the maximum lengths allowed for by
  • URL Parameter for passing in MobilePhone for the Modern form was not working. This has been fixed.
  • Corrected alignment of “Amount” field on Checkout display.
  • Added more div statements to allow for more options/flexibility for organisations using custom themes.
  • Token Charges now copy the masked card number to the Payment Txn record.

Payment Form Builder

  • Added preview for “Your website” and “Salesforce”. Click on the eye icon tab to see preview.
  • Corrected issue where when using 2 or more custom sections and the fields inside the sections would become mixed up

Import Files

  • Donation Amount field added as standard field
  • Donation By Name (Company/Organisation) increased to 80 characters
  • Fixed issue on Import Files for organisations using Product Id. Fundraisers were being also allocated a product id and causing the opportunity to have 2 lines items, instead of the one.

Matching Process

  • For Direct Debits, “Bank” is copied over from Payment Txn to the Recurring Payment.
  • For organisations that were data loading and the data load had an error, then it was possible for the total amount paid on the Opportunity to get out of synch. This extremely rare use case has been corrected.

Membership Renewals/Confirmations/Annual Statements

  • Company Name Print now excludes “Individual”. Ideal for organisations using bucket Account model
  • Subscription Memberships with Recurring Payments or Automatic renewals now copy all Subscriber Group members to the Payment Items related to the Payment Txn. Fixing an issue where Group Members were removed on renewal.
  • If the primary contact is updated on Account Subscriptions, the print email receipt is also updated to that contact.
  • For Account Subscriptions and Subscriptions that are loaded into the system, the print email address receipt is now assigned on load.
  • Subscription Issues Mailout Generation can now filter by Payment Option
  • Annual Statements now support an option to only include transactions that are linked to a Recurring Payment.


  • Fixed issue with Free Events were sending 2 receipts
  • Fixed issue with date fields not working correct on the registration screen

Merchant Facility

  • Have put more checks in for Recurring Payment processor. If in a sandbox and the Salesforce Org does not match the current one, then the Run Now option is not visible.
  • If in a sandbox and the Salesforce Organisation Id is removed then it is no longer automatically updated to the current instance.
  • Run now only processes transactions for the current Merchant Facility.

6.15 Upgrade Notes

6.14 October 2018

6.14 Release Notes Import Files: Added ability a contact to be linked to multiple ...

6.14 Release Notes

Import Files:

  • Added ability a contact to be linked to multiple fundraisers. A new related list called “Fundraiser IDs” has been added to the contact. This stores the Fundraiser Id and Fundraiser ID Source (e.g. Everyday Hero, GiveNow etc.)
  • Method of Payment and Fundraiser ID Source are now assigned the value before the “ “ in the import file type. For example, if you save your import file mappings with a name of “Raisely Xmas Appeal”, then the value assigned to the Method of Payment and Fundraiser ID Source is “Raisly”
  • If you save your import file mapping (Import File Type) with a value of “Direct Debit xxxxx” where xxxx is any value you desire after the “ “, then the matching process will treat the imports as a Direct Debit type. Previously, the name had to be exactly “Direct Debit” in order to work.


  • Added new URL parameter and URL Token value for “Default Payment Frequency”. This enables a default to be passed in, but for the user to be able to change the value.
  • Stripe Metadata updates made more reliable
  • Refund notifications are now being sent for Stripe Payment Gateway users
  • Checkout Modern form now defaults to first payment day that is enabled in the Payment Txn “Regular Pymt Day” picklist options. This allows organisations to available days for payers to select to be say the 5th and 20th of the month.
  • Custom Label added for “EventPaymentFor”. This allows for configuration of the checkout messages for Events where it currently shows {campaign name} on {date}.

General Updates:

  • Should an opportunity line item be created an it has a missing or 0 quantity, then it is defaulted to 1 to comply with Opportunity line item validation requirements.
  • On recurring payments, if the frequency is “Once-off Authorise”, it cannot be made active. The user needs to update the frequency first.
  • Testing for Triggers to be enabled/disabled check reduced so as to improve the number of SOQL queries used by Payments2Us.

NAB Transact

  • Corrected Loop that could occur if manually changing status to Payment Start in some scenarios
  • Correction to recurringFlag so expiry dates can be ignored for recurring payments.
  • Storing of masked cards for card update and authorisation transactions
  • Authorisation Completes are now correct to work.
  • URL Encoding for username/passwords and other fields. This corrects an issue where say and & is used as part of the password.

Billings stats and license options:

  • Each month a process will check your organisations license options and will automatically update. This removes the need for organisations to manually update these.
  • To further streamline our invoicing process and to enable us to bring Paymets2Us to you at the lowest possible prices, we’ve now got a process that will send stats on the number (not value) or transactions by transaction type to us.


  • If “DEMO FACILITY” was created without and related Payment Forms and then later on the “Create Samples” from the “About Payments2Us” tab was selected then an error message occurred.
  • Updated Permission Set “Payments2Us Standard User” to have update access for “Customer Profile Id”. This access is required by regular payment gateways that use the customer profile, such as NAB Transact,, Stripe.

6.14 Upgrade Notes

  • Contact Page Layout Detail - add new field "Fundraiser ID Source"
  • Contact Page Layout - Add related list "Fundraiser IDs"
  • If your organisation has more than 10,000 contacts with a fundraiser Id, then use data loader to update all contact "Fundraiser ID Source" with "Fundraiser"
  • On the sites profile, give Create Read, Edit access to "Fundraiser IDs" custom object. See 5.3 in How to set up external site security for payments (Classic version)
  • URL Token Page Layout - add new field "Default Frequency"

6.13 September 2018

6.13 Release Notes General Updates If a File is uploaded against a Subscription I ...

6.13 Release Notes

General Updates

  • If a File is uploaded against a Subscription Issues, then it is available now through a download link on the subscription Issues.
  • New fields added to Contact for Enable Portal User and Portal User Profile. This enables workflows to automatically create a Community User. This is useful if the membership/subscription to provide the member with a Community portal login. You can setup your own custom workflows/flows to easily enable/disable users
  • Annual Statements and Membership Renewals/Confirmations now use a json definition stored on the Letter object. This allows for these forms to have more granular field / layout definitions.
  • When Recurring Frequencies selected and also recurring frequency are specified on the payment option, the Modern form now disables the frequency select and automatically highlights the frequency based of the selected payment option (e.g. membership Monthly selected would highlight the Monthly frequency radio button).
  • Modern Form When a picklist is marked as a required field, the “none” option is removed.
  • Added Delivery Address option to Modern Form


  • Modern Form Payments Comments would repeat if multiple fields assigned to this section of the form.
  • Modern Form if PaymentBy url parameter passed in or URL Token Payment by Set, the form was not correctly showing the individual/company selected option.
  • Token Charge, Card Update, Expiry updates forms were not correctly rendering for Community Portal or Service Console users
  • Correction if no recurring frequencies selected on the Payment Form, but Payment Options had recurring frequency set
  • Should multiple PayPal transactions be recorded in Salesforce, the second one is now marked as Duplicate status
  • For annual statements, the body font text colour could render the text invisible.
  • For manual payments, if the magnifying glass on lookups for contacts was selected, this would rerender the entire page. Clicking on the magnifying glass event is now ignored.
  • Delivery Point Id with Kleber enabled was not being saved with the Modern checkout form.
  • If a subscriber group type membership and an Event payment were received within 10 minutes of each other, a blank Subscriber Group record was being created.

6.13 Upgrade Notes

  1. If you'd previously made your own manual/custom changes to Letters - JSON, then you'll need to reapply these after the upgrade.

6.12 July 2018

6.12 Release Notes NAB Transact Added full support for NAB Transact Payment Gatew ...

6.12 Release Notes

NAB Transact

  • Added full support for NAB Transact Payment Gateway, including:
    • Checkout form purchase
    • Authorisation and Authorisation Complete
    • Refunds
    • Checkout with signing up for Recurring Payments
    • Regular payment Process Payment
    • Regular payment Card holder updating card
    • Regular payment staff to update card
    • Regular payment staff to expiring
    • Import file and charge and/or tokenise card


  • Payment Form Builder enable custom tooltips for more fields, including Campaign Picklist
  • Payment Form Builder fix issue with Event Registration pages where payment methods were out of alignment
  • Correct issue on required fields if Direct Debit and Manual enabled at the same time
  • Correct issue when error message occurred, then date fields are not cleared out
  • Correct issue with chrome and date before 1960 where it was adding 100 years
  • PayPal updates for Explorer Edge
  • Checkout Complete page now scrolls up so confirmation details can be seen.


  • In lightning, spinner now shows again when saving
  • Annual statements. Fix SOQL error.
  • Manual Payments correction to Save and New to properly clear out old values

6.12 Upgrade Notes

  • Add "NAB Transact" to Payment Gateway Picklist value on Merchant Facility (setup [Search: Object]. Click into Merchant Facility. In the Fields and releationships section click into "Payment Gateway". Add value. Make sure to add the value to ALL record types

6.11 June 2018

6.11 Release Notes Receipts Content files uploaded now supported in addition to a ...

6.11 Release Notes


  • Content files uploaded now supported in addition to attachments.
  • Logo’s, Letterheads, Thankyou images can now be stored against Letters, Payment Forms and Merchant Facility Entries.
  • Thank you image can be used to replace the “Thank You” text on receipts
  • First phase of Document Builder released. The fieldsets used on receipts are now stored in a hidden JSON form on the letter object. This enables every receipt layout use different fields. No user interface is available for maintenance though.
  • For Receipts, Person and organisation name moved to new fieldset: customerNameFields

Checkout Modern Form

  • Progress bar is hidden by default. Use URL parameter of hideProgressBar=false to show
  • Correction to Enable Card and Contact update details to work with membership type payments
  • Correction to Events when a user enters a single ticket and then goes to the checkout. There was an issue with fields such as Country not defaulting
  • Custom labels for “My Choice” and “Not at this stage”. This will enable overriding of these values if needed.
  • When suggested donations are used, and the amount is passed in with URL parameters and the amount means the My Choice is selected, the Payment Form now expands and shows the My Choice.
  • Thank you message for signing up to recurring payments better worded for different frequency types.
  • Enable Invoice Me, Pay Later options to work with Stripe


  • For new recurring membership types, the Recurring Payment is set to Active, vs. Awaiting Verification
  • Correction to tax calculation when the tax method is set to Amounts do no include tax.
  • Correction to webhook to cater for duplicate webhook calls
  • Enabled PayPal for Events module
  • For free text entry of amount, made correction to error if entering amount, then straight away clicking on PayPal button


  • Activity history recorded against refunds
  • Merchant Facility, Validation rule added to check correct environment used for Stripe, Payment Express
  • Allowed reparentable for Account Subscriptions and all other Master/Details relationship objects
  • Import files now shows a more descriptive error if there is an issue with a date field.
  • New text field use for Cheque/Check Number. This will enable the entry and storage of numbers with leading zeros.
  • Shopify Integration will now assign the default campaign if entered on the Payment Form.

6.11 Upgrade Notes

  • From Classic Only. Setup > Create > Objects. Click into Payment Txn. Edit fieldset "manualPaymentPayInfo". Remove "Cheque Number (OLD)", add "Cheque No."
  • You may wish to use dataloader to migrate all Payment Txn with a value in Cheque Number (Old) to "Cheque No."

6.10 May 2018

6.10 Release Notes Added check for duplicate filed api names for areas of the App ...

6.10 Release Notes

  • Added check for duplicate filed api names for areas of the App that use dynamic queries.
  • Stripe Meta Data fix to correctly update with custom fields
  • Added sort order to receipt line items printing. Use workflows or process builder to assign sequence number.
  • Updated Modern Checkout form to be able to process Pay Now links on awaiting payment transactions.
  • Updated donation with amount to handle currency of transaction, vs. organisation default currency.
  • Added CSS styling class for required * on Modern checkout to enable custom styling

6.10 Upgrade Notes

6.9 April 2018

6.9 Release Notes PayPal Recurring Extended PayPal for the Modern form to cater f ...

6.9 Release Notes

PayPal Recurring

  • Extended PayPal for the Modern form to cater for recurring payments
  • Allows for membership (Payment Option) billing plans to be created
  • Allows for Recurring membership/Subscription or recurring Payment/Donations
  • Status Updates of (Active, Inactive, Suspeded) on Recurring Payment updates Recurring Payment in PayPal
  • PayPal user cancelling, updates Recurring Payment status to Inactive
  • Requires License from Payments2Us

Manual Payments

  • Lightning for updated to have Soft Credit Contact auto-complete / lookup functionality fixed
  • Move buttons, i.e. Save, Cancel to docked footer to allow for quicker entry

Annual Statements

  • Created new Record Type on Campaigns to make processing of Annual Statements more straight forward
  • Updated layout to handle 12 rows of payments on one page
  • Added ability to change which date is used for filtering transactions that are shown on the statement. This is controlled through the AAkPay__statementDateFilter fieldset on the Payment Txn object.


  • Corrected Add to Calendar to take into account change in/out of daylight savings

Recurring Payments

  • Updated help links to point to correct manual pages
  • Added new Frequency “Daily”
  • Updated email links to cater for “Modern” form mode

Checkout Form

  • Updated Modern Form to cater for custom date fields
  • Correction to PayPal button formatting on Modern form

6.9 Upgrade Notes

  • Add "Daily" picklist value to Frequency filed for ALL record types in Objects: Payment Option, Payment Form, Recurring Payment, Payment Txn, URL Token and Import File Line Item
  • Add "PayPal Recurring” picklist value to License Options on the Merchant Facility custom object. Ensure you add this to ALL record types.
  • Add "PayPal Webhook" field onto the Payment Form page layout. We commend placing this under the other webhooks in the Orders/Supplies/Payment Section
  • Add "Suspended" status to Recurring Payment object field "Recurring Payment Status". You can add this to all record types, but ensure this is added to the PayPal record type

6.8 March 2018

6.8 Release Notes Updated more forms to have lightning style; Direct Debits Add t ...

6.8 Release Notes

  1. Updated more forms to have lightning style;
    • Direct Debits Add to Batch, Bulk Add to Batch, Extract Batch, Mark Error, Mark Complete, Bulk Mark Complete
    • Import Files upload, process
    • Subscription Issues - Process
  2. Automatically update site URL to have https:// if not specified
  3. Correct issue with Manual Payment Tab loading About Payments2Us tab
  4. Correct potential error from occuring if the same Recurring Payment gets processed with multiple related Payment Txn’s at the same batch/time.

6.8 Upgrade Notes

6.7 February 2018

6.7 Release Notes Payment Form Builder (Beta) Intuitive drag and drop form builde ...

6.7 Release Notes

Payment Form Builder (Beta)

  • Intuitive drag and drop form builder
  • Removes complexity and need to know/understand fieldset names
  • Enables forms to be unique in layouts, field arrangement, labels, help text and required/optional

Lightning Styling Updates

  • Manual Payments
  • Card Update
  • Card Expiry Update
  • Token Charge
  • Refund
  • Lead/Account/Contact New/Edit Page override
  • Lead/Account/Contact Address updates


  • New PayPal integration added to Modern Form. Includes Charge/Refund, Authorisation/Complete. Note: no recurring
  • Enabled as lightbox, making it easier to embed in your website and less confusing for end user

Modern Checkout Form

  • Added new option “Optimistic saving speed boost”. This skips a step of saving the transaction to the database first and processes the card to save on time.
  • Updated Modern form to save Payment Txn details first before processing. This enables validation rules to work.


  • Created new Modern form version of registration form. Enables use of modern theming and use of form builder
  • Added new option in Payment Form that enables registration details to be saved in cookies and defaulted for the next registration. Particularly useful for organisations where people might sign up for multiple courses.
  • Added warning note on attendee step that notifies user that they need to enter attendee details and press save. Added to clarify the steps required.
  • Calendar saving now correctly calculates start/end time for all time zones


  • Meta data updated even if the card payment fails
  • Merchant Fee updated to be more accurate for different setups of Stripe

Issues addressed

  • Some buttons had an incorrect retURL parameter. This caused an invalid page redirect error after the Salesforce Winter 18 release update.
  • Removed membership Amount field label from Family Members section in Group Membership Types on Modern Form

General Updates

  • Recurring Processor max per batch changed to 250,000

6.7 Upgrade Notes

  • Lightning: setup > [Quick Find: Objects]. Select "Object Manager". Click into Merchant Facility. Select Fields & Relationships. Click into Field "Payment Gateway Options". Add a new value "Optimistic saving speed boost" to ALL record types. Save.
  • Lightning: setup > [Quick Find: Objects]. Select "Object Manager". Click into Payment Form. Select Page Layouts. Add button "Payment Form Builder (Beta)". Save.
  • Enable registration details to be saved in cookies and defaulted for the next registration - Go to Payment Form > Click edit page layout > drag "No of days to remember details" field from the top menu onto page layout.

6.6 October 2017

6.6 Release Notes Custom Completion page is now passed more parameters to enabled ...

6.6 Release Notes

  1. Custom Completion page is now passed more parameters to enabled web developers to show more details about successful transactions. These include:
    • SurchargeFee
    • FreightAmount
    • TaxAmount
    • DonationAmount
    • TotalAmount
  2. Clone of Payment Form now prompts for Merchant Facility. In addition, payment forms can not be re-parented to different Merchant Facilities
  3. URL Token creation now creates short URLs when generated from a batch process
  4. Batch Payments Process have had @future processing updated to @queueable. This removes possible conflicts with other AppExchange Apps.

6.6 Upgrade Notes

6.5 October 2017

6.5 Release Notes Updates About Payments2Us tab has been refreshed Lightning App ...

6.5 Release Notes


  • About Payments2Us tab has been refreshed
  • Lightning App now includes Payment Form


  • When receipt sending method of “Yes Interim” was selected and a payment was of a type that had a status of Awaiting Payment (e.g. send by post), then prior to this release the payment would get stuck at a Payment Complete status are payments marked as received.
  • Fixed issue with then checkout classic form showing a blank error for recurring types of payments when confirming the payment.
  • A very small number of customers reported an issue with unknown URL when clicking on the Merchant Facility. This has now been fixed.

6.5 Upgrade Notes

6.4 September 2017

6.4 Release Notes Recurring Payments Correctly calculate next payment date for no ...

6.4 Release Notes

Recurring Payments

  • Correctly calculate next payment date for non Monthly payment frequency where charging is not on sign-up, but on selected day of month.
  • Workflow rule that stops automatic catch-up updated to cater for quarterly and annual frequencies. The workflow rule also updated to cater for being enabled when recurring payments already exist.
  • Recurring Payments Processor checks if user has access to create Payment Txn’s. If not aborts and logs error. This will cater for the profile of the running user being set to Read Only.
  • Recurring Payments Processor will not stop a batch if just one related recurring payment record is not valid due to a validation rule or filtered lookup error.


  • Now works better with mobile App. If no customer specified then Payment Txn is created with last name of “Shopify Customer”.
  • If mobile Shopify App creates an ad-hoc customer, then the contact details from this will be used.


  • Webhook to update metadata now caters for null value in formula type fields


  • Short URL Token now works with Modern and Classic forms
  • ICAL file created for campaigns that have a Payment Form selected and if their record type names contact “Event”, “Program” or “Training”
  • Modern Payment Form correctly updates expiry date for Payment Express gateway
  • Mass Status updates for Payment Txn, Subscriptions and Account Subscriptions now available for customers to create their own version with custom selection of from/to status’s to mass update status’s.

6.4 Upgrade Notes

6.3 August 2017

6.3 Release Notes Stripe Payment Gateway Updates Added Custom Metsdata linked to ...

6.3 Release Notes

Stripe Payment Gateway Updates

  • Added Custom Metsdata linked to custom fields
  • Updated credit card entry to allow for clicking into

6.3 Upgrade Notes

6.1/6.2 August 2017

6.1/6.2 Release Notes Stripe Payment Gateway Added Purchase, Refund, Authorise/Au ...

6.1/6.2 Release Notes

Stripe Payment Gateway Added

  • Purchase, Refund, Authorise/Authorise Complete, Recurring Payments (Credit Card/ACH), Card Update, ACH update, Bank Verify, Webhooks for ensuring transactions recorded correctly, Custom Meta Data.

Card Update

  • Enhanced to have option of updating contact details and/or card details. Select “Form Processing Actions” on the Payment Form or URL Token to select options for Card Holders to update.

Lightning Ready

  • App now fully works with lightning. All javascript buttons are now replaced with compliant buttons.
  • Styling of some classic screens are still on the roadmap

New Payment Form

  • Card Number/CCV set as tel type. Enables quicker/simpler entry from mobile
  • My choice now clears out $0 to make entry simpler
  • Added new field on Merchant Facility and URL Token called “Default Payment Form Mode”. This enables to default the newer (Modern) form vs. the older (Classic) version. The links on URL tokens and buttons on Payment Form/Account/Contact/Opportunity/Campaign/Campaign Member will all use the checkform based on the “Default Payment Form Mode” selected.
  • Various corrections.
    • Donation by just company now allowed
    • Amounts passed in correctly from URL Tokens
    • Surcharge calculations corrected


  • Added strict option

Upgrade Scripts

  • Some customers had issues upgrading last time and this has been addressed wit this release. Those organisations that had not upgrade for quite some time were more likely to have had issues with upgrading. AAkonsult recommends upgrading as regularly as possible.

6.1/6.2 Upgrade Notes

  1. Merchant Facility
    • Add "Stripe" to Merchant Facility "Payment Gateway" picklist values. Setup > create > custom objects. Click in Merchant Facility, scroll down to fields and click into Payment Gateway. Add "Stripe". MAKE SURE to select to add this to all record types.
    • Add "Im Not a Robot - Strict" to Merchant Facility "Captcha Type" picklist values. Setup > create > custom objects. Click in Merchant Facility, scroll down to fields and click into Captcha Type. Add "Im Not a Robot - Strict". MAKE SURE to select to add this to all record types.
    • Update Record type options for "Gateway Metadata". Setup > create > custom objects. Click in Merchant Facility, scroll down to record types. Click into "Payment". Click edit next to "Gateway Metadata" and add all.
    • Update Record Type options for "Gateway Metadata". Setup > create > custom objects. Click in Merchant Facility, scroll down to record types. Click into "Payment". Click edit next to "Gateway Metadata" and add all.
    • Update Record Type options for "Default Payment Form Mode". Setup > create > custom objects. Click in Merchant Facility, scroll down to record types. Click into "Payment". Click edit next to "Default Payment Form Mode" and add all.
    • Add new fields ("Default Payment Form Mode" and "Gateway Metadata") to the Merchant Facility Page Layout. Setup > create > custom objects. Click in Merchant Facility, scroll down Page Layouts and press edit. Drag/Drop "Default Payment Form Mode" and "Gateway Metadata" fields onto the Page.
  2. Payment Form
    • Add "Form Processing Actions" to Page Layout. Setup > create > custom objects. Click in Payment Form, scroll down Page Layouts and press edit. Drag/Drop "Form Processing Actions" fields onto the Page.
  3. URL Tokens
    • Add "Contact and Credit Card Update" to Form Processing Actions. Setup > create > custom objects. Click in URL Tokens, scroll down to fields and click into "Form Processing Actions". Add Contact and Credit Card Update".

6.0 June 2017

6.0 Release Notes New Payment Form A new form is now available for Payments. This ...

6.0 Release Notes

New Payment Form

  • A new form is now available for Payments. This form is built from the ground up with mobile touch enabled as the forefront of the design. With this release, we are using jquery mobile and have added another 3 new themes.
  • The new form also provides a one step payment wizard that removes the need for the confirmation step.
  • The new form is faster to load and processes quicker.
  • The new form works with mobile date pickers
  • The new form has browser based input field validation to provide quicker response
  • The form is available for online, regular payments and memberships using credit cards and pay later options such as invoice me.
  • It is not available for Events, Peer-to-Peer fundraising. It is also not available with PayPal, PxFusion, PxPay payment gateway options.

The new form only supports the kleber address validation/autocomplete and not the google places option.


  • Added a check for max tickets to also include payments recently made and not processed or payments that are marked as Awaiting Payment Status
  • Add validation rule on the Payment Form object to stop potential issue with Payment Option being selected


  • Add black list of IP address feature
  • Automatically add an IP address to black list if Fraud suspected
  • Updated captures check frequency

Minor updates

  • Bank Transfer number now same as receipt number
  • Make Payment form now has its styling/layout restored
  • Account and Contact Address updates remove duplicate label for “Address Details”
  • Object “IP Whitelist” has been renamed to “IP Address Validation” as it now caters for allowed and not allowed IP Addresses

6.0 Upgrade Notes

Add "Access" field to IP Address Access page layout and make it required. Navigate to setup > Create > Objects. Click into IP Address Access. Scroll down to page layout section and press edit. Drag/drop "Access" field onto page layout and double click to select required. Save.

Add Access to Merchant Facility - IP Address Access related list. Navigate to setup > Create > Objects. Click into Merchant Facility. Scroll down to page layout section and press edit. Scroll down to related list "IP Address Access." and click on the spanner icon. Add "Access" to the list of fields and press save.

Add field "CheckoutM URL" to Merchant Facility. Navigate to setup > Create > Objects. Click into Merchant Facility. Scroll down to page layout section and press edit. Drag/drop "CheckoutM URL" field and place under "Site URL".

Add field "Swatch" to Merchant Facility. Navigate to setup > Create > Objects. Click into Merchant Facility. Scroll down to page layout section and press edit. Drag/drop 'Swatch' field and place under "Theme".

Add all value for Swatch to the Payment Record type on the Merchant Facility. Navigate to setup > Create > Objects. Click into Merchant Facility. Scroll down to Record Type section and click into Payment. Press Edit next to Swatch and make all values (a..z) available.

Add a new dependent field relationship between Theme and Swatch. Navigate to setup > Create > Objects. Click into Merchant Facility. Scroll down to fields section and press new Field Dependency. Select Theme as the Controlling field and Swatch.

Added 3 new themes. Navigate to setup > Create > Objects. Click into Merchant Facility. Click into Theme and add the following values. Make sure you add these to all record types.

  • JQM:Standard Swatch: a..b
  • JQM:Bootstrap Swatch: a..f
  • JQM:Square Swatch: a..h

Whilst on the Merchant Facility, also add the dependent field between theme and swatch as follows:

  • JQM:Standard --> Swatch: a..b
  • JQM:Bootstrap --> Swatch: a..f
  • JQM:Square --> Swatch: a..h

On the Merchant Facility object, the Dependant field between Theme and Swatch needs to be setup for the existing standard themes. These mappings are:

  • black-tie --> Swatch: w
  • blitzer --> Swatch: p
  • cupertino --> Swatch: n
  • dark-hive --> Swatch: m
  • dot-luv --> Swatch: u
  • eggplant --> Swatch: l
  • excite-bike --> Swatch: s
  • flick --> Swatch: j
  • hot-sneaks --> Swatch: r
  • humanity --> Swatch: q
  • le-frog --> Swatch: i
  • mint-choc --> Swatch: v
  • overcast --> Swatch: h
  • pepper-grinder --> Swatch: k
  • redmond --> Swatch: f
  • smoothness --> Swatch: d
  • south-street --> Swatch: o
  • start --> Swatch: e
  • sunny --> Swatch: g
  • swanky-purse --> Swatch: y
  • trontastic --> Swatch: x
  • ui-darkness --> Swatch: c
  • ui-lightness --> Swatch: b
  • vader --> Swatch: t

5.7 March 2017

5.7 Release Notes Letter Object A new object has been created for managing PDF ge ...

5.7 Release Notes

Letter Object

  • A new object has been created for managing PDF generated sent from Payments2Us. This is used for Receipts, Statements, Invoices, Membership Confirmation and Membershihp Renewals.
  • A Letter up can be assigned at the Campaign, Payment Form and Merchant Facility level. The Letter is automatically linked to the Payment Txn, when a letter has not been previously assigned and the status is one of: Payment Complete, Authorisation Complete, Manual Payment or Awaiting Payment. For receipts, the processor checks to see if a receipt letter is on the Campaign, if not, it checks to see if the Receipt Letter is on the related Payment Form, if not, then it will use the Receipt Letter on the Merchant Facility.
  • For backward compatability, the current Rich Text fields will still continue to work if no receipt Letter has been setup.

Shopping Carts/Opportunity Line Items

  • To provide an option for organisations to bring Shopping Cart Line item details into Salesforce, a new URL parameter has been added called "shoppingCartDetails". These details can be printed on the receipt and are stored against the Opportunity as line items. 
    The shoppingCartDetails URL paramenter can receive a JSON list of items. If used, this option the it will creat related Payment Items. If the Merchant Facility - Create Opportunity Line Items is enabled, then the Batch Processor will create the Opportunity Line Items.
  • A new option on the Letter Object, allows for Receipts to include line items. If enabled, the shopping cart line items can appear on the Receipt.
  • A new feature has been added that enables payments taken from a Opportunity to have the Opportunity Line Items appear on the receipt. 
    With Checkout or Manaul, if the payment is made from an Opporutnity, and if the Opportunity has line items and the Merchant Facility has Create Line items enable and the related Payment Form has a Payment Type of Order, then the Opportunity Line items are copied over the Payment Txn - related Payment Items. This enables payments received from an opportunity to include the line items on the receipt.

Batch Processor - Recheck status

  • A correction has been made where an uncaught error could occur on the status rechecking. This could lead to some retries not being checked. After installing this update, the checks of Payment Txn's at Status Confirmation should be now attempted and managed correctly.

5.7 Upgrade Notes

  1. On the Payment Form, press edit layout.  
    Add Receipt Letter, Invoice Letter, Renewal Letter, Confirmation letter 
    Remove Receipt Text (OLD), Invoice Text (OLD),Membership Renewal Text (OLD), Membership Confirmation Text (OLD)
  2. On the Merchant Facility, press edit layout 
    Add Receipt Letter 
    Remove Receipt Text (OLD)
  3. On the Campaign, edit layout 
    Add Receipt Letter, Statement Letter 
    Remove Receipt Text (OLD) and Statement Text (OLD)
  4. On the Payment Txn object, edit all layouts 
    Add Receipt Letter

5.6 December 2016

5.6 Release Notes Recurring Payments If the same status value exists on the Recur ...

5.6 Release Notes

Recurring Payments

  • If the same status value exists on the Recurring Payment and related Account/Contact Membership/Subscription, then they will be kept in-synch should one or the other change.
  • All methods of payments now allow for regular payments. For example, a donor could now sign-up online for regular Bank Transfers
  • Cloning of a Recurring Payment no longer produces and error
  • Fixed issue where an edit save of a Recurring Payment of “Suspended - Max retries exceeded” would set the status back to “Active”. This would occur even if the card details had not been updated.
  • Fixed issue with Status Check Processor where it did not have an adequate delay in time and could pick up and update the status of a transaction that was currently in being entered by a user. Payment gateway

  • If a very unexpected error occurred, on occasions, the Payment Txn could have been marked as Receipting Complete Status, when it should have been Error
  • Correction for recurring payments of “Suspended - Max retries exceeded” status and processing of a card update not setting the Recurring Payment back to Active.

Miscellaneous updates

  • Currency Amount fields on the Payment Txn object increased from 7 digits to 14 digits
  • URL Tokens Short URL’s that are linked to an event will now open the events page instead of the standard checkout page.

5.6 Upgrade Notes

No specific post upgrade steps need to be taken.

5.5 October 2016

5.5 Release Notes Data quality updates Account, Contact and Lead override pages n ...

5.5 Release Notes

Data quality updates

  • Account, Contact and Lead override pages now support standard salesforce duplicate checking. If a possible duplicate is found then it can alert to the alternatives and the user can selected that. If override is enabled, then the user can continue to save the current record.
  • Lead override now supports “Save and new” button.
  • Google places auto-complete suggestion now works with unit numbers. Previously unit numbers would not be included on returned street address line.
  • Kleber and Google places auto-complete now works with street names that have an apostrophe in them. Previously “17 Malley Pl” would be retuned as “17 O'Malley Pl”
  • Correction to cater for address validation and address element being removed from the checkout form to remove javascript errors.

Security updates

  • Added “I’m not a robot” capture method.
  • Captcha is enabled by default.
  • If a possible fraud attempt is identified, then in addtion to the error log and email being sent to the error log owner, captcha’s are automatically turned on.
  • A limit has been impossed for the number of attempts as part of a single transaction. This will mean a card holder can only try a reasonable number of times to make a payment for a particular item/service/donation.

Checkout forms

  • Now cater for new MASTERCARD 2-Series bin range 222100 272099. Cards in this range can now be accepted and were previously marked as invalid.
  • New method of payment added for “NDIS Claim” to allow for a person to lodge a payment as coming through the National Disability Insurane Scheme.

Now works with URL Token links that have a “/” at the end of this. This is of help now as Salesforce has started adding “/” to email template links automatically.

  • More checks are in place for double payments. In particular if a user back arrows on a checkout page and then re-submits their payment details a second time. This scenario was previously checked for, but has been enhanced even more.
  • The reference number going to the payment gateway is now Receipt number and no longer the Old receipt number.

Recurring Payments

  • If a card is updated from suspended max retries and the recurring payment is linked to a Subscription/Membership then the membership is changed back to “Approved” status and the end date is set to the “Original End Date” .
  • If a date of 28,29,30 of the month is selected by the payer, then it will be automatically changed to “Last” on the recurring payment.
  • Banked Payment “YES” formula field on the Payment Txn updated to excluded Direct Debit Setup records.
  • Creation of opportunity is now skipped for Debit Sign-ups.
  • Token charges now don’t update the next payment date. This removes a potential issue where a bonus token charges is counted as that month’s payment.


  • ABN number now right aligns correctly
  • For New Zealand addresses, Suburb and City are now on the one line.

License options

  • Are now checked when updating on the Merchant Facility. This ensures they are valid before being used.
  • If a custom theme license option has expired, then it defaults to the standard theme (ui-lightness). Previously this would end up having no styling.


  • Original Payment Owner is not being copied over. This prevents possible issue with original owner user being de-activated as they had left the organisation.
  • Refunds are not included in the standard notification of online payment any more. This was causing confusion.


  • Added sample validation rule for checking birthdate over 18 for signing up
  • Error messsage with no active “Payment Type” now updated to be no active “Payment Form”
  • Peer-to-peer custom themes. Fixed overlay position for Terms and Condition dialog box and picture upload.
  • Added Payment Form “Payment Type” of “Training” to appear in Events Calendar and Upcomming events
  • PxPay payment gateway option from Payment Express. Updated to work with PxPay2 as per mandatory upgrade notice.

5.5 Upgrade Notes

  1. Add "NDIS Claim" to "Payment Method" field on the Merchant Facility.  
    Setup > Customize > Create > Objects - Click into Merchant Facility. Click into "Payment Method" and add value "NDIS Claim". MAKE Sure you select to add the value to all record types before saving.
  2. Add "NDIS Claim" to "Payment Method" field on the URL Token.  
    Setup Customize Create Objects - Click into URL Token. Click into "Payment Method" and add value "NDIS Claim"
  3. Add Captcha Types to Merchant Facility Record Type 
    Setup > Customize > Create > Objects - Click into Merchant Facility scroll down the record type section. Click into (NOT edit) Payment. Click edit next to "Captcha Type" and add all values - save.
  4. Add new theme colours "light" and "dark" to "Captcha Theme" field on the Merchant Facility.  
    Setup > Customize > Create > Objects - Click into Merchant Facility. Click into "Captcha Theme" and add values "light" and "dark" . MAKE Sure you select to add the value to all record types before saving.
  5. Create a dependancy between Captcha Type and Captcha Theme on the Merchant Facility. 
    Setup > Customize > Create > Objects - Click into Merchant Facility. Scroll down the the fields section. Add a new field dependence - Controlling Field: "Captcha Type", dependant "Captcha Theme". Select: 
    - I'm not a robot - light,dark 
    - No CAPTCHA ReCAPTCHA - light,dark 
    - reCAPTCHA - red, white, blackglass, clean
  6. Edit the Merchant Facility - Page Layout and make Captcha Type required. Also ensure Captcha Theme is required

5.4 August 2016

5.4 Release Notes Events updates Sidebar widgets handle mobile responsiveness muc ...

5.4 Release Notes

Events updates

  • Sidebar widgets handle mobile responsiveness much better
  • Sidebar now uses the sidebar widgets features allowing for more flexibility and more widgets
  • Fine tuning of input entry and look for mobile devices

Manage Event Attendee Groups

  • First release of new functionality for drag and drop management of event attendees. This is very helpful for managing event types where tickets are sold for a team/table. This allows for members of these teams to be easily added/moved. See: How to manage groups of peoples - tables/teams  for more information

PxFusion Payment Gateway updates

  • Correction to issue when success URL specified and button on Complete page option was selected. The issue was the completion page was being by-passed and the user directed to the success URL straight away.
  • Fixed issue where Payment For, Bank Account and Transaction Dates were not being populated.
  • Enabled to work when embedded as part of an iframe

Annual Statements

  • No longer required remote setting to be setup and updates to cater for Salesforce Critical update causing issues with PDF generation.

Direct Debits

  • Bulk updates now process all records that its able to and doesn't stop an entire group of 200 should just one record have an issue.


  • Fix of issue where amounts were being displayed correctly when a frequency of “Once-off Authorize” was selected and add-on suggested donations also enabled.
  • Fix of issue for subscriptions, where if a canceled subscriber did a credit card update and then a subscription issue run was run the subscriber would be included.

Miscellaneous updates

  • Merchant Fee now copied from Merchant Facility to Payment Txn for Credit Card type payments
  • Organisation and Organization now added as Donation by Options
  • Added more checks on Field Level Security to double check only administrator approved objects can be updated.
  • IP Whitelist added as related list to Merchant Facility. This enables 3rd parties, such as outsource call centres to make unlimited number of transactions through your checkout form
  • When a custom field called “Status__c” exists on the contact; this will no longer impact manual payments linked to the contact.

5.4 Upgrade Notes

5.3 June 2016

5.3 Release Notes Form Text Notes Added ability to add form text notes to Events ...

5.3 Release Notes

Form Text Notes

  1. Added ability to add form text notes to Events Registration, Peer-to-Peer Registration. See How to add text notes to the web form  for more details on "form text notes"
  2. Fixed error caused when family membership details shown

General Updates

  1. Corrected padding for images on Rich Text fields for Events Registration

5.3 Upgrade Notes

5.2 May 2016

5.2 Release Notes Address Validation Now allows for non-standard Salesforce addre ...

5.2 Release Notes

Address Validation

  1. Now allows for non-standard Salesforce address fields to be used for address auto-complete/correct on Leads, Contacts, Accounts
  2. New updates options for Contact - Other Address, Account Billing Address. Buttons and links available for entry of these addresses

  1. Now uses new URL for Akamai server

General updates/fixes

  1. Updating of Contact email address now updates related print email address on Subscription or Account Subscription where related subscription is current, or has expired within last 180 days. Previously only updated where related subscription was current.
  2. Overriding of checkout form width corrected

5.2 Upgrade Notes

5.1 April 2016

5.1 Release Notes Recurring Payments Recurring payments have been enhanced to off ...

5.1 Release Notes

Recurring Payments

Recurring payments have been enhanced to offer more options for how the first payment is treat. This includes:

  1. Charging for the first transaction straight away, then on the selected day of the month. This is how the previous versions worked.
  2. Tokenise the card for the first transactions, then charge on the selected day. If the day of signing up is the same as the selected day, then the card will be charged straight away.

Manual links to setup are available at: Select the "Enable Recurring" Option

Text/Notes on Checkout form

You can not add your custom notes/text onto the payment form. This is useful for describing sections of the form.

Manual links to setup are available at: How to add text notes to the web form 

PxFusion Payment gateway option

Minor updates have been made to correct some checkout form issues.

General Updates

  • Links behind Payment Express logo updated to point to new website
  • Workflow added for Recurring Payments that have the last payment date more than 45 days in the past and on Monthly payment. This fixes potential issue if recurring payment processor is not started for a long time for some reason
  • Address validation pages contactEdit, leadEdit, accountEdit now support a URL parameter of nextURL. This allows for the screen to be used in a wizard like manner.
  • Credit Card Type for is now calculated and stored.

5.1 Upgrade Notes

  1. Navigate to setup > create > custom objects. Click into Payment Form. Scroll down to the page layouts area. For the page layout press edit - remove "Enable Recurring (Old)". Drag/drop from available fields "Enable Recurring" to replace.

5.00 March 2016

5.00 Release Notes Launch of Payments2Us Payments2Us rebranding has replaced AAko ...

5.00 Release Notes

Launch of Payments2Us

Payments2Us rebranding has replaced AAkonsult Payments. This has been applied through the package and online manuals.

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

This is a new module to Payments2Us and enables organisations to set-up fundraising Campaign so their supports can create their own fundraising pages and fundraise on behalf of your organisation.

Module includes:

  • Registration Page.

Automatically creates sub-campaigns for each fundraising pages, stores and de-duplicates fundraisers and their team members

  • Team or Individual fundraising. If team, team members can be added at time of registration or can join later on
  • Unique fundraising page for fundraiser. Fundraisers can invite their friends, families and work colleagues to support their efforts and to donate to their own page

Sidebar Widgets

New enhancements to forms. Allows you to add widgets (components) that appear to the side of the checkout form. Sidebar widgets can selectively added to any payment form and ordered how you would like them to appear. These are particularly useful for Peer-to-Peer Campaigns, or for Appeals where you wish to show the progress of donations to fundraising target. Components that are included as part of this release are:

  • Attainment Gauge - Shows a gauge with Campaign Goal (Expected Revenue) and amount raised so far
  • Attainment Horizontal Progress Bar -Shows a horizontal progress bar with Campaign Goal (Expected Revenue) and amount raised so far
  • Most Recent (nn) Donors - Shows most (nn) donors for this campaign
  • Plain Text - Enter plain text
  • Profile Image - Shows the profile image uploaded for the Team or Individual
  • Rich Text - Enter formatted notes and text
  • Team Members- Shows list of team members
  • Top (nn) Donors - Shows top (nn) donors for this campaign
  • Uploaded Image - Upload image to Related Notes and attachments after saving

Address Validation

For DataTools Kelber:

  • Now support a number of different options for geocoding Accounts, Contacts and Leads
  • When adding a new contact, it now defaults in the address from the related contact.
  • When adding contacts, you can now do a Save & New, as well as a simple Save option.

For Google Places:

  • Fixed issue where some address lines were changing to just street number.
  • Improved speed. In particular retrieving of Postcode.


There were a number of small updates made in various areas. These include:

  • When adding a new Recurring Payment Manually, Payments2Us will now create the Authorize.Net customer profile if it is missing. This now means that you can add a new Recurring Payment from within Salesforce and it no longer has to go through the checkout form
  • eCheck/ACH Option has now been added.
  • This is available for Single and recurring payments.
  • This includes the ability to have someone sign up for regular payments through the checkout form or be added from within Salesforce.

Support updating of details from the Recurring Payment Tab

Support for refunds

  • Voiding of transactions. does not allow for refunds to occur before settlement. Settlement could be upto 24 hours form the initial payment. With this release, you can now void a transaction in full before settlement.

Page Layouts Tidy-up & Help Links

To make things clearer and easier to use, the page layouts for Merchant Facility, Payment Forms and Payment Txn’s have all been tidied up. In addition, for some areas where there are often a few questions raised, we have added helplinks to direct admins to the correct page in the online manual.

Import Files

The following updates have been applied to the Import Files process:

  • A new “Contact Upload” checkbox has been added. If this is selected, then the upload will only match and de-dupe or create Accounts/Contacts. It will not try and create related payments or financial related data. This is useful for just loading Contacts e.g. Uploading Fundraisers Contact details only.
  • If an error occurs when trying to create a sub-campaign, then this will now be logged in the Error Log.

Demo Data

Demo data sample payment forms have been reordered. In addition, sample data is now created for Peer-to-Peer fundraising.

General Updates

  • Custom Record types for Payment Txn’s can now be used. The name of the new record type should include the same name as the standard record type. For example, you could create a record type called “Manual Cash” where “Manual” is the standard record type used.
  • New Payment methods are now available. These are “Check” & “Cheque” and are based on the existing Pay By Post method.
  • Shopify has had an error fixed where some Id’s were being reports as too large.
  • Fixed error where with forms that had captcha enabled. Captcha had focus when forms were first loaded.

5.00 Upgrade Notes

  1. Rename App name from AAkonsult Payments to Payments2Us. This is under setup > create > app. Edit next to AAkonsult Payments.
  2. Add Create, Read, Update Access to Team Member Object for Sites User. This is under setup > develop > sites. Click into Site (eg. Payments). Click button Permissions Overview, Add access.

4.11 December 2015

4.11 Release Notes Fields with like field names are now copied from the Payment T ...

4.11 Release Notes

  1. Fields with like field names are now copied from the Payment Txn to Campaign Member during the Matching Process
  2. Added new cache parameter to Merchant Facility. Setting this can improve performance.
  3. PayPal scrolls down the screen when the user is redirect back to the donation form from PayPal. This makes the final Pay Now button more obvious to payers
  4. Membership Confirmation and Annual Statements updated to not treat Accounts in NPSP3 with names like “{Name} Household” as an organisation
  5. Receipts, Annual Statements and Membership Confirmations don’t print the name above the address line if the first name or last name contain Supporter, Friend, Friends or Unknown. This enables receipts to work better for organisation accounts that don’t have a known contact
  6. All Activities on the Payment Txn that are not linked to the contact are linked to a contact during the matching process.
  7. User interface
    1. Tooltip on checkout form changed so it shows better on mobile devices
    2. Images no longer extend past form width making them render better on mobile devices
    3. Events calendar month view no longer shows time as part of event subject
    4. Improve local/language URL parameter for Events module
    5. Correct for Events where T&C’s would not show after an error occurred
  8. New workflow for Welcome email to be sent out for a recurring donor signing up for the first time and where they don’t get a PDF receipt sent.
  9. Recurring Payments, now does an update of related URL Token so it is refreshed with latest related contact.
  10. Authorize.Net error message made clearer for refunds with missing Masked Credit Card details.

4.11 Upgrade Notes

1) Navigate to setup > create > objects. Click into Merchant Facility. Scroll down to the related Page Layouts. Click edit. Drag/Drop field Cache Time onto the layout (top section). SAVE

4.10 November 2015

4.10 Release Notes Address validation and auto-complete. Full edit/new page now a ...

4.10 Release Notes

  1. Address validation and auto-complete. Full edit/new page now available for Leads, Contacts and Accounts. See How to setup DataTools Kleber new/edit page overrides for Leads, Contacts and Accounts
  2. Events
    1. Progress bar with steps completed is now available for events
    2. Terms and conditions checkbox is now available for events registration or attendees page
    3. Form provide better support for disability compliance
    4. Forms are keyboard responsive by field entry type. Eg. Emails fields change the mobile keyboard layout to email format.
    5. New status’s introduced for Registration and Attendees. This enables validation rules to apply to a specific step.
  3. Donation Amounts
    1. New URL Parameter to allow passing in of the donation amount.
    2. New URL Token amount to default donation amount
    3. New URL Token fields for suggestion amounts 1…5 to enable these to be specific to a particular token
  4. Import Files
    1. Warning if import with same type, quantity and amount within the last 7 days.
    2. Alert if about to process a batch that was previously processed
    3. Credit Card processing will now respect the related Payment Form Authorisation and will only Authorise the imports. This is useful if wanting to upload and just tokenise the cards for processing at a later date.
    4. Biller code now always converted to lower case when entering on Contact, plus is check using lower case. Removing the case sensitivity improves the matching capabilities.
  5. Merchant Facility and Payment Form Clone abilities. Will clone selected object, plus its related object. This makes it easier to set everything up on a Demo Facility, then clone this prior to going live.
  6. Corrections
    1. Terms and conditions used to always come from the primary merchant facility. Now are derived from the associated merchant facility
    2. Opportunity name had “null” in it, if the first name was missing
    3. Old receipt number was showing in the receipt email template
    4. About AAkonsult Payments and creation of demo data included question marks in some sample membership renewals forms
    5. Manual Payments URL parameters for custom fields being passed in now accepts types of picklist
    6. Correction to Free Ticket Event transaction status was not always being set to Payment Complete.
    7. Remove false positive error with ScreenSteps (sidebar help) page
  7. Checkout
    1. CSS Styling classes added for section breaks to allow for custom themes to create their own gap. The gap has been reduced slightly as well for all themes.
  8. For Non profit starter pack 3+, for organisation payments/donations, new contacts are no longer directly linked to the organisation, but are associated through the primary affiliation.

4.10 Upgrade Notes

  1. Address validation and auto-complete at the full page level. see: How to setup DataTools Kleber new/edit page overrides for Leads, Contacts and Accounts

4.8 September 2015

4.8 Release Notes Address dataTools Kleber validation updates Checkout now allows ...

4.8 Release Notes

  • Address dataTools Kleber validation updates
    • Checkout now allows for delivery address to be validated by dataTools
    • More efficient usage of dataTools api’s that should result in cost savings
    • For contacts, if address updated through standard salesforce address maintenance then dpid is removed and fields validated are remove
    • New field on Contact that shows which fields have been validated
    • More finer control of what gets validated. These can be selected through the validate option on Merchant Facility
    • Phone number validation is not run when country is not Australia
  • Online user manual can now be shown in sidebar. Articles that are relevant to current tab are shown and all articles can be searched at any stage.
  • Receipting
    • Receipt numbers now match the Payment Txn number.
    • New Send Receipt option “Yes - PDF Version - Skip Recurring” allows for no receipt to be sent for recurring payments.
  • Card updates
  • emails now utilise a different embedded link so they work better under more circumstances
  • Manual Payments
    • Now use different short cuts for saving and canceling. This will avoid a transaction being accidentally canceled instead of saved.
    • Campaign in fieldset can now be marked as required and will show red bar to indicate to end user that it is required
  • Option to set client type on recurring payments for more flexible options in managing expired cards
  • About AAkonsult Payments tab now stays as highlighted when on that tab.

4.8 Upgrade Notes

  1. Setup > create > Objects. Click into Merchant Facility. 
    Click edit next to page layout. Drag / drop field Payment Gateway options and add in top section, right had side above Organisation Id 
    Click into field "Validate", add the following options: MailingAddress,OtherAddress,BillingAddress,ShippingAddress,Repair Inline. MAKE Sure you add to all record types.
  2. Setup > create > objects. Click into Payment Form. 
    Scroll down to fields - "Send Receipt". Click into. Add new value "Yes - PDF Version - Skip Recurring" (copy this value to notepad, then remove the - and add back in as copying from the website can change this to a different value)
  3. If using datatools Kleber address validation. Setup > create > customize > Contacts > Page Layouts. Edit Layout 
    Drag/Drop Data validated and place underneath address. Set to read only
  4. Add sidebar help component - see How to setup integrated online help
  5. Setup > Create > Objects - Click into Payment Txn. Click edit next to fieldset: Remove Receipt (OLD), Make sure Receipt No. in correct position

4.7 August 2015

4.7 Release Notes Customers/Donors can now be sent an email when their Recurring ...

4.7 Release Notes

  • Customers/Donors can now be sent an email when their Recurring Payment fails or Card Expiry date is reached. Templated emails and workflows exist for simple deployment of this option
  • Direct Debits now has an import file for uploading and processing of Direct Debit Returns
  • Receipts now use a new fieldset for the Organisation Address allowing for more customisation and flexibility. The new fieldSet is called “receiptOrganisation” and is found on the Merchant Facility Object. In addition organisation fields are now available on the Merchant Facility enabling multiple companies to be run from within one instance of Salesforce.

If the organisation fields on the Merchant Facility are blank, then the Salesforce Company Information details are used as was previously the case.

  • Checkout used with manual payments now has it’s own fieldSet to enable customisation of fields shown on confirmation page.
  • Receipts, Invoices, Membership Confirmations, Membership Renewals no longer generate an activity history. Workflow rules have been added to create tasks for each of this options.
  • This change now removes the risk of record locks occurring especially when a large number of memberships expire on the same day. It also removes an issue where on occasions the activity history was not being recorded.
  • Checkout form now has two new URL Parameters
    • AllowManualExternal: allows for the Manual Payments option to be available on the form when run in public/guest mode. This is useful for mobile persons that are not logged into Salesforce and wish to capture payment details such as cash/cheque/money order etc.
    • ExpiryDateDisplay: allows for the expiry date to be free form entered. This is useful if Sales/Service staff are using smartphones to scan cards.
  • Checkout now the ability to re-arrange the Group Memberships details. The fieldset “checkoutOrderSections” now includes a new field called “checkoutMemberGroupDetails“
  • Invoice No and Biller Code fields now 80 characters on Contact, Payment Txn and Import Line Item.
  • Correction to URL Token Hide Payment Note was not working. This option was only working with the URL parameters.
  • Validation rule added for change schedule to make sure payment option selected is for same merchant facility
  • Checkout functionality added to better handle connection timeout errors. The timeouts stop alert the user to a possible issue and place the Payment Txn in a queue for re-checking at a later time.
  • Recurring payment processor now checks for a batch being resubmitted. This could occur if the batch is running during a salesforce maintenance period.

4.7 Upgrade Notes

  1. Setup > create > objects. Click into Merchant Facility. Scroll down to page layout area. Click edit on layout. Drag/Drop these fields: Organisation Name, Street, City, State, Postcode into the Receipting Section
  2. Setup > create > objects. Click into Direct Debit Batch. Scroll down to page layout area. Click edit on layout. Select Buttons. Drag/Drop "Import Return Items" onto page layout. Save.
  3. Setup > create > objects. Click into Import File. Scroll down to Fields area. Click into Import Type. Press New button, add "Australia ANZ - Direct Entry Return" and "Australia BECS - Direct Entry Returns". Save

4.5 June 2015

4.5 Release Notes Mobile fields to have proper keyboard layouts shown. For exampl ...

4.5 Release Notes

  • Mobile fields to have proper keyboard layouts shown. For example telephones have phone layout, emails have an email layout. Dates are not yet covered.
  • For Payment Options, ensure only one Default is ticked. If another for the same Payment Form is checked then this is removed
  • Change Schedule updates create Change Schedule History
  • Paypal - better managing of errors, more information in error messages, correction to mailing city being overridden on mobile devices
  • Better handling of install process for upgrades

4.5 Upgrade Notes

4.4 June 2015

4.4 Release Notes Change Schedules. New functionality for Memberships/Subscriptio ...

4.4 Release Notes

  1. Change Schedules. New functionality for Memberships/Subscriptions that allows for setting up in advance of changes. For example, a wine club subscriber might have 1 Red for every Winter and 2 White packs for summer
  2. dataTools Kleber updates: 
    Checkout and Manual Payments now support validation for phone (Australia), email, address verify, address repair and BSB validation (checkout only) 
    Leads, Accounts and Contacts now have a button for auto-complete and validation/repair of addresses
  3. Make Payments for Token Charges on opportunities now pass in the description and amounts. New configuration options added for URL parameters (amount, paymentFor)
  4. Make Payments now launch Events Registration where related Payment Form has a type of “Event”
  5. Subscriptions/Memberships have the option of creating multiple subscription/memberships for the same form. This is applicable when organisations might have a certification/accreditation product/service and customers can sign up for multiple certifications.
  6. Subscriptions Issues now allow for Payments to be Charged for a particular Payment Option. For example, you may have a Wine Club member type subscriptions and you are ready to send out only Mixed, then a couple of weeks later, you wish to generate Payment Charges for those that have subscribed to Red’s.
  7. Receipts now allow for mail merging of standard Amount fields in the body text area.
  8. Clicking into the Card Holder name field and using Card Scanners that read track1 of the data will now populate Card Holder, Card and Expiry Date.
  9. PayPal. Correction to $0 being shown on return from PayPal login when used in conjunction with suggested donations
  10. More custom labels used to allow for user updates. Includes Privacy Policy link, Suggested donation options on checkout
  11. Receipts and membership documents now handle NPSP 3 account names ending with Household correctly.
  12. When generating import files for full copy sandboxes, the import now manages the exception of not having a valid Merchant Facility or Payment Form.
  13. More anti-spam options inbuilt, including having the ability to restrict the number of external (public website) payments from the one IP address.

4.4 Upgrade Notes

  1. Edit Page Layout for Merchant Facility - Drag/drop Validate into the Address Validation Section
  2. Click into Payment record type for Merchant Facility Object. Edit Validate and add all available options

4.2 April 2015

4.2 Release Notes Creation of Opportunity Line Items. Products are setup at the P ...

4.2 Release Notes

  1. Creation of Opportunity Line Items. Products are setup at the Payment Form and Payment Options level. If specified and the Merchant Facility Create Opportunity Line items is selected, the opportunity will be created and linked to the products. This feature provides more reporting options and better more options for integrations into financial systems.
  2. Receipt, Confirmation Letter, Renewal Notice and Statement layout update to allow for an image to be uploaded for the header section. If an image with a file name containing Letterhead is loaded against the Merchant Facility then this will be used instead of the standard logo and organisation address details.
  3. Checkout in manual payment mode now allows for “Once-off Authorise” type transactions so Recurring Payments can be created.
  4. Various fixes and updates.
    1. Site checkout error now logs more details so organisations can get a better understanding of who and what is trying to access their website in an invalid manner.
    2. Correction to error handling when a contact insert is created and the transaction was for a member or event ticket type of purchase
    3. Soft Credits now working correctly when person being credited already exists on file.
    4. Icons now display correctly when checkout form is used with a sites sub-domain.

4.2 Post upgrade notes

  • On the Page Layout Payment Form Drag/drop “Product” and “Donation Product” onto the layout
  • On the Page Layout Payment Option Drag/drop “Product” onto the Page Layout

4.1 March 2015

4.1 Release Notes Checkout form now allows for parent website to change font size ...

4.1 Release Notes

  1. Checkout form now allows for parent website to change font sizes.
  2. See installation manual How to provide accessibility and text resizing

4.0 February 2015

4.0 Release Notes Authorize.Net To use Authorize.Net, organisations must signed u ...

4.0 Release Notes

  1. Authorize.Net
  • To use Authorize.Net, organisations must signed up through the AAkonsult Authorize.Net page
  • Supports all payment transactions Charge, Refund, Authorization, Authorization Complete, Token Card Charge, Update Card, Update Expiry Date, Recurring Payments
  1. Address auto-complete
  • Added two options for address auto-complete on checkout and manual payment forms:
    1. Google Places. Free to use, register for free API key
    2. DataTools Kleber. More complete address list including Unit No’s, Building levels etc. Integration with AAkonsult free to use if you sign up to Kleber through our referral URL: Kleber Sign-up
  1. Checkout Form
  • Icons for Credit Cards
  • Icons are for Payment Methods. Payments methods are now laid out vertically
  • Suggested donations has box around amounts
  • For events on payments page, A fix was made Rich Text fields to make sure they did not go outside the boxed section
  • If delivery address is being used, the system no longer defaults the street from the postal address previously entered.
  • Payment Processor error AF now treated the same as a timeout error and automatic retry check will occur.
  1. PayPal Now available in production
  2. Import File process
  • Allow for matching of columns to fields to be saved for future processing
  • Allow for import of Credit Card details and processing off. If frequency is imported, then creates/updates Recurring Payments
  • Status/Progress for Import File Processing to show process if Credit Cards are to be process. New status’s for Credit Card Processing Complete. A count of number of Credit Cards in error.
  • New options for file uploads These are copy/paste and email to Salesforce
  • Updated to Payment Txn layout to show import file details
  • Fix for logging invalid lines error messages better. Includes catching and managing of invalid email addresses.
  1. Manual Payments
  • Save and Cancel buttons now working correctly
  • Added membership search for quick entry/locating of contact
  • Order of picklist is now in the Display Order of the membership Payment Options. This now uses the same criteria as Checkout
  1. Batch Processors. More checks in place for duplicate submissions of run now batch processor, run now recurring payment, subscription payment generation.
  2. Recurring Payment Processor
  • Now has more checks in place for Salesforce maintenance. Also, the order is sorted by the recurring payments record name.
  • Recurring Payment object now allows for Expiry MMYYYY to have a MM/YYYY format
  1. Error messages. Should errors be logged, but the ability to update the database is not available, e.g. during system maintenance or storage exceeded then the error is sent as an email to the user.
  2. Refunds. No longer resets the last transaction/next transaction date if the refunded transactions is related to a Recurring Payment.
  3. Token Charges no longer copies status from the related Account or Contact record should this field exist.
  4. Create Opportunity checkbox defaults from the Merchant Facility onto the Payment Txn record. If needed, this can then be changed via workflow and the Matching Process will use the Payment Txn field as it no longer refers directly back to the Merchant Facility.
  5. Manual Matching now uses fieldsets to enable configuration. For example, if you wish to add Account Name in the side by side comparison then it’s a case of updating the related fieldset.

4.0 Post upgrade notes

  • Edit the Merchant Facility Page Layout - Add the below section to Merchant Facility
  • Updated Merchant Facility record type “Address Helper” fields and add values to this

3.22 December 2014

3.22 Release Notes Payment Processing Updates to payment types to correct issue w ...

3.22 Release Notes

  1. Payment Processing
  2. Updates to payment types to correct issue where re-checks were not working 100% of the time.
  3. Support for Nonprofit Starter Pack 3

Added new Matching Method for “Nonprofit Starter Pack 3+”. For this to work best, we recommend having matching options of “Last Name + Street + Suburb”.

  1. Manual Payments
  • Merchant Fee added to field set. This allows for entry of 3rd party payments that charge a fee.
  • If the Payment Form being used for the Manual Payment has a payment type of “Donation” then the Donation Amount is now being updated instead of the Amount field. This makes the manual payment more consistent with the Checkout Form.
  1. Checkout Form

Correction to Rich Text Areas that were not displaying correctly on mobile devices

Terms and conditions, CCV pop-up window formatted to fit correctly on mobile devices

  1. Events
  • Membership number validation is now supported. To enable, select “Validate Membership No.” at the Payment Option level.
  • When a valid membership number is entered, the Payment Item is linked to the contact. In future releases, this could be used to have validation rules around membership types/details.
  • A fix has been added for when only one person then the Payment Item was not being linked to the Payment Item Group
  • A fix has been put in place whereby if an unexpected error occurred on the first step of the event registration wizard, then a “duplicate id” error used to occur.
  1. Demo Merchant Facility/Setup
  • Now defaults account model being used person account, Contacts & Organisations for NP, NP3+
  • Now defaults create opportunity to true

3.22 Post upgrade notes

  • Add a new picklist value to the Merchant Facility Object, field: "Account Matching Method" with value of "Nonprofit Starter Pack 3+”
  • Make sure you add it to the record type

3.21 November 2014

1. 3.21 Release Notes Updated checkout forms and event forms to have improved com ...

1. 3.21 Release Notes

  1. Updated checkout forms and event forms to have improved compliance for screen readers (software that reads out text on the screen for those persons that are visually impaired).
  2. Text next to radio buttons can be selected/touched for selecting the ratio button
  3. Short URL’s now available for URL Tokens. This means makes it easier to send a payment request via SMS’s/Texts.
  4. Custom fields that are not marked as visible no longer show the labels for the associated field in custom sections on the checkout form.
  5. Accessing the checkout form from the Credit Card payment button on the Payment Form now shows scroll bars when required.
  6. Recurring Payment Processor Correction where Salutation would override Job Title
  7. New Payment Form Type of “Program” added. Upcoming events and event calendar will now show campaigns with Payment Form Types of “Event” and “Program”

2. 3.21 Post upgrade notes

3.20 October 2014

3.20 Release Notes Checkout form New URL Token options and URL Parameter options ...

3.20 Release Notes

  1. Checkout form
    1. New URL Token options and URL Parameter options to provide more control over the display
    2. hidePaymentOverview. Enables the main text at the top of the payment form to be hidden. This is a useful option when used with events.
    3. hidePaymentNote. Hides the text at the bottom of the checkout form.
    4. hideCampaignOverview. Hides the Campaign Overview on the checkout form. The Campaign Overview text appears if Payment Overview text is entered on a Campaign and that campaign is linked to the checkout form.
    5. Clicking on the Payment Express logo takes the user to a page that has more information about the PCI Compliance of both Payment Express and Salesforce (as the form is hosted by
    6. If using appeals, there is a new option on the Payment form that allows you to filter campaigns based on Campaign Type. This is useful if you are using one instance of salesforce across multiple business units where you only want to have appeals shown that related to a specific business unit.
    7. If Catpcha’s are enabled, they will now only be shown on public facing web forms and not on internal usage.
    8. Terms and conditions field has been added to most field sets so this can be added to the checkout form. Terms and conditions are maintained on the Merchant Facility and will be shown from a link/light box display. This new feature is a useful way to show T&C’s on mobile devices without having the user navigate to a new page.
    9. A validation rule example has been added to provide a way of ensuring T&C’s are checked.
    10. For on invoice transactions where status is Awaiting Payment and if a donation is entered with suggested donations amount then the donation amount is now correctly shown when the payer clicks on the Pay Now link
    11. All custom field sections now have firstname, lastname, phone, mobile and email available. This provides more flexibility and options for variations to contact information captured.
    12. Ability to have a button on confirmation page that enables navigation to another website/page.
  2. Payment Processing
    1. The rechecking of Payments that are not completed now changes the status to “Confirmation Check” vs. Error if the user has not pressed the Pay Now button
    2. Person account matching process correction. Used to report an error if a Person Account existed with same name, but was not a matched on address, phone, mobile, email etc.
  3. Manual Payments
    1. If manual payments are initiated from the Account Screen, then it will now go into Save mode, vs. Save and New.
  4. Recurring Payments
    1. A new custom object has been that links Payment Txns to Recurring Payments. This enables for roll-up-summary fields to total details such as total payments, last payment/donation date, average donations etc. etc.
    2. Recurring payments now have two values Donations and Amount. This means a regular payment with donation can now be setup.
    3. If no maximum number of retry attempts is entered, then the system now defaults to 10, vs. previously being infinite.
  5. Events
    1. Buttons on Payment Form object and Sample about AAkonsult Payments now launch the Events for, vs. previously launching the checkout form.
    2. If Payment Option (ticket) has “Require Membership No”, then the membership number will be required when entered details and will be validated to ensure the contact is a current member and that the contacts surname is the same as the surname on the ticket.
    3. Upcoming Events and Event Calendar now only show Campaigns that are linked to Payment Forms with a Payment Form of Event. This means Campaigns and Events don’t get shown together on the Calendar.
    4. Added two new reports and links on Campaign:
      1. Event Attendee List
      2. Event Group List
    5. If previous URL entered on Payment Form, then the “Back” button on the first screen of the events registration will now go to that field.
    6. Payment Items are now linked to Campaigns
  6. Memberships
    1. New option for Membership No. Search. Option now include the ability to allow entry of last name and membership number to search on the public website OR to just validate the membership number on the public website, but allow internal (staff users) to enter and search/display membership details.
    2. Membership numbers have been increased to 8 digits.
    3. Renewals matching for subscriber groups. If primary contact renews, but to a single type membership then remainder in subscriber groups will have their membership numbers removed and subscription/membership canceled.
    4. If a non primary contact renews, but renews as a single, then they will be given a new membership number, subscriber group members will stay active.
    5. Some minor corrections to the setting of Primary Contact on renewals
  7. Refunds
    1. A workflow has been created for requesting refund approval. This needs to be activated and the recipient of the email to be updated should you wish to use.
    2. A new button on the refund payment txn has been added for approving. Also, a list view button has been added for approving multiple transactions at once.
  8. Receipts, Statements and Confirmations
    1. Logo is now right aligned
    2. A custom label has been added for the “Thank You” text so administrators can update.
    3. Statements had correction to work better from Contacts, Accounts and Campaign Members
    4. Receipt Date now respects local, so works better for North American customers
    5. Forms now respect the lang option enabling multiple language support

3.20 Post upgrade notes

  • Payment Form: Edit layout and remove Enable membership search (old), add in Enable Membership Search.
  • Update all Payment Form(s) that should have membership search enabled to have appropriate picklist value

3.19 August 2014

3.19 Release Notes Events enhancements Added options to hide components on side b ...

3.19 Release Notes

  1. Events enhancements
    1. Added options to hide components on side bar. These can be set in the Payment form or via URL Parameters
    2. For upcoming events and calendar, enable the option to go to a specified web page instead of going directly to the ticket booking page.
    3. Enhanced URL Parameter for upcoming events to be able to select multiple Campaign Types
    4. Support for Group/Team event types where one ticket represents multiple people
    5. Added new Event Type “Tickets and Optionally Specify Attendees”. This is useful when using with groups or teams and not all members of the group or team are known at the time of ticket purchase
  2. Memberships
    1. Added links from URL Tokens related to Account Subscriptions and Subscriptions back to the Subscription report. This provides enhanced workflow alert and update options
    2. For Family/Group membership, fixed issue with Payer Name and Group member name being in a different upper/lower case combination creating a duplicate
    3. For Family/Group membership, fixed issue with a payment being made after a membership causing the subscription group to be unlinked.
    4. Fixed issue where error could occur if Payment Option deleted from Account Subscription or Subscription
  3. Statements and Receipts
    1. Added option for text colours
    2. Added component option to suppress setting of receipt status
    3. Fixed issue where long “Receipt” title would cause address to print in incorrect location
    4. Annual Statement, used banking amount so refunds will be shown in negative
  4. Token Charges
    1. Now only allows one attempt per entry
    2. Added retry logic should the payment processing timeout

3.19 Post upgrade notes

  • setup > create > objects > Payments Forms. Field: Event Type, add new picklist value “Tickets and Optionally Specify Attendees”
  • setup > create > objects > Payments Forms. Page Layouts. Add fields to event section: Event Page URL, Event Form Layout Options
  • setup > create > objects > Merchant Facility. Page Layouts. Add fields to receipt section: Receipt Text Colour.
  • setup > create > objects > URL Tokens. Page Layouts. Add fields: Account Subscription, Subscription.
  • setup > create > objects > Payment Options. Page Layouts Events. Add field “Group Size”

3.16 July 2014

3.16 Release Notes Annual Statements have been added. These can be generated and ...

3.16 Release Notes

  1. Annual Statements have been added. These can be generated and stored against a contact record, along with mass emailing. Annual statements are flexible with mail merged text and fieldsets to control which transactions details are printed. Please see the Annual Statement part of this manual for more information
  2. Payment Forms object has been renamed to Payment Form. This more accurately reflects the roll of this object.
  3. About AAkonsult Payments. Provides better description if the user does not have Marketing User checkbox selected when attempting to create sample campaigns.
  4. Added workflow notification for Recurring Payments that are placed on to “Suspended - Max retries exceeded”

3.16 Post upgrade notes

  1. Need to add remote settings How to setup Annual Statements
  2. Add Annual Statement button campaign (2 buttons), campaign member, contact
  3. Add Statement Text to Campaign

Statement Text Example

Dear {!Contact.FirstName},

Thank you so much for your committed support of {!Organization.Name} the 2013/2014 financial year via our regular giving program.

This financial year you have given us a total of {!numberOfPayments} donations, totalling {!totalAmount}, as pledged on a regular basis throughout the 2013/2014 financial year.

Your donations have made it possible for us to continue to offer a range of services.

I would like to again say thank you on behalf of everyone at {!Organization.Name}, for your valued contribution to our work.

Please find attached a list of donations received and your official receipt.

3.17 Post upgrade notes

Payment Options update page layout for events to have “No. in group”

Payment Form:

  • added new value to picklist “Tickets and Optionally Specify Attendees”
  • Fields to page layout “Events Section”: Event Form Layout Options, Event Page URL

3.15 June 2014

3.15 Release Notes Enhancements to Import files to allow for much larger number o ...

3.15 Release Notes

  1. Enhancements to Import files to allow for much larger number of imported rows, to provide for generic CSV file imports and templates to manage Imports for:
    • Australia GiveNow
    • Australia GoFundraise
    • Australia Everyday Hero
    • Paypal

Please see the Import File sections of this manual for more information.

  1. Fundraiser Id. New Fundraiser Id field added to contact, along with new Matching Rule criteria to check for existing fundraisers with that id. This is particularly useful with some of the new import file types now available.
  2. Batch Processor check and restart if not running. On rare occasions and normally during a Salesforce upgrade, the batch processor can hang or stop. The daily recurring payment processor now check to see if this processor should be running and restarts if there appears to be an issue.
  3. An extra check to see if a Payment has been processed or not is not has been added. After the daily recurring payment processor run, all Payment Txns that are at a Confirmation stage are re-checked to see if they should have actually had the card successfully charge. If the check does not locate anything, then the status is updated to “Confirmation Checked”, otherwise, its updated to “Payment Complete”.
  4. PDF generated documents such as receipts, renewals, invoices, confirmation etc. now have currency fields always formatted to 2 decimal places, eg. 59.7 now shows as 59.70
  5. Checkout form for day of month selection for recurring payments now has single digit dates zero filed. Ie. 6 (for 6th day of the month) now shows as 06. This is more consistent with list of options available.
  6. Allow for bulk updates of Account Subscriptions when Payment Option is blank.
  7. Correctly rendering of PDF previews for Confirmation and Renewal notices.

3.15 Post upgrade notes

After installing, I would recommend doing the following:

  1. Setup > create > custom objects > Payment Txn. Scroll down to the fields section, locate “Matching Rules”, click into (NOT edit), then add “First Name + Last Name + Fundraiser ID” - MAKE sure you select to add to all record types before saving
  2. Click on the Merchant Facility Tab, for each active Merchant Facility, update the matching rules to have the new value “First Name + Last Name + Fundraiser ID”

3.14 May 2014

3.14 Release Notes Events module now allows for upto 10 different layouts. Paymen ...

3.14 Release Notes

  1. Events module now allows for upto 10 different layouts. Payment Form specifies which layout (fieldset) to use.
  2. Added new URL parameter to Manual Payments and Credit Card Payments to default in the amount to be paid. Also added new “defaultAmount” to URL Token
  3. New Mobile Responsive Option “Yes - iFrame Breakout” allowing for payment forms embedded within an iframe to come to the top when displayed on a mobile device. This enables mobile responsiveness.
  4. Manual payments update opportunities with total amount. Previously, amount did not include donation amount.
  5. Creation of URL token for Campaign and Campaign Member will use the Payment Form linked at the Campaign level. If not present, uses default merchant facility and Payment Form.
  6. Default Receipt Email assignment groups error messages now, so if a validation rule causes many contacts to fail then warning emails are greatly reduced.
  7. Subscriptions batch processor status submit checks for salesforce limits before submitting
  8. For group memberships, primary contact and voter correctly set if primary contact is an existing contact.
  9. Shopify Integration Now updates discount and stores voucher codes used.

3.14 Post upgrade notes

After installing, we would recommend doing the following:

  1. Setup > create > custom objects > Payment Txn. Scroll down to the fields section, locate “Mobile Responsive”, click into (NOT edit), then add “Yes - iFrame Breakout” - MAKE sure you select to add to all record types before saving
  2. Click on the Merchant Facility Tab, for each active Merchant Facility, update Mobile Responsive to have the new value “Yes - iFrame Breakout”

3.13 March 2014

3.13 Release Notes Make Payments. Add new button and publisher actions that makes ...

3.13 Release Notes

  1. Make Payments. Add new button and publisher actions that makes it easier to make a payment from an Account, Contact or Opportunity where multiple merchant facilities or Payment Forms are being used.
  2. Direct Debits for NZ. Added support for ANZ/BNZ, Westpac and ASB
  3. Subscription Group Updates:
  • Membership was set to default to a non subscriber group, then a subscriber group type option select the screen was not refreshing correctly.
  • When checkout was run in internal mode and the first membership was free, then a non free membership was selected, an error message was appearing.
  • Checkout associating with incorrect primary contact on occasions. This was often the first created contact, vs. primary contact.
  • Checkout form Now defaults in country code correctly for renewals
  1. Membership updates:
  • If someone leaves the group, their membership number is cleared out. We recommend turning on audit history on the membership number field for audit purposes.
  • When using templates for accounts and contacts does not include the template membership no
  1. Upcoming Events no only uses field sets for section values and does not require the Campaign Name to be included.
  2. Batch processor status now correctly set on all Merchant Facilities when starting/stopping.

3.13 Post upgrade notes

Add matching method to Merchant Facility + record type.

  • Membership Id + Last Name + Mobile
  • Membership Id + Last Name + Email

3.12 February 2014

3.12 Release Notes Opportunities now have a new field called “Total Paid” that is ...

3.12 Release Notes

  1. Opportunities now have a new field called “Total Paid” that is automatically updated from payments and refunds. Allows for deposits and payment in full processes to be setup.
  2. Added new Payment Form option “Send Receipt By”. This provides an easy way of setting which Payment Forms receive full receipts, vs. those that only receive partial receipts. For more information, please see the “Sending out receipt options” section of this manual.
  3. Progress bars added for almost all batch processing jobs. This provides a near real-time update on where the job is upto.
  4. Memberships - If renewing from link and change last name then used to give an error message regardless of membership number/search by being enabled. No will only give error if membership search by enabled.
  5. Corrections when a very long payment option were used in conjunction with subscriber groups that resulted in an error being reported names are now truncated to 80 characters.
  6. Correction of job title not updating to Contact on processing. Now updates are applied.

3.11/3.12 Post upgrade notes

  • Add Send Receipt By to Payment Type page layout.
  • Activate Send Interim receipt email

3.10 January 2014

3.10 Release Notes Added upcoming events widget. Please see the Upcoming Events s ...

3.10 Release Notes

  1. Added upcoming events widget. Please see the Upcoming Events section of this manual for more details.
  2. Added ability to have social media likes available on payment forms
  3. Added mobile responsive support for payment forms
  4. Enabled configurable fields for Receipt date section on receipt and membership confirmation/renewal forms. This field can be maintained through “receiptDate” fieldset.
  5. Credit Card Expiry dates are now stored in full format making managing of upcoming expiries easier
  6. Events registration updates to allow “Once-off Authorise” and to update ticket numbers for “Auth” type transactions.
  7. Correctly to false positive reporting of security access to Subscriptions and Account Subscriptions.

3.10 Post upgrade notes

  • Navigate to setup > create > objects > Merchant Facility. Scroll down to record types section. Click into (NOT Edit), click edit next to Mobile Responsive add values.
  • Click on the Merchant Facility Tab click into a merchant facility. Edit Layout, drag/drop the Mobile Response fields and Upcoming events URL field onto page layout. Save.
  • From the Merchant Facility Tab, scroll down to Payment Types, click into a payment type. Click Edit layout. Add a new section “Social”, then copy all fields beginning with Social onto the Page Layout Save.

3.9 December 2013

3.9 Release Notes Support for Internet Explorer 11 Further enhancement for langua ...

3.9 Release Notes

  1. Support for Internet Explorer 11
  2. Further enhancement for language translations
  3. FieldSets for Receipt and Membership Confirmation/Renewals address fields

3.8 December 2013

3.8 Release Notes Added opportunity line item/products to opportunities for Shopi ...

3.8 Release Notes

  1. Added opportunity line item/products to opportunities for Shopify integration where “Create Opportunity Line” checkbox is selected on the Merchant Facility
  2. Stronger enforcement of profile security when doing database updates
  3. Corrections to Member Type selection on Family (Subscriber Group) type memberships

3.8 Post upgrade notes

  • Merchant Facility, Add price book, Create Opportunity Line Items to page layout

3.7 November 2013

3.7 Release notes Added Soft Credits to Manual Payments See Non Profit Section So ...

3.7 Release notes

  1. Added Soft Credits to Manual Payments See Non Profit Section Soft Credits in this user manual for more info
  2. URL Parameter ?lang=xxx defaults to sites locale if none specified.
  3. Updates to recurring payments, including direct debits with last payment dates. Now uses the transaction date, vs. the date batches are closed off.
  4. Sites Sub domains now supported with custom UI.

3.7 Post upgrade notes

  • add Soft Credit to Payment Type screen. NB: User Manual for updates on Payment Types

3.6 November 2013

3.6 Release Notes Checkout and manual payment now populate all fields in the Paym ...

3.6 Release Notes

  1. Checkout and manual payment now populate all fields in the Payment Txn from similar field names on the related contact record. This include custom fields on the form.
  2. Invoice, Confirmation, Renewal Notices, Receipts. Changed address format to Uppercase. All forms now use fieldsets for address section. Invoicing long format available.
  3. Account Subscription Membership No. is now correctly printing.
  4. Recurring Payments. If payment day is blank, then uses last payment date (day). Previously always made this the first day of the month.
  5. Subscription Issues. Added new tab to make easier management, updated to have warning if not current issue on payment generation and mailout generation, plus provided button to quickly set.
  6. Cloning of subscription issue resets system maintained fields, such as last batch number.
  7. Added charts to subscription issue page.
  8. Direct Debits. Cloning of Direct Debit batches resets system maintained fields, such as Status, Number in Batch etc.

Status is marked as completed if all transactions are marked as complete or error. Counters for number of transactions completed or in error added.

3.5 November 2013

3.5 Release Notes Refunds. Allows for entry of number of days subscription to ref ...

3.5 Release Notes

  1. Refunds. Allows for entry of number of days subscription to refund.
  2. About AAkonsult Payments View training courses now shows the training course registration screen.
  3. Merchant Facility Tab Run now for batch processor, recurring processor now have hover warning not to click multiple times and display a warning message.
  4. URL Tokens for Opportunity Create now assigns Opportunity Contact role related contact.
  5. Added Invoice Text to Payment Form and updated Payment Schedule Invoice Email template to use this text. Also Allowed option on invoice body to use the full layout (layoutType = FULL)

3.3 November 2013

3.3 Release Notes Added “lang” URL parameter so translation workbench can have mu ...

3.3 Release Notes

  1. Added “lang” URL parameter so translation workbench can have multiple languages for different sites.

3.1 October 2013

3.1 Release Notes Direct Debit sign up from public facing online form. New Direct ...

3.1 Release Notes

  1. Direct Debit sign up from public facing online form. New Direct Debits can be accepted online and after internal approval will end up being included in future Direct Debit runs.
  2. Membership updates
    1. Prorated fees on signing up. Allows for fees to be adjusted by the number of days to a configurable option to one of: End of Month, End of Quarter, End of Year, End of Fiscal Year
    2. Memberships/Subscriptions now include a count of number of days a person has been a subscriber, total amount charged to subscriber/paid and outstanding, number of days between the last break and re-joining.
    3. Membership Amounts of $0 now catered for on checkout when used in “Manual” Mode.
  3. Payment Schedules
    1. Now allows for invoices to be sent. Pre-defined workflows and email/invoice template included.
    2. New status introduced “Payment Schedule Start” and is updated to “Awaiting Payment” by batch processor. This allows for “Pay Now” links to be included with invoice.

For more information, please see the “Payment Schedule” section of this manual.

  1. Import files. This new feature is introduced with this release. It currently allows for Payment Schedule invoices to be paid for by BPAY. Uploaded files are automatically matched with outstanding payment schedule invoices.

For more information, please see the Importing Files in the “Payment Schedule” section of this manual.

  1. Receipts now allows for a user defined name to be included. This is useful when a purchase or donation is donated and organisations want to adjust who’s name is shown on the receipt.
  2. URL Token creations for Accounts, Contacts, Opportunity, Campaign, Campaign Members and Cases. Simply check the “Create URL Token” and a URL Token will be created. Sample workflows included to set automatically. Please see the section in this manual called “Emailing URL Tokens” for more information.
  3. Disable Custom Indexes checkbox added to Payment Txn. This enables organisations an option whilst waiting for to add custom indexes when more than 100k contacts or accounts reached.

3.0 September 2013

3.0 Release Notes Introduction of new PxFusion Payment Gateway offering. This ena ...

3.0 Release Notes

  1. Introduction of new PxFusion Payment Gateway offering. This enables support by more banks, in particular those in New Zealand. Also offers a 3D Secure option for those organisations that need this.
  2. New recurring option “On Shipment”. This is useful for organisations such as wine clubs etc. that have members that only need to be charged when deliveries are ready.
  3. Added support for date formats and currency formats to mail merged PDF documents such as receipts and renewal notices.

3.0 Post upgrade notes

  • Add button “Payment Generation” to “Subscription Issue”
  • Add “On Shipment” to Payment Type “Recurring Payments Type”

2.11 August 2013

2.11 Release Notes Receipting enhancements. There have been quite a number of cha ...

2.11 Release Notes

  1. Receipting enhancements. There have been quite a number of changes made to receipts and membership renewal/confirmation notes, these include:
  2. Ability to specify receipt colours (on the Merchant Facility)
  3. Ability to embed mail merge fields in receipt body. For example, “Dear {!AAkPay_Payment_Txn__c.AAkPay__firstName__c}”… The existing “Dear {firstname}” has now been removed.
  4. Provide ability to configure transaction summary sections. New fieldset (receiptPaymentInfo) on Payment Txn.
  5. Receipt and membership renewals/confirmations emails are now able to be cloned and the body of the email updated.
  6. The address shown can be user specified with either Mailing or Other.
  7. Updates to Account/Organisation Name print under more conditions.

For more information on these updates, please consult the receipting section of this manual.

  1. More configurations options for checkout user layout. These include:
  2. Ability to re-order sections on the screen. The fieldset “checkoutOrderSections” is used to re-order sections
  3. Ability to configure/update all sections, including transactions details and Payment Details. Fore new fieldsets (checkoutPaymentDetails, checkoutPaymentCCDetails, checkoutPaymentComments, checkoutTransactionDetails) added to Payment Txn Object to enable this.
  4. More custom / user defined sections have been added, bringing the number up to 6.
  5. Message added after confirming details to guide users into pressing the “Pay Now” button.
  6. Membership Search by Membership number now updates City and Country when IP Defaulting being used.

For more information on customising the checkout layout, please see the “Customising Sections and Fields” section of this manual.

  1. Checkout Manual Mode. The checkout User Interface can be used in manual mode when used internally (as Salesforce CRM user). The enables easy manual payments for Event attendances and for Subscriber Group memberships (Eg. family members).

For more information on this option, please read the “Events Manual Payments” or the “Subscriber Groups Manual Payments” sections of this manual.

  1. Large Donation Workflow. If the total amount paid is greater than the large donation amount specified on the related Payment Form, then the related donor care person is send a notification email. This option now changes the Payment Form owernship to the donor care person
  2. Token charge now works with/without contact being specified. Special handling for Accounts only being specified.

2.11 Post upgrade notes

  • Add CustomSection fields to Payment Type
  • Add Receipting Colour Fields to Merchant Facility
  • Add “Manual” as a Payment_Method to Merchant Facility
  • For Payment Txn, Record Types: Auth, Refund, Events, Manual, Payment Update “Method of Payment” to have values
  • Add “Add Event Attendees” button to Campaign
  • Reorder “Method of Payment” onto Payment Txn fieldSets manualPayInfo (goes to where payment source was, remove payment source)
  • For all receipt text, add “Dear {!AAkPay__Payment_Txn__c.AAkPay__FirstName__c}” as this no longer appears in text by default.

2.10 July 2013

2.10 Release Notes Run now option added to Merchant Facility Recurring Payment Pr ...

2.10 Release Notes

  1. Run now option added to Merchant Facility Recurring Payment Processor and Background Payment Processor
  2. Correction to Subscriber Group memberships where members were getting mixed up between payment transactions
  3. Memberships/Subscriptions A new membership/subscription will get created if the related Payment Form name is different.

2.8 July 2013

2.8 Release Notes Added new Recurring Payment Record Type “Payment Schedules” whi ...

2.8 Release Notes

  1. Added new Recurring Payment Record Type “Payment Schedules” which enables for a schedule to be setup to notify payees that a new payment is due. For more information, see the “Recurring Payments” “Payment Schedule” section in this user manual.
  2. Subscription renewals will now use the correct Person Account address.
  3. Events/tickets minor updates to better manage all attendees being required to register their individual details
  4. Subscriptions/membership refunds Updates to show payments and negative value and to not increment subscription by another period.
  5. Individual/bucket contacts are automatically updated to Accounts and Contacts should the payee make a payment related to a Company.

2.7 June 2013

2.7 Release Notes Added Event Type “Tickets and Specify All Attendees”. Also mino ...

2.7 Release Notes

  1. Added Event Type “Tickets and Specify All Attendees”. Also minor UI updates to Events, including help text for ticket types, position of ticket information on registration screen.
  2. Update to family memberships to correctly process memberships where non primary person ends up being the person renewing
  3. Update banking report to use a new “Banked Payment” field to differentiate transactions that are successful, vs. those that are in Error, but will be credited to bank account.
  4. Time based workflow templates setup to allow for exception emails on Batch Payments Processor should it stop working or not be restarted.
  5. Add a validation rule on Site URL to have “/” at the end.

2.7 Post upgrade notes

  • Add “Tickets and Specify All Attendees” to Payment_Type__c.Event_Type__c
  • Can setup timebased workflows for batch processor scheduling.

2.5 June 2013

2.5 Release Notes Print email receipt updates to cater for Person Accounts and re ...

2.5 Release Notes

  1. Print email receipt updates to cater for Person Accounts and related Subscriptions and Account Subscriptions.
  2. Updates to ensure AAkonsult Payments work better with other installed AppExchange Packages

2.4 June 2013

2.4 Release Notes For subscription issues, mailout address details are now genera ...

2.4 Release Notes

  1. For subscription issues, mailout address details are now generated and related to the particular issue. Four new reports have been created for mailout management. These are all subscribers that have purchased as single issue, all subscribers where this is their last issue to receive, all subscribers with multiple copies and all subscribers for this issue regardless of number of copies or final issue.
  2. Subscription issues now support multiple copies. The number of copies requires a manual update and is not currently driven from the online checkout.
  3. Free memberships support for memberships processed through the manual payments option. This is useful for gifted membership or life membership types.
  4. For new members, they can now go through an approval process. New buttons have been added to the Account Subscriptions and Subscriptions list views and page details to allow for quick and simple approval or one or multiple members at once.
  5. For new approved members and renewing members, a membership confirmation PDF can document be generated and emailed to subscribers.
  6. For contacts, account subscribers and subscribers, a “Print Email Receipt” field is maintained automatically. This will have the “Merchant Facility” Receipt email value if the contacts email address is blank, or will have the contacts email if it is available. This is used for workflows to either send details directly to the contact or if no email address is on file, these emails can go to an internal staff member. This is particularly useful for membership renewal notices so that staff can print and mail out renewal notices if an email address is not on file.
  7. Membership/Subscriber renewals now generate a PDF attachment providing a more professional and better looking renewal document
  8. Receipts have been updated to not print bucket account names (eg. “Individual”) or account names if they are the same contact name. Some other minor were made to styling.
  9. Minor User interface updates. Save button no longer appears twice on family memberships, removal of flicker for family memberships, membership No. defaults in with renewal URL token
  10. Special processing and handling when more than 100,000 contacts are on file. Updates to installation manual for specific instructions for organisations that have or are likely to have more than 100k of contacts or accounts.

2.4 Post upgrade notes

  • Payment Types - Edit page layout, add membership renewal text, membership confirmation text, current issue
  • Account Subscription edit layout, add membership status, quantity, current issue, most recent mailout subscription, Print Email receipt. Also add buttons: Membership Approved, Renewal notice, confirmation notice.
  • Account subscription Search Layouts - Account Subscriptions List View. Add button Membership Approval.
  • Subscription edit layout, add membership status, quantity, current issue, most recent mail out subscription, Print Email receipt. Also add buttons: Membership Approved, Renewal notice, confirmation notice.
  • subscription Search Layouts - Subscriptions List View. Add button Membership Approval.
  • Merchant facility. Remove current value in “Print Email Receipt”. Save. Put value back into “Print Email Receipt” and save again. This will do a global update.
  • Email Templates. Update renewal reminders: Renewal - 1st Account Reminder w/ PDF, Renewal - 1st Reminder w/ PDF, Renewal - 2nd Reminder w/ PDF, Renewal - 2nd Account Reminder w/ PDF.

Ensure values are entered on Payment Type 2 by text fields for renewal reminders/membership confirmation

  • Also update all (4) time based workflows to use new email templates. Make sure use “w/PDF” version and are sent to “Email field = Print Email Receipt”
  • Object. Subscription Issue, edit page layout and add buttons: Mailout generation, Mailout single, mailout multiple, mailout final, mailout all.

Also, add field mailout batch No, Last mailout generation (make both fields read only on page layout)

2.3 May 2013

2.3 Release Notes Introduction of Subscription Issues management. Added ability t ...

2.3 Release Notes

  1. Introduction of Subscription Issues management. Added ability to support subscription types of style magazine/publication where the subscription is based on issue number, vs. the length in months of the subscription. For more details, please see the “Subscriptions Magazine/Issue No. style” section.
  2. Refunds for Manual Payments. Refunds have been updated to also work with Manual Payments.

2.3 Post upgrade notes

Payment Type Add Current Issue to Membership/Subscriptions Section

  • Payment Options Payment Options Layout. Add Start Subscription & Start Subscription From, No. of Subscriptions per Subscription Period
  • Account Subscriptions Page Layout, Add First Issue, Last Renewed Issue, End Issue,original end issue, Issues Remaining,
  • Subscriptions Page Layout, Add First Issue, Last Renewed Issue, End Issue,original end issue,, Issues Remaining,
  • Payment Txn Manual Layout add button - refund

2.2 April 2013

2.2 Release Notes Recurring Payments. Added frequency option of “Bi-Monthly”, use ...

2.2 Release Notes

  1. Recurring Payments. Added frequency option of “Bi-Monthly”, user defined options for No. of days and “One-off Authorise”. To use user defined option number of days, simply add new picklist values that are numeric into the frequency, eg. “5” for 5 day increments.
  2. CCV is not required for internal (Salesforce CRM users). This allows for postal pledges/payments where no CCV is provided. Issuing banks may/may not allow these transactions though.
  3. Manual Payments now support “Donations With” payment option.
  4. Memberships types (aka Payment Options) now support a status that enables membership options to be offered online, internal only or made inactive.

2.2 Post upgrade notes

  • Add status to Payment Options (by 2) page layout
  • Add Bi-Monthly to Frequency Payment Type, Payment Options, Payment Txn, Recurring Payment.

2.1 March 2013

2.1 Release Notes Receipt Item Text updates. The section at the bottom of the rec ...

2.1 Release Notes

  1. Receipt Item Text updates. The section at the bottom of the receipt has the Payment Txn “Payment For” value. The following enhancements have been made to provide more flexibility and options for Payment For. These are:
    • Added “Receipt Item” field on the Payment Form record. This will be used if no URL Token or URL parameter field for “PaymentFor” is used.
    • Added URL Parameter “paymentFor” to Manual Payments.
  2. Opportunity Name. The name is now made up of the text from the Payment Form Tab “Payment Form” field, concatenated with payees name and date of the transaction.
  3. Opportunity Record Type. You can now specify the Opportunity Record Type on the Payment Form entry. If specified, the opportunity created will use this record type.
  4. Checkout Appeal Items for Internal Users. For internal users (checkout accessed from within salesforce), the options available in the picklist will be for all Campaigns that are Active and have a start date before today and an end date after today. For internal users there used to be the requirement of making the campaign “Published on Web” set to true. For external users (public website), the Campaign “Publish on web” checkbox must still be selected.
  5. When using Account Matching of “Contacts and Organisations for Non-profits” in conjunction with Create Opportunities, “npe01__Contact_Id_for_Role__c” is now updated with the primary Contact Id. This enables the Non Profit Starter pack to operate better with AAkonsult Payments.
  6. Donation With enhancements. Tax is no longer calculated on the “donation” part of the transaction. In addition, if a donation is given with a payment then the receipt now has a note detailing the donation amount.

2.1 Post upgrade notes

Add Receipt Item & Opportunity Record Type to Payment Type

2.0 February 2013

2.0 Release Notes Events Management Option. Including multiple tickets types, Eve ...

2.0 Release Notes

  1. Events Management Option. Including multiple tickets types, Events Calendar, registration of single or multiple persons, add-to-calendar and more.
  2. Direct Debits Option. For Australian banks. Setup of recurring Direct Debits from within, Extract for processing, Updates of exceptions and posting.
  3. Shopify Integration Option. After an order has been paid for in Shopify, Salesforce is updated with the order header and line items details.
  4. Roll your own theme Custom UI Option. Users have always been able to select from 22 different themes, now they can create their own colours and styles through jquery themeroller (
  5. License Manager. Events Management, Direct Debits, Shopify and Custom UI are additionally licensed options. These require a license key and expiry date from AAkonsult.
  6. Family Memberships (Subscription Groups). This enables for entry of all subscriber members (eg. Members of a family) at the time of subscribing to a membership and updating during renewal. This feature also allows for allocating (manual or automatic) of voting rights and primary contacts.
  7. Batch Processor. A background processor runs every 10 minutes to start the matching/reconciliation process. As this is run by an internal user, this means that details of Contacts can now be updated if the appropriate settings are enabled on the Merchant Facility Tab. This also means that if a person making a payment updates phone or address details then the Contact will now reflect the latest details.
  8. Matching/Reconciliation enhancements. A new matching criteria for “Phone” has been added. In addition matching has been improved by removing spaces and non-numeric characters in phone numbers when comparing.
  9. Suggested Donation buckets has been increased from 3 to 5.
  10. The ability to specify a Campaign for Subscribe to Email is now available.
  11. If a subscription/membership payment is linked to a recurring payment and one of payment fails more than the specified threshold number of items, then the recurring payment is suspended and the subscription is ended.
  12. Payment Options can now be ordered in the checkout picklist.
  13. When using Account Matching of “Contacts and Organisations for Non-profits” in conjunction with Create Opportunities, then the Primary Contact Role is no longer created as this doubles up with the default settings in the Nonprofit Starter Pack.
  14. Manual Payments retURL. A new URL parameter has been added to enable organisations to specify where the user will be taken to after a manual payment has been made.

2.0 Post upgrade notes

Merchant Facility Page Layout

  • Batch Processor (add to Recurring Payment Processor Section) visualforce component
  • Events Site URL
  • Custom UI
  • Direct Debit/ACH add all fields
  • Additional License Options Section

Merchant Facility Object, Record Types

  • Update License Options, Bank Codes, DD File Format picklist values
  • Add “Custom theme” to theme picklist options. Remove old Payments Pro from available optiosn

Payment Type Page Layout

  • Enewsletter campaign
  • Suggested Donations 4,5
  • Shopify Webhook
  • Events Section

Payment Options Page Layout

  • Record/Page Type: Payment Option
  • Add field display order
  • New Section “Group/Family Subscriptions/Memberships”, “description”

Workflow rules

  • Field updates
    • set Status Receipting Complete must have “Re-evaluate Workflow rules”

Campaign update 3 * event Sections


  • If running Background processor, then turn off Household Settings Roll Up on Triggers setting and schedule in background.

1.15 October 2012

1.15 Release Notes Added PayPal Support to enable more options for collecting pay ...

1.15 Release Notes

  1. Added PayPal Support to enable more options for collecting payments. Works with PayPal accounts that support Express Checkout.
  2. New Payment Method options provided. This includes the ability for a payee to select to be invoiced, or to post in payment (eg. Cheque/Money Order), to pledge a payment or to nominate they will pay by direct bank transfer.
  3. Added Payment Express PxPay support. This enables customers to use a Direct Payment Solutions hosted offering enabling customers of AAkonsult Payments to have much simpler payment industry compliance, or for customers that banks require a hosted only option.
  4. For recurring payments, a new option to update expiry date has been added. This simplifies expired card update processing as the payee only needs to provide the new expiry date and all of the card and CCV details.

1.13 July 2012

1.13 Release Notes Number of Card Retries is now user definable. If the card fail ...

1.13 Release Notes

  1. Number of Card Retries is now user definable. If the card fails more than the retry count then the recurring payment goes into a suspended status.
  2. Credit Card Type field is no longer required. The type is determined from the Card Number. In addition, card number validation is done within before it is submitted to the payment gateway saving transaction costs and improving speed.
  3. Memberships start dates can be set to round up/down to 1st/last day of month, or based on payment date
  4. The Pay Now button will default to “Donate Now” if Payment Form is of type donation. This field will also be able to be user defined. The message on the confirmation page has changed if the Payment Form is of type donation as well.
  5. Object. This allows you to use the recurring token to make an additional payment. This could be useful when a person is sponsoring a child and they want to give an extra donation for a birthday, or a rental organisation and the equipment is damaged so they need to charge for the excess.
  6. Credit Card Masking is updated to have selectable format, including 4X….4X
  7. URL parameters on Amount for Refunds. This allows for custom visualforce pages to be written in front of the payments process and then to pass the value to AAkonsult Payments to transact the refund.
  8. You can now make “Credit Card Token” payments from the Recurring Payment
  9. Showheader and sidebar can be passed into all internal forms allowing for the header/sidebar to be hidden.

1.12 June 2012

1.12 Release Notes URL Tokens feature added for added security and simplification ...

1.12 Release Notes

  1. URL Tokens feature added for added security and simplification of URL parameters. This feature also allows for a simple way of sending membership/subscription renewals for a link to pay, or for sending invoices with a pay now link.
  2. Multi-currency on checkout form now allows for different currency symbols. EUR - € , GBP - £, Others - $.
  3. Discounts are now supported. These can assigned in the Account Subscription, Subscriptions or URL Parameters.
  4. Regular Payment Processor update to enable more than transactions per day. A new Payment Form option “Recurring Payments Type” of Regular created to cater for this option.
  5. Added Weekly, Fortnightly options to Regular Payment Frequency.
  6. When selecting a new Payment Form or Payment Setting as Primary then previous primaries are deselected.
  7. Added option to allow going back to (user defined) previous page before checkout form
  8. Updated manual payments to share more of the checkout URL Parameter/URL Token options.

1.11 May 2012

1.11 Release Notes Updated styling for help tooltips to be more aligned with them ...

1.11 Release Notes

  1. Updated styling for help tooltips to be more aligned with theme selected
  2. Added pre-authorisation and authorisation complete functionality
  3. For Tax Included Amounts, now show value of checkout screen
  4. Added CAPTCHA functionality
  5. Added Campaign Member Status and associated payments with Campaign if specified
  6. Updated About AAkonsult Tab to generate sample data and forms.
  7. Added Dashboards and more Reports.

1.10 April 2012

1.10 Release Notes User interface change to section headings on payments and conf ...

1.10 Release Notes

  1. User interface change to section headings on payments and confirmation form
  2. Tax Calculations added. This includes calculations as additional to amount charged, or tax is included in amount charge or tax is not calculated/shown.
  3. Surcharge percentage used is now stored on payment transaction
  4. Matching updates on Company Name search. Now excludes parts of the name such as “Pty”, “Limited” etc. so as better locate two companies that are the same.
  5. Added new matching run “Account Name + Last Name”.
  6. Chatter updates. This is available for internal transactions as this stage due to restrictions. Chatter updates can be automatically generated for a Payment made, Large payment, First payment by Contact, First payment by Account, First Payment Form by Account, First time Subscriber, Renewing Subscriber or New recurring payment
  7. New URL parameters added for payment form:
    1. HidePayFrequency - URL parameter so that monthly payments can be setup requiring the option of showing selection on the screen.
    2. PayFrequency new URL parameter to default payment frequency.
    3. paymentOptionIdReadOnly. This URL parameter is normally used in conjunction with PaymentOptionId. Using this parameter allows for the payment option to be pre-selected and shown, but does not allow the user to change the defaulted parameter
    4. customField[1,2,3]Name, customField[1,2,3] allows for 3 different custom fields to be updated by URL value passed in a URL parameter.
  8. Payment Options now allow for Payment Frequency and Freight Amounts to be specified at this level.
  9. Subscription/Membership updates. Subscriptions are now tied more closely with recurring payments. This allows for example, a 12 month magazine subscription to have 12 equal monthly payments.

Subscriptions also have the ability to allow for automatic renewals.

  1. Recurring Payments have an optional end date. If an end date is specified and the end date has passed, the subscription status will be automatically changed to “Expired” (unless automatic renewal is specified).
  2. Refund payments. A separate workflow and email template is now setup for refunds so that the person refunded gets a different message to that of making a payment.

1.9 February 2012

1.9 Release Notes Simple freight capabilities added, allowing administrators to s ...

1.9 Release Notes

  1. Simple freight capabilities added, allowing administrators to setup a default freight rate and to have that added to all transactions.
  2. Changes to the way defaults managed for picklists/multi-picklists on checkout giving more flexibility and administrator control over what is shown/defaulted.
  3. Added ability to enable/disable day of month selection for recurring transactions.
  4. Enable/Disable day of month selected added for payment frequency.

1.8 January 2012

1.8 Release Notes Account Level Memberships added enabling organisations to have ...

1.8 Release Notes

  1. Account Level Memberships added enabling organisations to have a membership and all of their staff to be considered as part of that membership.
  2. Multi-currency support added. Allows for different currencies to be processed, as well as the ability to show and/or user select payment currency. Support for organisations with/without multi-currency enabled.
  3. Two levels of credit card surcharge by card types added allowing organisations to recover the credit card fees charged.
  4. Custom Sections added allowing administrators to create their own custom fields and add them to the checkout page. This enables for items such as agreeing to terms and conditions, short surveys etc.
  5. Now using geonames premium giving better response and better security.
  6. Error Log added in the event of any unexpected errors, system administrators can be notified and details of the error store for further analysis.
  7. FieldSets used for checkout, manual payments, credit card updates. This allows for drag/drop page layout changes and also allows for user configurable required field settings
  8. Custom labels now used for all text and messages. This enables custom language translations to be setup