3.22 Release Notes
- Payment Processing
- Updates to payment types to correct issue where re-checks were not working 100% of the time.
- Support for Nonprofit Starter Pack 3
Added new Matching Method for “Nonprofit Starter Pack 3+”. For this to work best, we recommend having matching options of “Last Name + Street + Suburb”.
- Manual Payments
- Merchant Fee added to field set. This allows for entry of 3rd party payments that charge a fee.
- If the Payment Form being used for the Manual Payment has a payment type of “Donation” then the Donation Amount is now being updated instead of the Amount field. This makes the manual payment more consistent with the Checkout Form.
- Checkout Form
Correction to Rich Text Areas that were not displaying correctly on mobile devices
Terms and conditions, CCV pop-up window formatted to fit correctly on mobile devices
- Events
- Membership number validation is now supported. To enable, select “Validate Membership No.” at the Payment Option level.
- When a valid membership number is entered, the Payment Item is linked to the contact. In future releases, this could be used to have validation rules around membership types/details.
- A fix has been added for when only one person then the Payment Item was not being linked to the Payment Item Group
- A fix has been put in place whereby if an unexpected error occurred on the first step of the event registration wizard, then a “duplicate id” error used to occur.
- Demo Merchant Facility/Setup
- Now defaults account model being used person account, Contacts & Organisations for NP, NP3+
- Now defaults create opportunity to true
3.22 Post upgrade notes
- Add a new picklist value to the Merchant Facility Object, field: "Account Matching Method" with value of "Nonprofit Starter Pack 3+”
- Make sure you add it to the record type