6.4 September 2017
6.4 Release Notes
Recurring Payments
- Correctly calculate next payment date for non Monthly payment frequency where charging is not on sign-up, but on selected day of month.
- Workflow rule that stops automatic catch-up updated to cater for quarterly and annual frequencies. The workflow rule also updated to cater for being enabled when recurring payments already exist.
- Recurring Payments Processor checks if user has access to create Payment Txn’s. If not aborts and logs error. This will cater for the profile of the running user being set to Read Only.
- Recurring Payments Processor will not stop a batch if just one related recurring payment record is not valid due to a validation rule or filtered lookup error.
- Now works better with mobile App. If no customer specified then Payment Txn is created with last name of “Shopify Customer”.
- If mobile Shopify App creates an ad-hoc customer, then the contact details from this will be used.
- Webhook to update metadata now caters for null value in formula type fields
- Short URL Token now works with Modern and Classic forms
- ICAL file created for campaigns that have a Payment Form selected and if their record type names contact “Event”, “Program” or “Training”
- Modern Payment Form correctly updates expiry date for Payment Express gateway
- Mass Status updates for Payment Txn, Subscriptions and Account Subscriptions now available for customers to create their own version with custom selection of from/to status’s to mass update status’s.