See Qu. 21 - Checkout Form FAQ Why do I get Missing Token Error message
Why do I get Missing Token Error message?
Why do we get this error: First exception on row 0; first error: UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW, unable to obtain exclusive access to this record: []
When I click on a URL token to update a card/renew details and click submit, I get the following error message: "insufficient access rights on cross-reference id". What is causing it?
My Payment Txn keeps going to Error status, and the Error Log message says "bad value for restricted picklist"
A Payment Txn has the status error, but I can't tell if the payment was successful. How can we make sure?
I received an error with "Payment Failed - Gateway error. IO Exception: Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable". What does it mean?
Payment Txns keep going to Error with the response code - D4 and response code - DECLINED. What does this code mean?
Why do I get Missing Token Error message?
Why do we get the error- Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: ENTITY_IS_DELETED, entity is deleted: []?
Why do we get the error- An error occurred whilst submitting the checkout form[012,011,...]?
What to do if I get the Error - "No valid public key has been specified"?
Why do we get the error Checkout Error (Timeout Error)-"Payment Failed - Gateway error. IO Exception: Read timed out"?
Why do I get the error "Database.update(paymentTxnList)- field integrity exception (Guest users cannot be record owners.)"?
Why do I get the error- "Token not refreshed: payments2UsBillingFetchQueueable "?
How to resolve the error -"BPAYUtil.docreateCRNsPost, Organisation (XXXXXX) does not have BPAY CRN License. Please contact AAkonsult"?
Why do I get an Error Log email with "Program/Area: 707...."
Why do I get and Error Log email with a subject beginning with "Apex Batch Error, Exception: ..."
Why getting error with message containing text similar to "{call cTask.insert_tasks(?,?)},common.exception.SfdcSqlException: ORA-20067: ORA-06512: at "HAPPY.CSAVEUTILS"
Why do I get an Error Log with subject of "Database.update(paymentTxnList)"
Why do I get an Error Log with subject of "payments2UsDML.processDMLREST,p2usDML REST Error"?
Why do I get an Error like "Last Modified Date(Tue Jul 12 02:11:16 GMT 2022) before Create Date(Mon Aug 01 15:01:05 GMT 2022) for entity 01I2w000001qemN.: Last Modified Date, Field: LastModifiedDate"?
I am getting an "Error Log Report" with program/area "paymentMatchingUtil.createContacts"
I am getting an "Error Log Report - update(subscriptionSaveResults)" with program/area "contactUpdate.printEmailReceiptUpdate"
Why did I get a lot of errors after creating sample data? The errors have Program/Area: contactUpdateProcessor.receiptPrintEmailUpdate.
How can I fix the error with Program Area/payments2UsBillingUtil.checkBillingOk, subject: Payments2Us Billing Issue?
We are getting "Apex CPU time Limit Exceeded" error, not sure where that Program Area ID would be pointing to?
Please can you investigate what is "System.NullPointerException" error which shows in the Error Log Subject?
I received this error "Subject: System.QueryException" ,but I am not sure what this error is and how it was created?
An error message occurring for all of us that are using it, including system administrators. It is occurring every time we enter a line into a batch, not just sometimes.
Why do I get this error when trying to process payments, it says the License Key is not valid?
Error: There's a problem with this state, even though it may appear correct. Please select a state from the list of valid states.:
Error : Program/Area: EziDebitUtil.TestPublicKey Subject: invalid key Description: null {"fault":{"faultstring":"Gateway Timeout","detail":{"errorcode":"messaging.adaptors.http.flow.GatewayTimeout"}}}
Error: Program/Area: URLTokenCreate.campaignMemberTokenCreate, Subject: Payments2Us Unexpected Error: insert(URLTokenList)
Error:You do not have {insert/update/delete} access to object {Object Name}. Please contact your companies Salesforce administrator to obtain access
Error: Program/Area: paymentItemTriggerHandler.upsertTickets, Subject: Payments2Us Unexpected Error: ticketUpsertList
Error: Program/Area: paymentTxnExtShareLockProcessor.paymentLock, Subject: Database.update(paymentTxnUpdList)
Why do I get an error "SELF_REFERENCE_FROM_TRIGGER" with Subscription/Account Subscriptions or Recurring Payments updates?
What does the following error mean? Program/Area: recurringPaymentsProcessor.finish - abortJobSubject: System.abortJob(;Description
Why do I get this error "Program/Area: batchProcessor.statusUpdate" and "Description:
Why do I get this error "SObject row was retrieved via SOQL without querying the requested field: Contact.AccountId Trace: (AAkPay)"
Why are Error logs not created/linked for a Payment Txn in Error
Updated at July 27th, 2024