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We've noticed that our Batch Entries have stopped creating new Opportunities when the Batch Entry Line Items are processed. What could be causing this to happen?

Steps to be followed first:

  1. Check Payments2Us Error Log to see if there are any errors reported.
  2. Check if the "Create Opportunity" checkbox on the Payment Txn is set.
  3. See the current status of the Payment Txn.
  4. Check the user entering the Batch Entry has a permission set of Payments2Us Admin or Payments2Us standard user assigned.

One reason for this to happen is as the Batch processor runs every 10 minutes to process the transaction and "Create Opportunity" is based off the status of Receipting Complete. We have workflows that generate and send the receipts. These are against the Payment Txn object. If they are disabled, turn it off. The other reason is "Send Receipt" on the Payment Form is set to a value that will not send a receipt. If no receipt, or send manually (names similar to this, but not exactly), then that will not try to send a receipt and the payment txn will be held at Payment Complete as you are observing.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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