Payments2Us ManualsPayments2Us - Frequently Asked QuestionsCheckout Form - FAQHow do I make Cover Transaction Fees appear in the My Payment Details Section?

How do I make Cover Transaction Fees appear in the My Payment Details Section?

Requirements for Cover Transaction Fee to show

In order for the Cover Transaction checkbox to appear in the My Payment Details Section, you need to:

  • Be on version 9.11 or greater
  • Have the "Cover Transaction Fee" on the "checkoutPaymentDetail" fieldset.
    Setup > Object Manager > Payment Txn.  FieldSet Tab > checkoutPaymentDetail
  • Press "Full Reset" on the Payment Form Builder Button.
    Locate the Payment Form in Salesforce, then press "Payment Form Builder" button.
  • Be using the "HideTransDetails" URL Parameter

Example of Cover Transaction Fee Showing

Editing checkoutPaymentDetails Fieldset