Payments2Us ManualsPayments2Us - Frequently Asked QuestionsPayPal - FAQWhy do I get an error with Program/Area: paypalwebhook.doPost and Subject: Payment Form locate

Why do I get an error with Program/Area: paypalwebhook.doPost and Subject: Payment Form locate

This means the PayPal Webhooks is not able to locate the Payment Form inside Salesforce.  Please check:

  • Sharing settings.  In particular those for the Merchant Facility
  • Check the Base Site URL On your merchant Facility.  This is particularly applicable if have recently had or enabled Enhanced Domains.
  • Redo the setup for the PayPal Webhook.  Make sure the Payment Form you copy the URL from is linked to a  Merchant Facility that has the "Active" checkbox selected.

A Paypal Recurring Payment was created, but the first transaction did not make a charge and no further Payment Txns have been created. Why is it doing that?