Payments2Us ManualsPayments2Us - Frequently Asked QuestionsPayPal - FAQHow can a PayPal user cancel their Regular Payment

How can a PayPal user cancel their Regular Payment

A PayPal Recurring Payment can be cancelled by two methods

  1. A Salesforce user can update the Recurring Payment Status to "Inactive"
  2. A PayPal user can cancel the recurring payment from their PayPal dashboard.  See notes in following steps

1. PayPal user cancelling from with PayPal dashboard

After logging into PayPal:

  1. Click on Cog (top right)
  2. Click on Payments Tab
  3. Click "Manage Automatic Subscriptions" button
  1. Locate your subscription
  2. Press Cancel Button


This will then update their Recurring Payment record in Salesforce to have a Status as "Inactive" and a Cancellation Reason of "PayPal User Cancelled"