How do we create recurring payments from Import Files?
The different options for importing are:
- Import Credit Cards and Charge: [Payment Frequency IS set to One-Off].
- Import Credit Cards, Charge and Create Recurring Payment: [Payment Frequency is NOT One-Off].
- Import Credit Cards, Auth/Generate Billing Token and Create Recurring Payment: [Payment Frequency is NOT One-Off, Payment Form "Enable Recurring" set to "Yes - Tokenise on Signup, Charge on Selected Date" AND (Payment Day is not today OR Start date is in the future)].
- Import Billing Tokens and Charge: [Payment Frequency IS set to One-Off].
- Import Billing Tokens, Charge and Create Recurring Payment: [Payment Frequency is NOT One-Off].
- Import Billing Tokens, Auth/Generate Billing Token and Create Recurring Payment: [Payment Frequency is NOT One-Off, Payment Form "Enable Recurring" set to "Yes - Tokenise on Signup, Charge on Selected Date" AND (Payment Day is not today OR Start date is in the future)].
- Import Card Details and Authorise Transaction, ready for a Auth/Complete at a future date: [Payment Form, field Pre-Authorisation is selected]
NOTE: Data Trans payment Gateway does Not support items 1,2,3,4,5,7 . For item 6, it only supports to loading of the recurring payment, it cannot charge on import.
NOTE: For Stripe, EziDebit Payment Gateways do not support 4,5. You can import tokens, but not use those tokens for charging during the import process.
For the import process to create a recurring payment, you need to map:
- Frequency
- Last Name
- Amount or Donation Amount - e.g. $1
- "Billing Token" (credit card token) and "Payment Gateway Customer ProfileId" for some payment gateways (e.g. Stripe)
OR Card Number, Expiry date and optionally CCV
Recommended additional fields
- First Name
- Phone and/or MobilePhone
- Address (in particular city/suburb)
- Start Date or Payment Day
For the expiry date, this must be in MMYYYY format. Where MM is the expiry date and YYYY is the Expiry Year.
NOTE, the Month must be zero padded. I.e. "22024" is INVALID, but "022024" is VALID.
Ensure the values of the frequency match exactly with one of the valid picklist values. Failure to do so might result in the frequency being treated as daily. Valid values include: Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Quarterly, Six Monthly, Annually, Two Yearly
It is very important that your "Import Type Template" starts with "Credit Card - ". This sets the Payments Source to "Credit Card" and ensures processing works as designed.