Payments2Us ManualsPayments2Us - Frequently Asked QuestionsAnnual Statements - FAQ How do I change the reporting period for the Single Annual Statement?

How do I change the reporting period for the Single Annual Statement?

The Pdf name is maintained in the email template that is sent along with the statement pdf.

To change PDF name

Go to Setup->Classic Email Templates-> select folder: "Payments2Us" - search for 'Single Annual Statement w/ PDF' - click into the Email -- press "Edit Template" button.

Scroll down to "c:PDFStatementComponent aid="{!recipient.accountId}" cid="{!recipient.Id}" layoutType="NONE" subject="Statement {0} - {1}" reportingPeriod="CurrentFY"/" and adjust the reportingPeriod to either "CurrentFY" or "PreviousFY"

The Fiscal year date range is maintained in standard Salesforce setup under: setup - search "Fiscal Year" (Consult Salesforce online help for more information if needed)