How do I get the payment items to appear on the opportunity?
- On the Merchant Facility, make sure both Create Opportunity and Create Opportunity Line Items are ticked.
- Make sure you've created a Price Book and that it is active. See more information on Price Books here.
- Make sure all your products are setup already in the Price Book.
- There must be a price on the price book entry.
- Both the product and the price book entry for that product need to be active.
- The Product Code and the Product needs to match exactly with the product coming in from Shopify.
Product line items come from Shopify are stored in the Payment Item related Object to the Payment Txn. The field "Product Id" is used to locate the Product by the Products' field "Product Code". Should the Payment Item - Product Id field be blank, then the Payment Item - SKU field is used to locate the Product by the field "Product Code".