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Custom Fields

Topics on Custom Fields

How do the Like/Like field relationships work in Payments2Us?

A feature in Payment2Us is that some objects where if a custom field is created o ...

A feature in Payment2Us is that some objects where if a custom field is created on those objects with the same APi name, then they will populate the value in one to the other. The names (labels) of the fields don't have to match, but the APi names need to match exactly.

The Payment Txn object supports copying like for like fields to:

  • Contact
  • Account
  • Opportunity
  • Campaign Member
  • Recurring Payments*

If a Checkout Form is used with a URL Token, then like for like fields from the URL Token object are copied to:

  • Payment Txn

For Recurring Payments, like for like fields are copied from the Contact object are copied to:

  • Payment Txn

For example: A field with the API name Favourite__c on both the Payment Txn and Contact, any value in the Payment Txn field will update the same information onto the contact field.

Things to be aware of when using this feature:

  • Payments2Us managed fields have the APi naming convention of AAkPay at the start of the field names eg: AAkPay__custom__c which is not included when the feature is identifying APi names. Eg: It will consider AAkPay__custom__c to be the same APi name as custom__c. Be aware when creating custom APi names as they can be unintentionally named the same as the managed fields. This can also cause errors to occur.
  • Restricted Picklist values must match the values it is trying to update, otherwise Payment Txns will error.
  • Like/Like fields don't have to be the same field type e.g.: text, picklist etc, but it is recommended that they are.
  • The "Overview Contact Values" on the Merchant Facility needs to be set to YES in order for like to like fields to be applied.
  • It is recommended the "Batch Processor" on the Merchant Facility be started.


  • Only for custom fields added in your instance of Salesforce.  Field that are part of Payments2Us package are selectively updated by code in the matching process.
  • The target field will only be updated the the Field Level Security allows for this.  When the Batch Processor is running, the user that started the Batch Processor is the context that is used for Field Level Security.
  • For Checkbox fields, these will untick the target field if the Checkbox is NOT selected.


I've added some values to an existing picklist. They are visible, but when I try and select them, it comes back with a "bad value" error. Why can't I select this value?

When a picklist is created, the user is given the option to add the values to all ...

When a picklist is created, the user is given the option to add the values to all or particular record types in a single step during the creation process. When values are added after the fact, values need to be added to the desired record types. They might be visible, but the will not be able to be selected unless they've been added as available to that record type.

  1. Go to Setup>Object Manager, and select the object the field is part of.
  2. On the left hand menu in the Object, select Record Types.
  3. In the record type(s) find the field the new values have been added to. Click Edit next to the field name.
  4. Move them to the selected column on the right.

Do the web forms support all field types?

Unfortunately, multi-picklists fields, dependant pick lists and look-up fields ar ...

Unfortunately, multi-picklists fields, dependant pick lists and look-up fields are not supported on the web forms.

NOTE: Formula fields are only available on Complete Page. Should you need formula fields on the input page, as a work around - you may add field - mark as read only using payment form builder, apply default value. Vs. Formula field on input page.

Can we use related object fields on the Payment Txn field-sets?

For any of our field sets, please never use the related object. E.g when the "> ...

For any of our field sets, please never use the related object. E.g when the ">" symbol appears. What you need to do is create a custom field on the Payment Txn that has the same API name as that on the contact.

Then make the field publicly accessible. Steps to be followed: How to add custom fields on a web form 

How to I pass values to Checkout Form custom fields using URL Parameters customField[1...10]Name / customField[1...10]Value?

The Checkout Form allows you to populate custom field values using URL Parameters ...

The Checkout Form allows you to populate custom field values using URL Parameters.

Before you can populate a custom field on the form, you first need to use Salesforce Object Manager to Add the field to the Payment Txn Object, then make it Publicly Visible and then you can use the Payment Form Builder to add the custom field to the Checkout Form.

The ability to pass in values to a custom field is ONLY available to custom fields that your organisations has added to the Payment Txn. It cannot be used to update any of the Payments2Us Managed Package fields.

There is a possibility of 10 custom fields that can be populated. The [1...10] represents Custom Field 1, Custom Field 2, Custom Field 3.... all the way through to Custom Field 10.

The customField[1..10]Name is used to pass in the api name of the custom field you wish to update.

The customField[1..10]Value is used to pass in the value for the field that you wish to update.

If you have a custom picklist field called with an API name of make__c and a second custom field with an API name of model___c, you could use the URL Parameters below to pass in "Toyota" as the make and "Corolla" as the model.


If the field you are trying to update is a Date field type, the format of the value passed in must be in your local format. See examples in the Apex Date Class Parse documentation.

If the field you are trying to update is a DateTime field type, the format of the value passed in must be in your local format. See examples in the Apex DateTime Class Parse documentation.