About Voucher and Promo Codes
1. Voucher and Promo Code Overview
Payments2Us Vouchers provides the ability to provide a Voucher to Customers/Members/Event Attendees. Vouchers are also known as Promo Codes, Discount Codes or Coupons.
In Payments2Us you setup a Voucher Type. This is a template for the Vouchers that are subsequently created.
Once a Voucher Type has been created, you then create related Vouchers by manually creating them in Salesforce, or you could use Process Builder to create Vouchers.
Your provide your members/customers/event attendees with a voucher code. On the checkout form, they enter the voucher code to get apply the voucher discount (percent / amount)
NOTE: Premium support is required for assistance to setup Process Builder to create Vouchers. Premium support is also required if you need assistance with creating email templates to send Vouchers.