Payments2Us ManualsPayments2Us - Frequently Asked QuestionsLicense Options - FAQI think you have given me the wrong Organisation ID. The current one is 15 digit in the email you gave me, but Saleforce says this does not have enough characters and should be 18 digits?

I think you have given me the wrong Organisation ID. The current one is 15 digit in the email you gave me, but Saleforce says this does not have enough characters and should be 18 digits?

For Salesforce, the record Ids (which the Salesforce Org ID is as well) is case sensitive for the 15 character version and case insensitive for the 18 character version.  The 18 digits is generally used by consultants for data migration etc.

The first 15 characters is all that is generally needed.

We have provided only the first 15 characters as this matches the display of your Salesforce Org Id as shown in the Company Profile Section.